Transição florestal na porção mineira do Plano Conservador da Mata Atlântica
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A Mata Atlântica, desde a colonização do Brasil, tem sofrido com a ação antrópica, restando aproximadamente 24% da área de floresta original. O histórico de perturbação impactou diretamente o que resta do bioma, culminando em uma paisagem altamente fragmentada. Nas últimas décadas, nas regiões de ocorrência da Mata Atlântica com o crescimento econômico no meio urbano, houve uma migração da população rural para os centros urbanos, ocasionada por uma busca por melhores oportunidades. Isto trouxe alterações no uso e cobertura do solo, resultando, principalmente, em áreas improdutivas, abandonadas e com maior cobertura florestal, sendo um dos motivos a falta de mão-de-obra no campo. Assim, surge a dúvida se a cobertura florestal chegou ao seu mínimo e se já está acontecendo o aumento destas áreas, o que caracterizaria o processo de transição florestal. Além disso, o entendimento dos fatores socioeconômicos que influenciam o abandono das áreas rurais e, consequentemente, a mudança na cobertura da paisagem são de suma importância para entender o avanço da transição florestal na Mata Atlântica. Dessa forma, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a ocorrência de transição florestal na porção mineira do Plano Conservador da Mata Atlântica e a associação com indicadores socioeconômicos nesse processo. O estudo foi realizado a partir da aquisição de dados históricos de uso e cobertura do solo disponíveis no MapBiomas e de indicadores socioeconômicos disponíveis no IBGE. A partir da obtenção dos dados foi possível analisar a interação entre eles a fim de verificar como os indicadores socioeconômicos podem estar associados com a mudança do uso e cobertura do solo e de uma possível transição florestal na região. De maneira geral, a região estudada obteve um aumento de 3,1% na área de cobertura florestal de 1985 a 2022. Ao separar por mesorregião verificou-se que Campo das Vertentes, Zona da Mata e Oeste de Minas tiveram aumento da cobertura florestal e nas mesorregiões Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte e Sul/Sudoeste de Minas, houve diminuição. Pastagem é o uso e cobertura mais significativo na área de estudo, e foi o que diminuiu 23% de área em relação a 1985. As maiores mudanças ocorreram de pastagem para mosaico de usos, lavouras temporárias e perenes e para área urbana. O aumento da área urbana foi de 39% e a população urbana teve um crescimento de 81,5%, em relação a 1985. Em relação ao período analisado, tem-se duas situações: diminuição da cobertura florestal até 2002 e aumento a partir de 2003. Todas as mesorregiões e a área de estudo como um todo passaram por um ponto de inflexão entre o declínio e a expansão da cobertura florestal nos 38 anos estudados. Portanto, é possível inferir que a transição florestal está ocorrendo na região estudada. Além disso, verifica-se que não há diferenciação da transição florestal entre municípios com maior valor adicionado bruto do setor da indústria no PIB e municípios com maior valor adicionado bruto do setor da agropecuária, pois em ambos há aumento da cobertura florestal durante o período estudado. Palavras-chave: mata atlântica; mudança no uso do solo; migração rural-urbana; diagrama de sankey.
