Contos que recontam histórias: figurações identitárias na literatura de Olinda Beja
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O continente africano, com toda sua extensão e pluralidade étnica, linguística, histórica e religiosa é concebido, não raras vezes, como um todo unificado. Essa visão reduzida sustentou-se durante o processo de colonização dos países africanos e dessa história de dominação surgiu uma África inventada pelo ocidente, com história única, definida e contada pela perspectiva eurocêntrica. Tendo em conta o panorama exposto, apresentamos nessa dissertação uma investigação, assentada nos estudos pós-coloniais, sobre a Literatura São-tomense e os processos identitários. Para tanto, elegemos a obra Histórias da Gravana (2011), da escritora Olinda Beja, com o objetivo de investigar na referida obra os recursos utilizados para a construção de uma identidade cultural são-tomense. Analisaremos, mais especificamente, as relações entre memória, oralidade e identidade cultural em alguns contos da obra supracitada. Esta pesquisa tem caráter bibliográfico, com uma proposição metodológica analítico-descritiva, e fundamenta-se, principalmente, nos pressupostos teóricos de Stuart Hall (2004; 2013), Achille Mbembe (2014; 2017), Joel Candau (2011) e Inocência Mata (1998; 2010). Consideramos que o conjunto de contos que compõe Histórias da Gravana (2011) dissemina a cultura de um povo que se expressa por meio da variedade de línguas, dos costumes, das crenças, dentre tantos outros relevantes aspectos que se relacionam com a identidade cultural de São Tomé e Príncipe. Fazendo refletir também sobre a história do país, as narrativas denunciam os desmandos do sistema colonial e permitem o protagonismo daqueles que foram oprimidos e colocados à margem nesse sistema. Nas narrativas de Histórias da Gravana (2011), Olinda Beja deixa o seu legado de são- tomensidade. Concluímos, desse modo, que a Literatura, para além dos seus objetivos linguísticos e estéticos, é também um instrumento político.
The African continent with its ethnic, linguistic, historical and religious extension and plurality is conceived, not infrequently, as a unified whole. This reduced vision was sustained during the process of colonization of African countries and from this history of domination came an Africa invented by the West - with a unique history - defined and told by the Eurocentric perspective. Through the above scenario, we present in this dissertation an investigation, based on postcolonial studies, on the São Toméan Literature and the identity processes. In this direction, we choose the analyze Histórias da Gravana (2011), of the writer Olinda Beja, with the purpose of investigating in this work the resources used for the construction of a cultural identity of São Toméan. We will analyze, more specifically, the relations between memory, orality and cultural identity in some short stories. This research has a bibliographic character, with an analytical-descriptive methodological proposition, and is based, mainly, on the theoretical presuppositions of Stuart Hall (2004; 2013), Achille Mbembe (2014; 2017) and Inocência Mata (1998; 2010). We consider that the set of stories that composing Histórias da Gravana (2011) disseminates the culture of a people that is expressed through the variety of languages, customs, beliefs, among many other relevant aspects that relate to the cultural identity of São Toméan and Principe. Reflecting also on the history of the country, the narratives denounce the excesses of the colonial system and allow the protagonism of those who were oppressed and placed in the margin in this system. In the narratives of Histórias da Gravana (2011), Olinda Beja leaves her legacy of são-tomensidade. We conclude, therefore, that literature, in addition to its linguistic and aesthetic objectives, is also a political instrument.
The African continent with its ethnic, linguistic, historical and religious extension and plurality is conceived, not infrequently, as a unified whole. This reduced vision was sustained during the process of colonization of African countries and from this history of domination came an Africa invented by the West - with a unique history - defined and told by the Eurocentric perspective. Through the above scenario, we present in this dissertation an investigation, based on postcolonial studies, on the São Toméan Literature and the identity processes. In this direction, we choose the analyze Histórias da Gravana (2011), of the writer Olinda Beja, with the purpose of investigating in this work the resources used for the construction of a cultural identity of São Toméan. We will analyze, more specifically, the relations between memory, orality and cultural identity in some short stories. This research has a bibliographic character, with an analytical-descriptive methodological proposition, and is based, mainly, on the theoretical presuppositions of Stuart Hall (2004; 2013), Achille Mbembe (2014; 2017) and Inocência Mata (1998; 2010). We consider that the set of stories that composing Histórias da Gravana (2011) disseminates the culture of a people that is expressed through the variety of languages, customs, beliefs, among many other relevant aspects that relate to the cultural identity of São Toméan and Principe. Reflecting also on the history of the country, the narratives denounce the excesses of the colonial system and allow the protagonism of those who were oppressed and placed in the margin in this system. In the narratives of Histórias da Gravana (2011), Olinda Beja leaves her legacy of são-tomensidade. We conclude, therefore, that literature, in addition to its linguistic and aesthetic objectives, is also a political instrument.
Analise do discurso narrativo, Identidade cultural na literatura, Beja, Olinda, 1946-, Literatura sao-tomense
SANTOS, Thaíse de Santana. Contos que recontam histórias: figurações identitárias na literatura de Olinda Beja. 2019. 89 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.