Dinâmica e crescimento do estrato arbóreo em áreas de Mata Atlântica, na região do Vale do Rio Doce, MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a dinâmica da composição florística e das estruturas horizontal e vertical, o crescimento em área basal e volumétrico e o incremento periódico anual para três áreas de reserva de Mata Atlântica de propriedade da CENIBRA S.A., localizadas nos municípios de Caratinga, Coronel Fabriciano e Guanhães, em Minas Gerais. No Projeto Lagoa do Piau, localizado no município de Caratinga, foram estudadas duas áreas de reserva de Mata Atlântica, denominada de Mata 1 e Mata 2. No primeiro fragmento foram monitoradas 16 parcelas e, no segundo, seis, no Projeto São José, localizado em Coronel Fabriciano, foram monitoradas 12 parcelas; e no Projeto Cachoeiras das Pombas, localizado no município de Guanhães, foram monitoradas 20 parcelas com dimensões iguais (10 m x 50 m), monitoradas durante cinco anos. Em todas as áreas estudadas houve poucas alterações na composição florística e nos índices de valor de importância e valor de cobertura no decorrer do período de monitoramento. Foi observada diminuição do índice de diversidade de Shannon-Weaver (H´) para a Mata 1 do Projeto Lagoa do Piau; para os projetos São José e Cachoeira das Pombas, apenas a Mata 2 apresentou aumento para H´, sendo essa diferença significativa apenas para o Projeto Cachoeira das Pombas pelo teste t. As espécies foram classificadas por grupo ecológico e, para cada uma das áreas estudadas, foram feitas análises de parâmetros, como: densidade absoluta, dominância absoluta, estrutura volumétrica, crescimento em área basal e volumétrico e incremento periódico anual (IPA), para as duas ocasiões de monitoramento, IFC1 2002 e IFC2 2007, por espécie e por grupo ecológico. Para os parâmetros densidade absoluta total, dominância absoluta total e volume total, todas as áreas estudadas apresentaram taxa de mudança positiva, ou seja, tendência de crescimento populacional; esses parâmetros também foram analisados em nível de espécie e grupo ecológico. Em termos de crescimento em área basal e em volume, todas as áreas mostraram crescimentos brutos e líquidos totais, incluindo e excluindo-se o ingrowth positivo; esses parâmetros também foram analisados em nível de espécie e grupo ecológico. O grupo das espécies secundárias iniciais foi o que apresentou maior incremento periódico anual em três das quatro áreas estudadas: Projeto Lagoa do Piau nas Matas 1 e 2 e Projeto Cachoeira das Pombas; no Projeto São José, o grupo ecológico de maior IPA foi o das espécies sem classificação. Apenas a Mata 1 apresentou diferença estatística para a distribuição diamétrica em termos de número de indivíduos; nas demais áreas, a distribuição diamétrica não diferiu.
The objective of the present work was to study the dynamics of the floristic composition and of the horizontal and vertical structures, the basal area and the volumetric growth and the annual periodic increment of three reserve areas of the Atlantic Forest pertaining to the CENIBRA S.A., locatted in the municipalities of Caratinga, Coronel Fabriciano and Guanhães, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the Projeto Lagoa do Piau (Lagoa do Piau Project), located in the municipality of Caratinga, two reserve areas of the Atlantic Forest were studied, named Forest 1 and Forest 2. In the first fragment 16 plots were monitored, and in the second one, six plots. In the São José Project, located in Coronel Fabriciano, 12 plots were monitored; and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project, located in the municipality of Guanhães, 20 plots with equal dimensions (10 x 50 m) were monitored during five years. In all of the areas studied few changes in the floristic composition and in the importance and cover values during the monitoring period were observed. A decrease in the Shannon-Weaver (H ) diversity index was observed in the Forest 1 of the Lagoa do Piau Project; in the São José and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Projects, only Forest 2 showed an increase of H , and this difference was only significant in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project, by the t test. The species were classified by ecologic group anf for each one of the areas studied analyses of the following parameters were made: absolute density, absolute dominance, volumetric structure, basal area and volumetric growth and annual periodic increment (IPA), for the two monitoring periods, IFC1-2002 and IFC2-2007, by species and ecologic group. For the parameters of total absolute density, total absolute dominance and total volume, all the areas studied showed a positive change rate, that is, a tendency of populational growth. These parameters were also analysed for species and ecologic group levels. In relation to the basal area and the volume growths, all the areas showed total gross and net growths, including and excluding the positive ingrowth. These parameters were also analysed for species and ecologic group levels. The initial secondary species group was the one presenting the greatest annual periodic increment in three of the four areas studied: Lagoa do Piau Project in Forest 1 and 2, and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project. In the São José Project, the ecologic group with the greatest IPA was that of the species without classification. Only Forest 1 showed a statistical difference for the volumetric distribution in terms of number of individuals. In the other areas, the diametric distribution did not differ from one another.
The objective of the present work was to study the dynamics of the floristic composition and of the horizontal and vertical structures, the basal area and the volumetric growth and the annual periodic increment of three reserve areas of the Atlantic Forest pertaining to the CENIBRA S.A., locatted in the municipalities of Caratinga, Coronel Fabriciano and Guanhães, in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. In the Projeto Lagoa do Piau (Lagoa do Piau Project), located in the municipality of Caratinga, two reserve areas of the Atlantic Forest were studied, named Forest 1 and Forest 2. In the first fragment 16 plots were monitored, and in the second one, six plots. In the São José Project, located in Coronel Fabriciano, 12 plots were monitored; and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project, located in the municipality of Guanhães, 20 plots with equal dimensions (10 x 50 m) were monitored during five years. In all of the areas studied few changes in the floristic composition and in the importance and cover values during the monitoring period were observed. A decrease in the Shannon-Weaver (H ) diversity index was observed in the Forest 1 of the Lagoa do Piau Project; in the São José and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Projects, only Forest 2 showed an increase of H , and this difference was only significant in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project, by the t test. The species were classified by ecologic group anf for each one of the areas studied analyses of the following parameters were made: absolute density, absolute dominance, volumetric structure, basal area and volumetric growth and annual periodic increment (IPA), for the two monitoring periods, IFC1-2002 and IFC2-2007, by species and ecologic group. For the parameters of total absolute density, total absolute dominance and total volume, all the areas studied showed a positive change rate, that is, a tendency of populational growth. These parameters were also analysed for species and ecologic group levels. In relation to the basal area and the volume growths, all the areas showed total gross and net growths, including and excluding the positive ingrowth. These parameters were also analysed for species and ecologic group levels. The initial secondary species group was the one presenting the greatest annual periodic increment in three of the four areas studied: Lagoa do Piau Project in Forest 1 and 2, and in the Cachoeira das Pombas Project. In the São José Project, the ecologic group with the greatest IPA was that of the species without classification. Only Forest 1 showed a statistical difference for the volumetric distribution in terms of number of individuals. In the other areas, the diametric distribution did not differ from one another.
Estrutura fitossocilógica, Crescimento florestal, Mata Atlântica, Forest structure, Dynamics, Forestry growth, Atlantic Forest
GASPAR, Ricardo de Oliveira. Dynamics and growth of the arboreous stratus in the Atlantic Forest areas, in the Vale do Rio Doce, MG, region. 2008. 189 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Manejo Florestal; Meio Ambiente e Conservação da Natureza; Silvicultura; Tecnologia e Utilização de) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2008.