The Atlantic Forest has suffered from human activity since the colonization of Brazil, with approximately 24% of its original forest area remaining. The history of disturbance has directly impacted what remains of the biome, culminating in a highly fragmented landscape. In recent decades, in the regions where the Atlantic Forest occurs, with economic growth in urban areas, there has been a migration of the rural population to urban centers, caused by a search for better opportunities. This has led to changes in land use and coverage, resulting mainly in unproductive, abandoned areas with greater forest coverage, one of the reasons being the lack of labor in the countryside. Thus, the question arises as to whether forest coverage has reached its minimum and whether these areas are already increasing, which would characterize the process of forest transition. In addition, understanding the socioeconomic factors that influence the abandonment of rural areas and, consequently, the change in landscape coverage is of utmost importance to understand the progress of forest transition in the Atlantic Forest. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of forest transition in the Minas Gerais portion of the Atlantic Forest Conservation Plan and the association with socioeconomic indicators in this process. The study was carried out based on the acquisition of historical data on land use and cover available on MapBiomas and socioeconomic indicators available on IBGE. From the data obtained, it was possible to analyze the interaction between them in order to verify how socioeconomic indicators may be associated with the change in land use and cover and a possible forest transition in the region. In general, the region studied obtained a 3.1% increase in the area of forest cover from 1985 to 2022. When separated by mesoregion, it was found that Campo das Vertentes, Zona da Mata and Oeste de Minas had an increase in forest cover and in the mesoregions Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte and Sul/Sudoeste de Minas, there was a decrease. Pasture is the most significant use and coverage in the study area, and it was the one that decreased by 23% in area in relation to 1985. The biggest changes occurred from pasture to mosaic of uses, temporary and perennial crops and to urban area. The increase in urban area was 39% and the urban population grew by 81.5%, in relation to 1985. Regarding the analyzed period, there are two situations: a decrease in forest coverage until 2002 and an increase from 2003 onwards. All mesoregions and the study area as a whole went through an inflection point between the decline and expansion of forest coverage in the 38 years studied. Therefore, it is possible to infer that the forest transition is occurring in the studied region. Furthermore, it is found that there is no differentiation in the forest transition between municipalities with a higher gross added value of the industry sector in the GDP and municipalities with a higher gross added value of the agricultural sector, as in both there is an increase in forest cover during the period studied. Keywords: atlantic forest; land use change; rural-urban migration; sankey diagram.
The Atlantic Forest has suffered from human activity since the colonization of Brazil, with approximately 24% of its original forest area remaining. The history of disturbance has directly impacted what remains of the biome, culminating in a highly fragmented landscape. In recent decades, in the regions where the Atlantic Forest occurs, with economic growth in urban areas, there has been a migration of the rural population to urban centers, caused by a search for better opportunities. This has led to changes in land use and coverage, resulting mainly in unproductive, abandoned areas with greater forest coverage, one of the reasons being the lack of labor in the countryside. Thus, the question arises as to whether forest coverage has reached its minimum and whether these areas are already increasing, which would characterize the process of forest transition. In addition, understanding the socioeconomic factors that influence the abandonment of rural areas and, consequently, the change in landscape coverage is of utmost importance to understand the progress of forest transition in the Atlantic Forest. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of forest transition in the Minas Gerais portion of the Atlantic Forest Conservation Plan and the association with socioeconomic indicators in this process. The study was carried out based on the acquisition of historical data on land use and cover available on MapBiomas and socioeconomic indicators available on IBGE. From the data obtained, it was possible to analyze the interaction between them in order to verify how socioeconomic indicators may be associated with the change in land use and cover and a possible forest transition in the region. In general, the region studied obtained a 3.1% increase in the area of forest cover from 1985 to 2022. When separated by mesoregion, it was found that Campo das Vertentes, Zona da Mata and Oeste de Minas had an increase in forest cover and in the mesoregions Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte and Sul/Sudoeste de Minas, there was a decrease. Pasture is the most significant use and coverage in the study area, and it was the one that decreased by 23% in area in relation to 1985. The biggest changes occurred from pasture to mosaic of uses, temporary and perennial crops and to urban area. The increase in urban area was 39% and the urban population grew by 81.5%, in relation to 1985. Regarding the analyzed period, there are two situations: a decrease in forest coverage until 2002 and an increase from 2003 onwards. All mesoregions and the study area as a whole went through an inflection point between the decline and expansion of forest coverage in the 38 years studied. Therefore, it is possible to infer that the forest transition is occurring in the studied region. Furthermore, it is found that there is no differentiation in the forest transition between municipalities with a higher gross added value of the industry sector in the GDP and municipalities with a higher gross added value of the agricultural sector, as in both there is an increase in forest cover during the period studied. Keywords: atlantic forest; land use change; rural-urban migration; sankey diagram.
Mata Atlântica, Cobertura florestal, Solo - Uso, Migração rural-urbana, Plano Conservador da Mata Atlântica
FREITAS, Mariany Filipini de. Transição florestal na porção mineira do Plano Conservador da Mata Atlântica. 2024. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Florestal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.