Propriedades interfaciais de albumina de tremoço branco e estabilidade cinética de emulsões o/a
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A procura por novas fontes de emulsificantes de origem vegetal está vinculada à promoção da inovação, ao viabilizar diversificação de matérias-primas, alinhar preferências do consumidor e associar alternativas sustentáveis na produção de emulsões alimentares cineticamente estáveis. O tremoço branco apresenta boas propriedades gelificante, de hidratação e interfaciais e, portanto, potencial tecnológico para ser utilizado nas indústrias alimentícias. Logo, o objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as propriedades emulsificantes por métodos estático e dinâmico, além de desenvolver e avaliar a estabilidade cinética de emulsões O/A, contendo albumina de tremoço branco, com vistas à sua aplicação em sistemas alimentícios. Para tanto, fez- se a extração e caracterização das albuminas (SDS-PAGE, potencial Zeta (ζ), tamanho de partícula, índice de polidispersividade (PDI), solubilidade e propriedades interfaciais e dilatacionais). Além disso, avaliou-se a estabilidade cinética de emulsões O/A, com variação na proporção das fases contínua e dispersa, durante 21 dias de armazenamento. Os sistemas emulsionados foram caracterizados quanto a reologia, potencial Zeta, diâmetro médio das gotas, PDI, microestrutura e índice de cremosidade. Os resultados indicaram perfil de solubilidade característico de leguminosas, com valores mais baixos na faixa de pH próximo ao ponto isoelétrico (pH 4,3) e mais altos à medida que afastava desse valor. O potencial ζ variou de +30 mV a −30 mV, com maior estabilidade da dispersão em pH longe do ponto isoelétrico. A condição de saturação da interface foi atingida em 0,8% (p/v), com maior coeficiente de transferência de massa (0,41 mN*m-1s-0,5). Além disso, as taxas de adsorção e rearranjo foram baixas, o que indica maior dificuldade de desnaturação das proteínas na superfície e na formação do filme interfacial, que por sua vez, exibiu comportamento elástico superior ao módulo viscoso, com camadas interfaciais que se comportam como um gel crítico 2D composto por componentes anfifílicos adsorvidos, o que pode contribuir com uma maior estabilidade cinética do sistema emulsionado. Com relação as emulsões, os resultados mostram que para os tratamentos com menor proporção de óleo apresentaram comportamento newtoniano, enquanto que as com maior teor, apresentaram comportamento pseudoplástico (predominância do caráter elástico). A emulsão com 20% de óleo e 80% de fase contínua apresentou boa estabilidade e menor formação de creme. Esta estabilidade cinética foi favorecida pela soma de vários fatores, sendo eles: baixa tensão interfacial, filme interfacial elástico, potencial zeta e pequenas gotas. Os baixos valores de tensão interfacial, adsorção e rearranjo e a rápida difusão das albuminas de tremoço em direção à interface sugerem sua potencial aplicação como emulsificante. Além disso, com base na associação dos resultados da análise das propriedades interfaciais das soluções e das características físicas e químicas das emulsões O/A, este estudo foi relevante para a compreensão de sistemas formados por albuminas de tremoço para a produção e controle da estabilidade cinética de emulsões. E para evidenciar possibilidades de aplicação de uma fração proteica que muitas vezes é negligenciada ou descartada. Palavras-chave: Lupinus albus. Proteína vegetal. Reologia interfacial. Estabilidade cinética de emulsão.
