Massa gorda relativa, atividade física e simultaneidade de fatores de risco cardiovascular em estudantes universitários
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As doenças cardiovasculares estão sendo diagnosticadas cada vez mais cedo. Assim como hábitos e costumes populacionais sofrem modificações, torna-se necessário conhecer comportamentos e atitudes de grupos populacionais, como os universitários. Objetivou-se avaliar a massa gorda relativa, o nível de atividade física (AF) e a presença simultânea de fatores de risco cardiovasculares (FRC) em universitários e sua associação com outras variáveis comportamentais e de saúde. Estudo transversal, com universitários de uma instituição privada. Participaram 1080 estudantes, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 18 a 39 anos. Aplicou-se um questionário com variáveis sociodemográficas, comportamentais e de saúde e realizou-se a medida de parâmetros antropométricos. A coleta de dados ocorreu na própria instituição, seguindo todos os princípios éticos para pesquisa com seres humanos. Foram utilizadas análises descritivas, teste T de Student e intervalo de confiança para comparar as médias. A correlação de Pearson e a Regressão Logística foram utilizadas para verificar relação e associação, respectivamente. Utilizou-se a Curva ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) e a Regressão Logística Multinomial, com ajuste para variância robusta. O nível de significância foi de 5%.. Após ajuste por idade, o Perímetro da Cintura (PC) nos universitários e o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) nas universitárias foram os indicadores associados a níveis pressóricos elevados (NPE). A prática de AFL foi referida por 45,5%. Após ajustes, para a amostra total, houve associação positiva da prática de AFL com o consumo de frutas/verduras, com a redução do consumo de sal, com autopercepção da saúde boa/muito boa e associação negativa com as universitárias, com aqueles que referiram possuir uma ocupação e com aqueles que consomem doces. Para os estudantes da área de exatas/humanas observou-se associação positiva da pratica de AFL com a renda e com o consumo de frutas/verduras, ao mesmo tempo que as estudantes do sexo feminino, ter uma ocupação atual e o hábito de acrescentar sal na comida depois de pronta associaram-se negativamente. Para aqueles estudantes da área de saúde, as variáveis que permaneceram associadas positivamente à prática suficiente de AFL foram o consumo de frutas, adoção de medidas para reduzir o consumo de sal, o consumo abusivo de álcool e a autopercepção do estado de saúde como boa/muito boa, enquanto o sexo feminino e o consumo de doces estiveram associados negativamente. Quanto a simultaneidade de FRC, a maior proporção foi observada quando da simultaneidade de dois fatores tanto nos universitários (46,6%) quanto nas universitárias (38,5%). Após ajustes, apresentaram menores prevalência de fatores de risco as alunas, aqueles que definiram a saúde como boa/muito boa e os que adotaram medidas para reduzirem o consumo de sal, enquanto o consumo de refrigerantes, o consumo de doces, uma ingestão alta de sal e aqueles que referiram ter um dos pais diabéticos aumentaram as prevalências de fatores de risco. Este estudo demonstrou que a PC e o IMC são melhores indicadores antropométricos para predizer NPE, uma alta prevalência de prática de AFL e associação entre simultaneidade de fatores de risco com variáveis comportamentais e de saúde. Dessa forma, estes resultados podem nortear políticas de mudanças de comportamento para estimular um estilo de vida mais saudável nesta população. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Universitários. Adiposidade corporal. Atividade física. Fatores de risco. Simultaneidade.
