Características do perfil térmico de atletas de diferentes modalidades esportivas empregando a termografia infravermelha
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Avaliações termográficas regulares são essenciais para a criação de perfis térmicos individualizados de atletas, adaptando-se às diversas modalidades esportivas devido às características físicas e padrões de movimento específicos de cada esporte. Desta forma este estudo se divide em dois artigos principais: O primeiro artigo tem como objetivo identificar padrões termográficos entre atletas de diferentes modalidades e examinar a influência do sexo nesses padrões. Foram avaliados 89 atletas de ambos os sexos, com idade média 20,62 ± 1,5 anos, caracterizados como atletas de alto rendimento em modalidades como Basquete (n = 15), Futsal (n= 22) Judô (n= 32) e Voleibol (n= 20), utilizando-se o termovisor FLIR® T420 com emissividade de 0,98. Para a captura de imagens termográficas em repouso foi empregado o software ThermoHuman®, o que permitiu uma análise de 8 regiões corporais de interesse (RCI) da face anterior e 4 da face posterior de membros inferiores. A análise estatística incluiu teste de normalidade, ANOVA de três fatores e teste post hoc de Bonferroni para as 12 regiões de interesse (RCI) analisadas. Os resultados indicam que as diferenças térmicas entre os lados do corpo foram menores que 0,5 °C, com diferenças significativas entre os sexos em regiões como quadríceps e isquiotibiais. Nas modalidades em que houve comparação entre os sexos, os homens apresentaram uma maior temperatura em relação às mulheres de forma significativa. Houve diferenças significativas de P < 0,05 quando comparado o perfil térmico entre as modalidades esportivas, sendo o Basquetebol de forma generalizada com maior temperatura nas diferentes RCI. O segundo artigo teve como objetivo estabelecer um padrão térmico de normalidade para a articulação do joelho em atletas de alto rendimento, analisando as diferenças térmicas anteroposteriores e propondo pontos de corte para identificar joelhos hiporradiados e hiperradiados. A amostra foi composta pelo mesmo grupo de avaliados descritos no artigo 1. Os procedimentos metodológicos também foram semelhantes ao primeiro artigo. Verificamos que a assimetria da TP entre os joelhos anteriores e posteriores foi menor que 0,3 ºC e não foi afetada pelo sexo ou modalidade. No entanto, a TP variou significativamente entre as modalidades esportivas, com jogadores de basquete tendo maior TP anterior do joelho em comparação com atletas de futsal e judô, enquanto atletas de futsal tiveram menor TP anterior do joelho em comparação com jogadores de vôlei. Na visão subsequente, jogadores de basquete tiveram maior TP em comparação com atletas de futsal, judô e vôlei. Judocas tiveram menor TP posterior do joelho em comparação com atletas de futsal. A diferença térmica anteroposterior foi maior no futsal do que nas outras modalidades. Atletas de elite não lesionados apresentam padrões de TP do joelho termicamente simétricos independentemente do sexo ou modalidade esportiva. Além disso, a modalidade esportiva impacta a TP e a diferença térmica anteroposterior na articulação do joelho. Conclui-se que a modalidade esportiva e o sexo influenciam significativamente o perfil térmico dos atletas, sendo necessários padrões térmicos específicos para cada grupo. Palavras-chave: termografia; temperatura da pele; termorregulação; esporte; medicina esportiva.
