Growth and yield of coffee plants in agroforestry and monoculture systems in Minas Gerais, Brazil


This research compared coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) grown in an agroforestry and monoculture systems. Data were collected during two years, on vegetative growth, reproductive development, nutritional status and yield of coffee, besides monitoring air temperature and the tree growth. All trees in agroforestry system increased in growth, resulting in a reduction in the magnitude of the diurnal temperature variation and also maximum temperature. Coffee plants in agroforestry system had less branch growth and leaf production, more persistent and larger leaves, and presented earlier flowering, with a smaller number of productive nodes and flower buds, leading to smaller berry yield than plants in monoculture system. In both systems, the coffee plants showed adequate leaf nutrient levels, except for P and K. The yield of 2443 kg ha-1 of coffee from the monoculture was greater than 515 kg ha-1 of coffee from the agroforestry system .



Coffea arabica, Fruit development, Nutrient level, Yield, Shade




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