Otimização da extração assistida por ultrassom de antocianinas de pétalas de Clitoria ternatea por meio de solvente eutético natural profundo e estudo da estabilidade colorimétrica e de compostos bioativos dos extratos
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A otimização da extração de biocompostos de plantas medicinais, assim como a utilização de solventes verdes, possuí relevância para variados setores, como indústrias alimentícias, farmacêuticas ou cosméticas. O objetivo desse estudo foi otimizar o tempo de extração (15-50 minutos), a temperatura (40-80°C) e a razão mássica pétala solvente (2,5-7%) da extração assistida por ultrassom de antocianinas de Clitoria ternatea utilizando um solvente eutético natural profundo composto de cloreto de colina, glicerol e água (ChCl:Gly) e comparar a eficiência de extração e a estabilidade desses extratos com a extração aquosa. O delineamento em Box-Behnken foi estruturado para a otimização do processo e foram realizadas as análises de antocianinas totais, capacidade antioxidante (DPPH) e estabilidade colorimétrica dos extratos armazenados sob diferentes condições por 21 dias. A condição ótima de extração foi 80°C, 50 minutos e pétala:solvente de 7% e observou-se que todas as variáveis estudadas influenciaram no conteúdo total de antocianinas extraídas sendo que o solvente ChCl:Gly extraiu maiores teores de antocianinas (374,65 mg/L) do que o solvente água (211,63 mg/L). O extrato com o solvente ChCl:Gly mantido à 5°C apresentou menor perda de antocianinas (16%) em relação à sua concentração no tempo zero enquanto o extrato com o solvente água armazenado nas mesmas condições, houve degradação de 38% do conteúdo de antocianinas totais em relação ao tempo zero. O extrato com solvente ChCl:Gly também apresentou maior capacidade antioxidante (156,43 µmol/mL) em comparação ao extrato aquoso (93,01 µmol/mL), no entanto, houve maior perda da capacidade antioxidante nos extratos do solvente eutético (78%) do que nos extratos do solvente água (70%), durante os 21 dias de estocagem sob diferentes condições. Para os atributos de cor, as variações de saturação do solvente eutético entre as condições de armazenamento foram ligeiramente menores, com aumento de saturação de 31,6% na condição luz e de 9,6% na condição ambiente, após 21 dias de armazenamento. Os resultados apontam a eficiência da extração assistida por ultrassom de pétalas de Clitoria ternatea utilizando solvente eutético natural profundo para obter extratos ricos em antocianinas com padrões colorimétricos estáveis. Palavras chave: Clitoria ternatea, capacidade antioxidante, polifenóis, corante natural.
Optimization of the extraction of compounds from medicinal plants and using green solvents is relevant to various sectors, such as the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Therefore, the objective of this study was to optimize the extraction time (15- 50 minutes), temperature (40-80°C), and solvent petal mass ratio (2.5-7%) of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins. of Clitoria ternatea using a deep natural eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride, glycerol, and water (ChCl: Gly) and compare extraction efficiency and stability of these extracts with aqueous extraction. The Box-Behnken design was structured to optimize the process, and analyses of total anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity (DPPH), and colorimetric stability of extracts stored under different conditions for 21 days were carried out. The optimal extraction condition was 80°C, 50 minutes, and 7% petal: solvent, and it was observed that all variables studied influenced the total content of anthocyanins extracted, with the ChCl: Gly solvent extracting higher levels of anthocyanins (374, 65 mg/L) than the solvent water (211.63 mg/L). The extract with the solvent ChCl: Gly kept at 5°C showed less loss of anthocyanins (16%) about their concentration at time zero, while the extract with the solvent water stored under the same conditions, there was a degradation of 38% of the content of total anthocyanins about time zero. The ChCl: Gly solvent extract also showed greater antioxidant capacity (156.43 µmol/mL) than the aqueous extract (93.01 µmol/mL). However, there was a more significant loss of antioxidant capacity in the eutectic solvent extracts (78 %) than in water solvent extracts (70%) during the 21 days of storage under different conditions. For color attributes, the saturation variations of the eutectic solvent between storage conditions were slightly more minor, with an increase in saturation of 31.6% in the light condition and 9.6% in the ambient condition after 21 days of storage. These results demonstrate the efficiency of optimizing the ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Clitoria ternatea petals using eutectic solvents of choline chloride and glycerol to produce extracts with colorimetric stability and conservation of the bioactive compounds of interest. Keywords: green solvent, antioxidant capacity, polyphenols, natural dye.
Optimization of the extraction of compounds from medicinal plants and using green solvents is relevant to various sectors, such as the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries. Therefore, the objective of this study was to optimize the extraction time (15- 50 minutes), temperature (40-80°C), and solvent petal mass ratio (2.5-7%) of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins. of Clitoria ternatea using a deep natural eutectic solvent composed of choline chloride, glycerol, and water (ChCl: Gly) and compare extraction efficiency and stability of these extracts with aqueous extraction. The Box-Behnken design was structured to optimize the process, and analyses of total anthocyanins, antioxidant capacity (DPPH), and colorimetric stability of extracts stored under different conditions for 21 days were carried out. The optimal extraction condition was 80°C, 50 minutes, and 7% petal: solvent, and it was observed that all variables studied influenced the total content of anthocyanins extracted, with the ChCl: Gly solvent extracting higher levels of anthocyanins (374, 65 mg/L) than the solvent water (211.63 mg/L). The extract with the solvent ChCl: Gly kept at 5°C showed less loss of anthocyanins (16%) about their concentration at time zero, while the extract with the solvent water stored under the same conditions, there was a degradation of 38% of the content of total anthocyanins about time zero. The ChCl: Gly solvent extract also showed greater antioxidant capacity (156.43 µmol/mL) than the aqueous extract (93.01 µmol/mL). However, there was a more significant loss of antioxidant capacity in the eutectic solvent extracts (78 %) than in water solvent extracts (70%) during the 21 days of storage under different conditions. For color attributes, the saturation variations of the eutectic solvent between storage conditions were slightly more minor, with an increase in saturation of 31.6% in the light condition and 9.6% in the ambient condition after 21 days of storage. These results demonstrate the efficiency of optimizing the ultrasound-assisted extraction of anthocyanins from Clitoria ternatea petals using eutectic solvents of choline chloride and glycerol to produce extracts with colorimetric stability and conservation of the bioactive compounds of interest. Keywords: green solvent, antioxidant capacity, polyphenols, natural dye.
Extração por solventes, Clitoria ternatea, Antioxidantes, Polifenóis, Corantes
MAIA, Nicole Marina Almeida. Otimização da extração assistida por ultrassom de antocianinas de pétalas de Clitoria ternatea por meio de solvente eutético natural profundo e estudo da estabilidade colorimétrica e de compostos bioativos dos extratos. 2024. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.