Regular thermographic evaluations are essential for creating individualized thermal profiles of athletes, adapting to the different sports modalities due to the specific physical characteristics and movement patterns of each sport. This study is divided into two main articles: The first article aims to identify thermographic patterns among athletes from different sports modalities and examine the influence of sex on these patterns. A total of 89 athletes of both sexes were evaluated, with an average age of 20.62 ± 1.5 years, characterized as high-performance athletes in sports such as Basketball (n = 15), Futsal (n = 22), Judo (n = 32), and Volleyball (n = 20), using the FLIR® T420 thermal camera with an emissivity of 0.98. ThermoHuman® software was employed to capture thermographic images at rest, allowing for the analysis of 8 anterior and 4 posterior regions of interest (ROI) on the lower limbs. The statistical analysis included a normality test, three-way ANOVA, and Bonferroni post hoc test for the 12 regions of interest (ROI) analyzed. The results indicate that thermal differences between the body sides were smaller than 0.5 °C, with significant differences between sexes in regions such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. In the sports modalities where sex comparisons were made, men presented significantly higher temperatures than women. Significant differences of P < 0.05 were found when comparing the thermal profile between sports modalities, with Basketball generally showing higher temperatures across different ROIs. The second article aimed to establish a thermal normality pattern for the knee joint in high-performance athletes, analyzing anteroposterior thermal differences and proposing cutoff points to identify hyporadiated and hyperradiated knees. The sample consisted of the same group of participants described in Article 1, and the methodological procedures were also similar to those in the first article. We found that the Tsk asymmetry between the anterior and posterior knees was less than 0.3 °C and was not affected by sex or sports modality. However, Tsk varied significantly among sports modalities, with basketball players having higher anterior knee Tsk compared to futsal and judo athletes, while futsal athletes had lower anterior knee Tsk compared to volleyball players. In the posterior view, basketball players had higher Tsk compared to futsal, judo, and volleyball athletes. Judokas had lower posterior knee Tsk compared to futsal athletes. The anteroposterior thermal difference was greater in futsal than in the other modalities. Uninjured elite athletes present thermally symmetric knee Tsk patterns regardless of sex or sports modality. Furthermore, sports modality impacts Tsk and the anteroposterior thermal difference in the knee joint. It is concluded that sports modality and sex significantly influence the thermal profile of athletes, and specific thermal patterns are needed for each group. Keywords: thermography; skin temperature; thermoregulation; sport; sports medicine.
Regular thermographic evaluations are essential for creating individualized thermal profiles of athletes, adapting to the different sports modalities due to the specific physical characteristics and movement patterns of each sport. This study is divided into two main articles: The first article aims to identify thermographic patterns among athletes from different sports modalities and examine the influence of sex on these patterns. A total of 89 athletes of both sexes were evaluated, with an average age of 20.62 ± 1.5 years, characterized as high-performance athletes in sports such as Basketball (n = 15), Futsal (n = 22), Judo (n = 32), and Volleyball (n = 20), using the FLIR® T420 thermal camera with an emissivity of 0.98. ThermoHuman® software was employed to capture thermographic images at rest, allowing for the analysis of 8 anterior and 4 posterior regions of interest (ROI) on the lower limbs. The statistical analysis included a normality test, three-way ANOVA, and Bonferroni post hoc test for the 12 regions of interest (ROI) analyzed. The results indicate that thermal differences between the body sides were smaller than 0.5 °C, with significant differences between sexes in regions such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. In the sports modalities where sex comparisons were made, men presented significantly higher temperatures than women. Significant differences of P < 0.05 were found when comparing the thermal profile between sports modalities, with Basketball generally showing higher temperatures across different ROIs. The second article aimed to establish a thermal normality pattern for the knee joint in high-performance athletes, analyzing anteroposterior thermal differences and proposing cutoff points to identify hyporadiated and hyperradiated knees. The sample consisted of the same group of participants described in Article 1, and the methodological procedures were also similar to those in the first article. We found that the Tsk asymmetry between the anterior and posterior knees was less than 0.3 °C and was not affected by sex or sports modality. However, Tsk varied significantly among sports modalities, with basketball players having higher anterior knee Tsk compared to futsal and judo athletes, while futsal athletes had lower anterior knee Tsk compared to volleyball players. In the posterior view, basketball players had higher Tsk compared to futsal, judo, and volleyball athletes. Judokas had lower posterior knee Tsk compared to futsal athletes. The anteroposterior thermal difference was greater in futsal than in the other modalities. Uninjured elite athletes present thermally symmetric knee Tsk patterns regardless of sex or sports modality. Furthermore, sports modality impacts Tsk and the anteroposterior thermal difference in the knee joint. It is concluded that sports modality and sex significantly influence the thermal profile of athletes, and specific thermal patterns are needed for each group. Keywords: thermography; skin temperature; thermoregulation; sport; sports medicine.
Medicina esportiva, Termografia, Temperatura cutânea, Esportes, Temperatura corporal - Regulação
REZENDE, Cristiane Mara de. Características do perfil térmico de atletas de diferentes modalidades esportivas empregando a termografia infravermelha. 2024. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.