Priorização dos riscos fitossanitários de pragas quarentenárias que ameaçam cultivos de goiabeira do Distrito Federal
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Com o progresso do comércio e a intensificação do trânsito de frutos, acentua-se a preocupação dos estados e dos países com a introdução e o estabelecimento de pragas quarentenárias visando a proteção da agricultura nacional, da saúde humana e ambiental. A entrada de uma nova praga no território pode implicar perdas econômicas diretas e indiretas ao produtor, ao consumidor e ao Estado. Para as instituições governamentais responsáveis pela Defesa Sanitária Vegetal é imprescindível adotar estratégias inteligentes que busquem prevenir a introdução e o estabelecimento de pragas quarentenárias, fazendo uso efetivo dos recursos disponíveis. Nesse aspecto, é fundamental desenvolver ferramentas que possibilitem identificar as pragas mais impactantes para a agricultura local. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o risco de Bactrocera dorsalis para a cultura da goiabeira no Distrito Federal, utilizando o MaxEnt, executado a partir da função ENMevaluate do pacote ENMeval, no ambiente R. A probabilidade de ocorrência de B. dorsalis nas diferentes regiões administrativas do Distrito Federal foi definida pela moda das probabilidades do polígono que define os limites regionais, utilizando-se o pacote exactextract e o pacote geobr, para obtenção de shapefiles relativos ao Distrito Federal e suas diferentes Regiões Administrativas. Como resultado, foi obtido o mapa de distribuição geográfica potencial da praga que revela Brazlândia e Planaltina como regiões com alto risco para a praga, sinalizando que tais áreas devem ser priorizadas no monitoramento de B. dorsalis. Palavras-chave: Psidium guajava; goiaba; Bactrocera dorsalis; dependência econômica; potencial estabelecimento; risco; priorização; pragas quarentenárias; Maxent.
With the progress of trade and the intensification of fruit traffic, states and countries are getting increasingly concerned with the introduction and establishment of quarantine pests, aiming to protect national agriculture, human health, and the environment. The entry of a new pest into the territory can entail direct and indirect economic losses to the producer, consumer, and the state. For the governmental institutions responsible for Plant Health Defense, it is essential to adopt intelligent strategies to predict and prevent the entry and establishment of quarantine pests, making efficient and effective use of available resources. In this regard, it is fundamental to develop tools that enable the identification of the most impactful pests for local agriculture. This work aimed to evaluate the risk of Bactrocera dorsalis for the guava crop in the Federal District, using the MaxEnt , executed using the ENMevaluate function of the ENMeval package, in the R environment. The probability of occurrence of B. dorsalis in the different administrative regions of the Distrito Federal was defined by the mode (majority) of the probabilities of the polygon that defines the regional limits, using the exactextract package and the geobr package, to obtain shapefiles relating to the Distrito Federal and its different administrative regions. As a result, a map of the pest's potential geographic distribution was obtained, revealing Brazlândia and Planaltina as regions at high risk for the pest, signaling that such areas should be prioritized for monitoring B. dorsalis. Keywords: Psidium guajava; guava; Bactrocera dorsalis; economic dependency; potential establishment; risk; prioritization; quarantine pests; Maxent.
With the progress of trade and the intensification of fruit traffic, states and countries are getting increasingly concerned with the introduction and establishment of quarantine pests, aiming to protect national agriculture, human health, and the environment. The entry of a new pest into the territory can entail direct and indirect economic losses to the producer, consumer, and the state. For the governmental institutions responsible for Plant Health Defense, it is essential to adopt intelligent strategies to predict and prevent the entry and establishment of quarantine pests, making efficient and effective use of available resources. In this regard, it is fundamental to develop tools that enable the identification of the most impactful pests for local agriculture. This work aimed to evaluate the risk of Bactrocera dorsalis for the guava crop in the Federal District, using the MaxEnt , executed using the ENMevaluate function of the ENMeval package, in the R environment. The probability of occurrence of B. dorsalis in the different administrative regions of the Distrito Federal was defined by the mode (majority) of the probabilities of the polygon that defines the regional limits, using the exactextract package and the geobr package, to obtain shapefiles relating to the Distrito Federal and its different administrative regions. As a result, a map of the pest's potential geographic distribution was obtained, revealing Brazlândia and Planaltina as regions at high risk for the pest, signaling that such areas should be prioritized for monitoring B. dorsalis. Keywords: Psidium guajava; guava; Bactrocera dorsalis; economic dependency; potential establishment; risk; prioritization; quarantine pests; Maxent.
Silvicultura, Controle fitossanitários, Frutas tropicais, Distrito Federal
ICHIDA, Carina Miwako. Priorização dos riscos fitossanitários de pragas quarentenárias que ameaçam cultivos de goiabeira do Distrito Federal. 2024. 37 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.