The search for new sources of plant-based emulsifiers is linked to the promotion of innovation, enabling the diversification of raw materials, aligning consumer preferences, and associating sustainable alternatives in the production of kinetically stable food emulsions. White lupin presents good gelling, hydration, and interfacial properties, and therefore, technological potential to be used in the food industries. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the emulsifying properties by static and dynamic methods, as well as to develop and evaluate the kinetic stability of O/W emulsions containing white lupin albumin, aiming at its application in food systems. For this purpose, extraction and characterization of the albumins were carried out (SDS- PAGE, Zeta potential (ζ), particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), solubility, and interfacial and dilational properties). In addition, the kinetic stability of O/W emulsions was evaluated, with variation in the proportion of continuous and dispersed phases, during 21 days of storage. The emulsified systems were characterized for rheology, Zeta potential, mean droplet diameter, PDI, microstructure, and creaminess index. The results indicated a solubility profile characteristic of legumes, with lower values in the pH range near the isoelectric point (pH 4,3) and higher as it moved away from this value. The ζ potential ranged from +30 mV to -30 mV, with greater dispersion stability at pH away from the isoelectric point. The interface saturation condition was reached at 0,8% (w/v), with higher mass transfer coefficient (0,41 mN*m-1s-0,5). In addition, the adsorption and rearrangement rates were low, indicating greater difficulty in protein denaturation on the surface and in the formation of the interfacial film, which in turn exhibited elastic behavior superior to the viscous modulus, with interfacial layers behaving like a 2D critical gel composed of adsorbed amphiphilic components, which may contribute to greater kinetic stability of the emulsified system. Regarding the emulsions, the results show that treatments with lower oil proportion exhibited newtonian behavior, while those with higher content showed pseudoplastic behavior (predominance of elastic character). The emulsion with 20% oil and 80% continuous phase showed good stability and lower creaming. This kinetic stability was favored by the sum of several factors, including low interfacial tension, elastic interfacial film, Zeta potential, and small droplets. The low values of interfacial tension, adsorption, and rearrangement, and the rapid diffusion of lupin albumins toward the interface suggest their potential application as emulsifiers. Additionally, based on the association of the results of the analysis of the interfacial properties of the solutions and the physical and chemical characteristics of the O/W emulsions, this study was relevant for the understanding of systems formed by lupin albumins for the production and control of the kinetic stability of emulsions. In addition, to highlight possibilities of application of a protein fraction that is often neglected or discarded. Keywords: Lupinus albus. Vegetable protein. Interfacial rheology. Kinect stability of emulsion.
The search for new sources of plant-based emulsifiers is linked to the promotion of innovation, enabling the diversification of raw materials, aligning consumer preferences, and associating sustainable alternatives in the production of kinetically stable food emulsions. White lupin presents good gelling, hydration, and interfacial properties, and therefore, technological potential to be used in the food industries. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate the emulsifying properties by static and dynamic methods, as well as to develop and evaluate the kinetic stability of O/W emulsions containing white lupin albumin, aiming at its application in food systems. For this purpose, extraction and characterization of the albumins were carried out (SDS- PAGE, Zeta potential (ζ), particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), solubility, and interfacial and dilational properties). In addition, the kinetic stability of O/W emulsions was evaluated, with variation in the proportion of continuous and dispersed phases, during 21 days of storage. The emulsified systems were characterized for rheology, Zeta potential, mean droplet diameter, PDI, microstructure, and creaminess index. The results indicated a solubility profile characteristic of legumes, with lower values in the pH range near the isoelectric point (pH 4,3) and higher as it moved away from this value. The ζ potential ranged from +30 mV to -30 mV, with greater dispersion stability at pH away from the isoelectric point. The interface saturation condition was reached at 0,8% (w/v), with higher mass transfer coefficient (0,41 mN*m-1s-0,5). In addition, the adsorption and rearrangement rates were low, indicating greater difficulty in protein denaturation on the surface and in the formation of the interfacial film, which in turn exhibited elastic behavior superior to the viscous modulus, with interfacial layers behaving like a 2D critical gel composed of adsorbed amphiphilic components, which may contribute to greater kinetic stability of the emulsified system. Regarding the emulsions, the results show that treatments with lower oil proportion exhibited newtonian behavior, while those with higher content showed pseudoplastic behavior (predominance of elastic character). The emulsion with 20% oil and 80% continuous phase showed good stability and lower creaming. This kinetic stability was favored by the sum of several factors, including low interfacial tension, elastic interfacial film, Zeta potential, and small droplets. The low values of interfacial tension, adsorption, and rearrangement, and the rapid diffusion of lupin albumins toward the interface suggest their potential application as emulsifiers. Additionally, based on the association of the results of the analysis of the interfacial properties of the solutions and the physical and chemical characteristics of the O/W emulsions, this study was relevant for the understanding of systems formed by lupin albumins for the production and control of the kinetic stability of emulsions. In addition, to highlight possibilities of application of a protein fraction that is often neglected or discarded. Keywords: Lupinus albus. Vegetable protein. Interfacial rheology. Kinect stability of emulsion.
Lupinus albus, Proteína vegetal, Reologia, Emulsões, Cinética químicaI
ALMEIDA, Alessandra Villano. Propriedades interfaciais de albumina de tremoço branco e estabilidade cinética de emulsões o/a. 2024. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa.2024.