Proposta de manejo fitossanitário em de Coffea canephora na agricultura familiar do Mato Grosso
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O café é uma das bebidas mais consumidas no mundo e ele possui importância econômica, social e ambiental. As principais espécies cultivadas são o café arábica (Coffea arabica) e o café canéfora (Coffea canephora). O Brasil é o maior produtor e exportador de café. Os principais estados produtores são Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espírito Santo e Rondônia. A produção do café canéfora tem sido incentivada aos produtores da agricultura familiar no estado do Mato Grosso. Contudo, falta a eles informações confiáveis e acessíveis, sobretudo sobre o manejo fitossanitário. Assim, esse trabalho teve o objetivo de propor programa de manejo fitossanitário para cultivos de C. canephora em agricultura familiar. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa em fontes bibliográficas confiáveis para elaborar proposta de programa de manejo fitossanitário adaptado aos produtores familiares de café canéfora de Mato Grosso. Nesses cultivos a broca do café Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) é a principal praga. Já a ferrugem do cafeeiro causada pelo fungo Hemileia vastratrix (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) é a principal doença. A ferrugem incide severamente nos cultivares menos resistentes e cultivados em condições climáticas favoráveis. A broca é especializada em viver no fruto e alimentar da semente do café. Esse besouro possui grande capacidade de reproduzir e colonizar eficazmente os frutos do café e reduzir drasticamente o valor do produto e qualidade da bebida. Na implantação dos cafezais, deve se procurar escolher cultivares adequados e resistentes à ferrugem, obter mudas saudáveis, utilizar espaçamento adequado e realizar adubação adequada das plantas. Na fase produtiva dos cafezais, deve-se realizar controle cultural da broca do café, efetuar colheita cuidadosa com repasse e catação dos frutos remanescentes nas plantas e no solo. Em conclusão, para o controle eficiente e sustentável das pragas e doenças pelos produtores familiares de café canéfora é adequado adotar o programa de manejo fitossanitário aqui proposto. Para tanto, se deve adotar um programa educacional de assistência técnica pelo governo estadual em colaboração com cooperativas e cafeicultores. Palavras-chave: Cafeicultura. Broca do café. Ferrugem do cafeeiro. Café canéfora. Métodos de controle.
Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world and has economic, social, and environmental importance. The main cultivated species are Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) and Canephora coffee (Coffea canephora). Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee. The main producing states are Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rondônia. The production of C. canephora has been encouraged for family farmers in the state of Mato Grosso. However, they lack reliable and accessible information, especially on phytosanitary management. Thus, this work aimed to propose a phytosanitary management program for C. canephora crops in family farming. Research was carried out in reliable bibliographic sources to prepare a proposal for a phytosanitary management program adapted to family producers of C. canephora in Mato Grosso. In these crops, the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is the main pest. Coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastratrix (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) is the main disease. Coffee leaf rust has a severe impact on less resistant cultivars grown under favorable climatic conditions. The coffee berry borer is specialized in living in the fruit and feeding on the coffee seed. This beetle has a great capacity to reproduce and effectively colonize coffee fruits and drastically reduce the value of the product and the quality of the drink. When establishing coffee plantations, efforts should be made to choose suitable cultivars resistant to H. vastratrix, obtain healthy seedlings, use adequate spacing, and apply sufficient fertilization to the plants. In the productive phase of coffee plantations, cultural control of the H. hampei must be carried out, careful harvesting must be carried out with transfer and collection of the remaining fruits on the plants and in the soil. In conclusion, for the efficient and sustainable control of pests and diseases by family producers of C. canephora, they should adopt the phytosanitary management program proposed here. That involves an educational technical assistance program carried out by the state government in collaboration with cooperatives and coffee growers. Keywords: Coffee crops. Coffee berry borer. Coffee leaf rust, Coffea canephora. Control methods.
Coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world and has economic, social, and environmental importance. The main cultivated species are Arabica coffee (Coffea arabica) and Canephora coffee (Coffea canephora). Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of coffee. The main producing states are Minas Gerais, Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rondônia. The production of C. canephora has been encouraged for family farmers in the state of Mato Grosso. However, they lack reliable and accessible information, especially on phytosanitary management. Thus, this work aimed to propose a phytosanitary management program for C. canephora crops in family farming. Research was carried out in reliable bibliographic sources to prepare a proposal for a phytosanitary management program adapted to family producers of C. canephora in Mato Grosso. In these crops, the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is the main pest. Coffee leaf rust caused by the fungus Hemileia vastratrix (Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) is the main disease. Coffee leaf rust has a severe impact on less resistant cultivars grown under favorable climatic conditions. The coffee berry borer is specialized in living in the fruit and feeding on the coffee seed. This beetle has a great capacity to reproduce and effectively colonize coffee fruits and drastically reduce the value of the product and the quality of the drink. When establishing coffee plantations, efforts should be made to choose suitable cultivars resistant to H. vastratrix, obtain healthy seedlings, use adequate spacing, and apply sufficient fertilization to the plants. In the productive phase of coffee plantations, cultural control of the H. hampei must be carried out, careful harvesting must be carried out with transfer and collection of the remaining fruits on the plants and in the soil. In conclusion, for the efficient and sustainable control of pests and diseases by family producers of C. canephora, they should adopt the phytosanitary management program proposed here. That involves an educational technical assistance program carried out by the state government in collaboration with cooperatives and coffee growers. Keywords: Coffee crops. Coffee berry borer. Coffee leaf rust, Coffea canephora. Control methods.
Café - Cultivo - Mato Grosso, Broca-do-café, Ferrugem-do-cafeeiro, Café - Doenças e pragas - Controle
SANTOS, Eva Macedo dos. Proposta de manejo fitossanitário em de Coffea canephora na agricultura familiar do Mato Grosso. 2024. 36 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.