Cardiovascular diseases are being diagnosed earlier and earlier. As population habits and customs undergo changes, it becomes necessary to know the behavior and attitudes of population groups, such as university students. This study aimed to analyze cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) in young adults at university. Cross-sectional study with university students from a private institution. 1080 students of both sexes, aged between 18 and 39 years old participated. A questionnaire with sociodemographic, behavioral and health variables was applied, and anthropometric parameters were measured. Data collection took place at the institution, following all ethical principles for research with human beings. Descriptive analysis, Student's t test and confidence interval were used to compare means. Pearson's correlation and Logistic Regression were used to verify relationship and association, respectively. The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and the Multinomial Logistic Regression were used, with adjustment for robust variance. The significance level was 5%. After adjusting for age, the waist circumference (WC) in college students and the Body Mass Index (BMI) in college girls were the indicators associated with high blood pressure levels (NPE). The practice of AFL was mentioned by 45.5%. After adjustments, for the total sample, there was a positive association between LPA practice and fruit/vegetable consumption, with a reduction in salt consumption, with self-perception of good/very good health, and a negative association with university students, with those who reported have an occupation and with those who consume sweets. For students in the sciences/humanities area, there was a positive association between LFA practice and income and fruit/vegetable consumption, while female students had a current occupation and the habit of adding salt in food after ready they were negatively associated. For those students in the health area, the variables that remained positively associated with sufficient LFA practice were fruit consumption, adoption of measures to reduce salt consumption, alcohol abuse and self-perceived health status as good/ very good, while female sex and sweets consumption were negatively associated. As for the simultaneity of CRF, the highest proportion was observed when two factors were simultaneity both in university students (46.6%) and female students (38.5%). After adjustments, students, those who defined health as good/very good, and those who adopted measures to reduce salt intake had a lower prevalence of risk factors, while soft drinks consumption, sweets consumption, a high intake of salt and those who reported having a diabetic parent increased the prevalence of risk factors. This study demonstrated that CP and BMI are the best anthropometric indicators to predict NPE, a high prevalence of LPA practice and an association between simultaneity of risk factors with behavioral and health variables. Thus, these results can guide behavior change policies to encourage a healthier lifestyle in this population KEYWORDS: University students. Body adiposity. Physical activity. Risk factors, Simultaneity.
Cardiovascular diseases are being diagnosed earlier and earlier. As population habits and customs undergo changes, it becomes necessary to know the behavior and attitudes of population groups, such as university students. This study aimed to analyze cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) in young adults at university. Cross-sectional study with university students from a private institution. 1080 students of both sexes, aged between 18 and 39 years old participated. A questionnaire with sociodemographic, behavioral and health variables was applied, and anthropometric parameters were measured. Data collection took place at the institution, following all ethical principles for research with human beings. Descriptive analysis, Student's t test and confidence interval were used to compare means. Pearson's correlation and Logistic Regression were used to verify relationship and association, respectively. The ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve and the Multinomial Logistic Regression were used, with adjustment for robust variance. The significance level was 5%. After adjusting for age, the waist circumference (WC) in college students and the Body Mass Index (BMI) in college girls were the indicators associated with high blood pressure levels (NPE). The practice of AFL was mentioned by 45.5%. After adjustments, for the total sample, there was a positive association between LPA practice and fruit/vegetable consumption, with a reduction in salt consumption, with self-perception of good/very good health, and a negative association with university students, with those who reported have an occupation and with those who consume sweets. For students in the sciences/humanities area, there was a positive association between LFA practice and income and fruit/vegetable consumption, while female students had a current occupation and the habit of adding salt in food after ready they were negatively associated. For those students in the health area, the variables that remained positively associated with sufficient LFA practice were fruit consumption, adoption of measures to reduce salt consumption, alcohol abuse and self-perceived health status as good/ very good, while female sex and sweets consumption were negatively associated. As for the simultaneity of CRF, the highest proportion was observed when two factors were simultaneity both in university students (46.6%) and female students (38.5%). After adjustments, students, those who defined health as good/very good, and those who adopted measures to reduce salt intake had a lower prevalence of risk factors, while soft drinks consumption, sweets consumption, a high intake of salt and those who reported having a diabetic parent increased the prevalence of risk factors. This study demonstrated that CP and BMI are the best anthropometric indicators to predict NPE, a high prevalence of LPA practice and an association between simultaneity of risk factors with behavioral and health variables. Thus, these results can guide behavior change policies to encourage a healthier lifestyle in this population KEYWORDS: University students. Body adiposity. Physical activity. Risk factors, Simultaneity.
Adiposidade, Estudantes universitários, Exercícios físicos, Sistema cardiovascular - Doenças - Fatores de risco, Simultaneidade (Física)
SEGHETO, Wellington. Massa gorda relativa, atividade física e simultaneidade de fatores de risco cardiovascular em estudantes universitários. 2021. 136 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2021.