Fração da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida pela Floresta Tropical Amazônica: uma comparação entre estimativas baseadas em modelagem, sensoriamento remoto e medições de campo
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta tese tem o objetivo de comparar a fração da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida (FAPAR) pela floresta tropical Amazônica obtida por medições de campo, e estimada por modelagem e sensoriamento remoto. Os dados de campo foram coletados na Floresta Nacional de Tapajós, localizada em Santarém (PA). O modelo utilizado foi o IBIS, que simula os fluxos no sistema solo- vegetação-atmosfera considerando duas camadas de vegetação. Foi utilizado o produto mensal da FAPAR do MODIS, sensor a bordo do satélite Terra. A FAPAR baseada em observações de campo foi calculada a partir da PAR incidente e refletida no topo do dossel, e incidente a 15 m de altura, e foi posteriormente corrigida para ser representativa de todo o dossel, sendo obtido o valor médio de 0,91. A FAPAR simulada pelo IBIS apresentou um valor médio de 0,76. A média da FAPAR estimada pelo MODIS foi 0,85. Os resultados baseados nas medições de campo são coerentes, pois encontram respaldo na literatura. Os valores obtidos pelo IBIS, apesar de inferiores, concordam com os obtidos pelo modelo CLM, porém a amplitude da absorção da PAR pelo dossel precisa ser melhor representada.
This thesis has the objective to compare the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) by an Amazonian tropical rain forest estimated based on in situ measurements, modeling and remote sensing. The field measurements were taken in the Tapajós National Forest, located in Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil. The model used was IBIS, which simulates the fluxes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system considering two vegetation layers. The monthly FAPAR product of MODIS was used. FAPAR based on field observations was calculated from incoming and reflected PAR measurements taken above the canopy, and downward PAR at a 15 m height, and was later corrected to be representative of the entire canopy. The annual mean value obtained was 0.91. FAPAR simulated by IBIS presented an average value of 0.76. The average FAPAR estimated by MODIS was 0.85. The in situ measurements are consistent with the literature. The values obtained by IBIS, although smaller, agree with the results of CLM, but the amplitude of PAR absorbed by vegetation needs to be better represented.
This thesis has the objective to compare the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (FAPAR) by an Amazonian tropical rain forest estimated based on in situ measurements, modeling and remote sensing. The field measurements were taken in the Tapajós National Forest, located in Santarém, State of Pará, Brazil. The model used was IBIS, which simulates the fluxes in the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system considering two vegetation layers. The monthly FAPAR product of MODIS was used. FAPAR based on field observations was calculated from incoming and reflected PAR measurements taken above the canopy, and downward PAR at a 15 m height, and was later corrected to be representative of the entire canopy. The annual mean value obtained was 0.91. FAPAR simulated by IBIS presented an average value of 0.76. The average FAPAR estimated by MODIS was 0.85. The in situ measurements are consistent with the literature. The values obtained by IBIS, although smaller, agree with the results of CLM, but the amplitude of PAR absorbed by vegetation needs to be better represented.
Radiação solar - Amazônia, Meteorologia agrícola, Sensoriamento remoto, Ecossistema - Simulação por computador
SENNA, Mônica Carneiro Alves. Fração da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa absorvida pela Floresta Tropical Amazônica: uma comparação entre estimativas baseadas em modelagem, sensoriamento remoto e medições de campo. 2004. 38f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Meteorologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2004.