Influência do ciclo menstrual na temperatura da pele de mulheres jovens
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Uma crescente onda de mulheres praticantes de exercícios tem demonstrado aumento do número de participantes em esportes de elite, alcançando pela primeira vez na história, o mesmo número de atletas femininas e masculinos nas competições nos Jogos Olímpicos de Paris 2024. Dado esse fato, nota-se a necessidade de compreender a fisiologia do exercício na mulher uma vez que as pesquisas voltadas para o desempenho desse público não acompanharam o aumento de atletas femininas. O Ciclo menstrual (CM) promove alterações nas concentrações dos hormônios estradiol, progesterona, LH e FSH, modificando a cinética da temperatura corporal, mensurada por diferentes formas. Contudo, pela termografia infravermelha foi pouco estudado. Assim, essa dissertação é composta por dois artigos, o primeiro deles trata-se de uma revisão sistemática, com objetivo de revisar a literatura acerca da temperatura da pele avaliada pela técnica de termografia infravermelha em mulheres considerando o CM, sendo demonstrado que poucos trabalhos estudaram a influência dos hormônios sexuais femininos sobre a temperatura da pele avaliados por termografia infravermelha. Além disso, foram encontradas discrepâncias na subdivisão das fases do CM e nos métodos de monitoramento do ciclo, podendo as avaliações não terem levado em consideração os diferentes perfis hormonais. O segundo artigo teve como objetivo avaliar a temperatura irradiada da pele pela termografia infravermelha de mulheres eumenorréicas em diferentes fases do CM e entre usuárias de contraceptivos orais. Foi demonstrado que mesmo havendo flutuações hormonais ao longo das fases do CM, não houve diferenças significativas na temperatura irradiada da pele, nem entre usuárias de CO e mulheres que não usam CO na condição de repouso, o que leva a deduzir que não há necessidade de monitorar o CM para realizar avaliações termográficas. Palavras-chave: Temperatura irradiada da pele. Ciclo menstrual. Hormônios femininos. Termografia infravermelha.
A growing wave of female exercise practitioners has demonstrated an increase in the number of participants in elite sports, reaching for the first time in history, the same number of female and male athletes in competitions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Given this fact, there is a noticeable need to understand women's exercise physiology, as research focused on the performance of this group has not kept pace with the increase in female athletes. The menstrual cycle (MC) promotes changes in the concentrations of the hormones estradiol, progesterone, LH, and FSH, altering the kinetics of body temperature, which can be measured by different methods. However, infrared thermography has been little studied in this context. Thus, this dissertation is composed of two articles. The first is a systematic review aimed at reviewing the literature on skin temperature assessed by infrared thermography in women considering the MC, demonstrating that few studies have examined the influence of female sex hormones on skin temperature as assessed by infrared thermography. Additionally, discrepancies were found in the subdivision of the MC phases and in the methods of cycle monitoring, possibly leading to evaluations that did not take into account different hormonal profiles. The second article aimed to evaluate skin temperature using infrared thermography in eumenorrheic women in different phases of the MC and between users of oral contraceptives. It was demonstrated that even with hormonal fluctuations throughout the phases of the MC, there were no significant differences in skin temperature, either between users of oral contraceptives (OC) and women who do not use OC in the resting condition, leading to the conclusion that there is no need to monitor the MC to perform therm. Keywords: Skin temperature. Menstrual cycle. Female hormones. Infrared thermography.
A growing wave of female exercise practitioners has demonstrated an increase in the number of participants in elite sports, reaching for the first time in history, the same number of female and male athletes in competitions at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Given this fact, there is a noticeable need to understand women's exercise physiology, as research focused on the performance of this group has not kept pace with the increase in female athletes. The menstrual cycle (MC) promotes changes in the concentrations of the hormones estradiol, progesterone, LH, and FSH, altering the kinetics of body temperature, which can be measured by different methods. However, infrared thermography has been little studied in this context. Thus, this dissertation is composed of two articles. The first is a systematic review aimed at reviewing the literature on skin temperature assessed by infrared thermography in women considering the MC, demonstrating that few studies have examined the influence of female sex hormones on skin temperature as assessed by infrared thermography. Additionally, discrepancies were found in the subdivision of the MC phases and in the methods of cycle monitoring, possibly leading to evaluations that did not take into account different hormonal profiles. The second article aimed to evaluate skin temperature using infrared thermography in eumenorrheic women in different phases of the MC and between users of oral contraceptives. It was demonstrated that even with hormonal fluctuations throughout the phases of the MC, there were no significant differences in skin temperature, either between users of oral contraceptives (OC) and women who do not use OC in the resting condition, leading to the conclusion that there is no need to monitor the MC to perform therm. Keywords: Skin temperature. Menstrual cycle. Female hormones. Infrared thermography.
Mulheres - Exercícios - Aspectos fisiológicos, Ciclo menstrual, Termografia
VALENTE, Juliana Souza. Influência do ciclo menstrual na temperatura da pele de mulheres jovens. 2024. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação Física) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.