Avaliação da governança em instâncias deliberativas coletivas e sua relação com o planejamento turístico no município de Tiradentes (MG)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente estudo tem como objetivo central avaliar a governança das Instâncias Deliberativas Coletivas que atuam no planejamento turístico do município de Tiradentes, MG, Brasil. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados no trabalho correspondem às abordagens quantitativa e qualitativa, sendo que na abordagem quantitativa, recorreu-se à Análise Estatística Descritiva a partir do Instrumento de Coleta de Dados, elaborado com reforço da pesquisa bibliográfica existente na Revisão de Literatura do presente estudo. Na abordagem qualitativa, buscou-se a investigação documental e de campo, a partir da observação não participante e a técnica de snowball. Também adotou-se a análise de conteúdo por meio da análise temática, a fim de desvendar os núcleos existentes no processo de comunicação, teórico e empírico. Como resultados, identificou-se que as Instâncias mapeadas revelaram um alto grau de governança. No entanto, percebeu-se disparidades no que concerne às ações voltadas para o desenvolvimento do turismo no município. Além disso, observou-se que a governança caracterizada a partir dos resultados do presente estudo, está centrada em um núcleo restrito de atores, os quais determinam o desenvolvimento do turismo em Tiradentes (MG), possibilitando a este estudo, a concepção do termo Core Governance para se explicar a governança a partir das Instâncias mapeadas. Ao relacionar essa governança com os preceitos de planejamento, com enfoque nos indicadores de desenvolvimento cunhados pelo presente estudo, identificou- se um ordenamento do turismo, com perspectivas conflitantes aos apregoados nesta dissertação, o que permitiu concluir que o turismo em Tiradentes (MG) ainda é visto como a ‘galinha dos ovos de ouro” para o desenvolvimento local, cujas percepções apontam para uma operacionalização com base no crescimento econômico de curto prazo, em detrimento de ações essenciais para a coesão social, a conservação da cultura e das tradições autóctones e, a preservação dos bens materiais e imateriais, que fazem parte do acervo turístico do município, ainda que se manifestem intenções sobre tal desenvolvimento. Palavras-chave: Governança. Planejamento Turístico. Desenvolvimento. Instâncias Deliberativas Coletivas. Tiradentes (MG).
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the governance of Collective Deliberative Instances that work in tourism planning in the municipality of Tiradentes, MG, Brazil. The methodological procedures used in the study correspond to the quantitative and qualitative approaches, and in the quantitative approach, we used the Descriptive Statistical Analysis from the Data Collection Instrument, elaborated with the reinforcement of the bibliographic research existing in the Literature Review of the present study. In the qualitative approach, documentary and field research was sought, based on non-participant observation and the snowball technique. Content analysis was also adopted through thematic analysis, in order to unveil the existing nuclei in the communication process, theoretical and empirical. As a result, it was identified that the mapped Instances revealed a high degree of governance. However, disparities were perceived with regard to actions aimed at the development of tourism in the municipality. In addition, it was observed that the governance characterized from the results of the present study, is centered on a restricted group of actors, who determine the development of tourism in Tiradentes (MG), enabling this study to conceive the term Core Governance to explain governance from the mapped Instances. When relating this governance to the planning precepts, focusing on the development indicators coined by the present study, a tourism order was identified, with conflicting perspectives to those proclaimed in this dissertation, which allowed us to conclude that tourism in Tiradentes (MG) is still seen as the 'goose that lays golden eggs' for local development, whose perceptions point to an operationalization based on short-term economic growth, to the detriment of essential actions for social cohesion, the conservation of indigenous culture and traditions and , the preservation of material and immaterial goods, which are part of the municipality's tourist collection, even if intentions about such development are manifested. Keywords: Governance. Tourism Planning. Development. Collective Deliberative Instances. Tiradentes (MG).
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the governance of Collective Deliberative Instances that work in tourism planning in the municipality of Tiradentes, MG, Brazil. The methodological procedures used in the study correspond to the quantitative and qualitative approaches, and in the quantitative approach, we used the Descriptive Statistical Analysis from the Data Collection Instrument, elaborated with the reinforcement of the bibliographic research existing in the Literature Review of the present study. In the qualitative approach, documentary and field research was sought, based on non-participant observation and the snowball technique. Content analysis was also adopted through thematic analysis, in order to unveil the existing nuclei in the communication process, theoretical and empirical. As a result, it was identified that the mapped Instances revealed a high degree of governance. However, disparities were perceived with regard to actions aimed at the development of tourism in the municipality. In addition, it was observed that the governance characterized from the results of the present study, is centered on a restricted group of actors, who determine the development of tourism in Tiradentes (MG), enabling this study to conceive the term Core Governance to explain governance from the mapped Instances. When relating this governance to the planning precepts, focusing on the development indicators coined by the present study, a tourism order was identified, with conflicting perspectives to those proclaimed in this dissertation, which allowed us to conclude that tourism in Tiradentes (MG) is still seen as the 'goose that lays golden eggs' for local development, whose perceptions point to an operationalization based on short-term economic growth, to the detriment of essential actions for social cohesion, the conservation of indigenous culture and traditions and , the preservation of material and immaterial goods, which are part of the municipality's tourist collection, even if intentions about such development are manifested. Keywords: Governance. Tourism Planning. Development. Collective Deliberative Instances. Tiradentes (MG).
Governança pública, Turismo - Planejamento, Desenvolvimento sustentável
MEDIOTTE, Elias José. Avaliação da governança em instâncias deliberativas coletivas e sua relação com o planejamento turístico no município de Tiradentes (MG) . 2020. 238 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2020.