Influência do ciclo menstrual na flexibilidade de mulheres adultas jovens
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O aumento na participação das mulheres nos esportes e atividades físicas, impõe a necessidade de entender melhor sua fisiologia, em especial, relacionada ao ciclo menstrual (CM). O CM é regulado pelo eixo hipotálamo-hipófise ovariano, com flutuações hormonais do estradiol, progesterona, hormônio luteinizante (LH) e folículo estimulante (FSH), com duração média de 28 dias. Para além da regulação do CM, esses hormônios interagem com outros sistemas do corpo humano, podendo impactar o desempenho físico das mulheres. Uma capacidade física que parece ser afetada é a flexibilidade, que desempenha um papel importante na performance do exercício e diminuição dos riscos de lesões. Portanto, essa dissertação é composta por um artigo de revisão sistemática, com objetivo investigar os efeitos do CM na flexibilidade dos isquiotibiais de mulheres adultas que fazem uso ou não de contraceptivos orais (CO), e um artigo original, que investigou os níveis de flexibilidade de mulheres adultas jovens, que faziam ou não uso de CO, durante as diferentes fases do CM. Os achados da revisão sistemática foram inconsistentes devido aos divergentes métodos aplicados nos estudos e ao limitado número de artigos encontrados. No artigo original, houve uma diferença significativa da flexibilidade na fase folicular inicial em voluntárias sem uso de CO, que parece estar relacionado à flutuação em seus valores hormonais. No grupo com uso de CO não houve significância estatística, tanto na flexibilidade, quanto nos hormônios. Palavras-chave: Hormônios sexuais; Flexibilidade; Ciclo Menstrual.
There has been an increase in the participation of women in sports and physical activities, resulting in the need to better understand their physiology, especially related to the menstrual cycle (MC). CM is regulated by the ovarian hypothalamic-pituitary axis, with hormonal fluctuations in estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), with an average duration of 28 days. In addition to the regulation of CM, these hormones interact with other systems of the human body, which can impact women's physical performance. One physical ability that appears to be affected is flexibility, which plays an important role in exercise performance and reducing the risk of injury. Therefore, this dissertation is composed of a systematic review article, with the objective of investigating the effects of MC on the flexibility of the hamstrings of adult women who use oral contraceptives (OC) or not, and an original article, which investigated the levels of flexibility of young adult women, who used OC or not, during the different phases of MC. The findings of the systematic review were very inconsistent due to the divergent methods applied in the studies and the limited number of articles found. Regarding the original article, there was a significant difference in flexibility in the initial follicular phase in volunteers without the use of oral contraceptives (OC), which seems to be related to fluctuation in their hormonal values. In the group using (OC) there was no statistical significance, both in flexibility and hormones. Keywords: Sex hormones; Flexibility; Menstrual Cycle.
There has been an increase in the participation of women in sports and physical activities, resulting in the need to better understand their physiology, especially related to the menstrual cycle (MC). CM is regulated by the ovarian hypothalamic-pituitary axis, with hormonal fluctuations in estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), with an average duration of 28 days. In addition to the regulation of CM, these hormones interact with other systems of the human body, which can impact women's physical performance. One physical ability that appears to be affected is flexibility, which plays an important role in exercise performance and reducing the risk of injury. Therefore, this dissertation is composed of a systematic review article, with the objective of investigating the effects of MC on the flexibility of the hamstrings of adult women who use oral contraceptives (OC) or not, and an original article, which investigated the levels of flexibility of young adult women, who used OC or not, during the different phases of MC. The findings of the systematic review were very inconsistent due to the divergent methods applied in the studies and the limited number of articles found. Regarding the original article, there was a significant difference in flexibility in the initial follicular phase in volunteers without the use of oral contraceptives (OC), which seems to be related to fluctuation in their hormonal values. In the group using (OC) there was no statistical significance, both in flexibility and hormones. Keywords: Sex hormones; Flexibility; Menstrual Cycle.
Exercícios físicos, Ciclo Menstrual, Hormônios sexuais, Articulações - Amplitude de movimento
COSTA, Bárbara Dias Diniz da. Influência do ciclo menstrual na flexibilidade de mulheres adultas jovens. 2024. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.