Barreiras de fiscalização agropecuária no estado de Rondônia: avaliação e proposta de melhorias
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este estudo discute a importância das atividades de defesa sanitária vegetal no Estado de Rondônia, destacando a avaliação da fiscalização do trânsito de produtos vegetais para prevenir a disseminação de pragas e garantir a segurança dos produtos vegetais. Para tanto, fez-se uma análise das Barreiras Fitossanitárias Fixas (BFS) e das barreiras volantes existentes no estado, por desempenharem papel crucial na prevenção da disseminação de pragas. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as BFS do Estado de Rondônia com relação à sua estrutura física, de recursos humanos e a sua eficácia em mitigar o risco de disseminação de pragas regulamentadas ou com requisitos fitossanitários. Especificamente, foi feita uma análise da evolução das barreiras quanto à localização, infraestrutura física e técnica, nos últimos 10 anos. Também, foram coletados e analisados os dados sobre as fiscalizações e os principais produtos que passam pelas barreiras. Para obtê-los, foram realizadas visitas in loco e levantamento de dados em todos os postos, além de entrevistas com os fiscais locais. Na avaliação da estrutura local foram utilizados os mesmos procedimentos desenvolvidos por Hilman (2013) para efeito de comparação e avaliação das mudanças ao longo do tempo. Os resultados mostraram uma melhoria geral nas condições das BFS, que, em uma escala de avaliação até 10, apresentou uma média de 6,1 em 2023, superando o valor de 5,6 de 2013. No entanto, algumas barreiras, como as localizadas em Cabixi e Juína, ainda apresentam desafios significativos devido à limitação de pessoal e infraestrutura. A BFS de Vilhena, por exemplo, mostrou uma evolução notável, refletida numa pontuação de 7,0, graças as melhorias na infraestrutura e na capacitação dos servidores. Espera-se que a implementação do Sistema Integrado de Gestão Agropecuária (SIGA) nas barreiras do estado traga um avanço significativo nos processos de fiscalização. A digitalização das operações, com o uso de dispositivos móveis para registro de informações, promete tornar as fiscalizações mais rápidas, dinâmicas e eficientes. Testes preliminares já realizados indicam a eficácia do sistema, que está previsto para ser totalmente implementado em 2024. Palavras-chave: Defesa sanitária vegetal. Fiscalização fitossanitária. Modernização de processos.
This study discusses the importance of plant health defense activities in the State of Rondônia, highlighting the evaluation of inspection of the transit of plant products to prevent the spread of pests and guarantee the safety of plant products. To this end, an analysis was made of the Fixed Phytosanitary Barriers (BFS) and the flying barriers existing in the state, as they play a crucial role in preventing the spread of pests. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the BFS in the State of Rondônia in relation to its physical structure, human resources and its effectiveness in mitigating the risk of spreading regulated pests or those with phytosanitary requirements. Specifically, an analysis was made of the evolution of barriers in terms of location, physical and technical infrastructure over the last 10 years. Data on inspections and the main products that pass through the barriers were also collected and analyzed. To obtain them, on-site visits were carried out and data were collected at all stations, in addition to interviews with local inspectors. In evaluating the local structure, the same procedures developed by Hilman (2013) were used for the purpose of comparison and evaluation of changes over time. The results showed a general improvement in the conditions of the BFS, which, on an assessment scale of up to 10, presented an average of 6.1 in 2023, surpassing the value of 5.6 in 2013. However, some barriers, such as those located in Cabixi and Juína, they still present significant challenges due to limited personnel and infrastructure. BFS in Vilhena, for example, showed notable progress, reflected in a score of 7.0, thanks to improvements in infrastructure and server training. It is expected that the implementation of the Integrated Agricultural Management System (SIGA) in the state's barriers will bring a significant advance in inspection processes. The digitalization of operations, with the use of mobile devices to record information, promises to make inspections faster, more dynamic and efficient. Preliminary tests already carried out indicate the effectiveness of the system, which is expected to be fully implemented in 2024. Keywords: Plant health defense. Phytosanitary inspection. Process modernization.
This study discusses the importance of plant health defense activities in the State of Rondônia, highlighting the evaluation of inspection of the transit of plant products to prevent the spread of pests and guarantee the safety of plant products. To this end, an analysis was made of the Fixed Phytosanitary Barriers (BFS) and the flying barriers existing in the state, as they play a crucial role in preventing the spread of pests. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the BFS in the State of Rondônia in relation to its physical structure, human resources and its effectiveness in mitigating the risk of spreading regulated pests or those with phytosanitary requirements. Specifically, an analysis was made of the evolution of barriers in terms of location, physical and technical infrastructure over the last 10 years. Data on inspections and the main products that pass through the barriers were also collected and analyzed. To obtain them, on-site visits were carried out and data were collected at all stations, in addition to interviews with local inspectors. In evaluating the local structure, the same procedures developed by Hilman (2013) were used for the purpose of comparison and evaluation of changes over time. The results showed a general improvement in the conditions of the BFS, which, on an assessment scale of up to 10, presented an average of 6.1 in 2023, surpassing the value of 5.6 in 2013. However, some barriers, such as those located in Cabixi and Juína, they still present significant challenges due to limited personnel and infrastructure. BFS in Vilhena, for example, showed notable progress, reflected in a score of 7.0, thanks to improvements in infrastructure and server training. It is expected that the implementation of the Integrated Agricultural Management System (SIGA) in the state's barriers will bring a significant advance in inspection processes. The digitalization of operations, with the use of mobile devices to record information, promises to make inspections faster, more dynamic and efficient. Preliminary tests already carried out indicate the effectiveness of the system, which is expected to be fully implemented in 2024. Keywords: Plant health defense. Phytosanitary inspection. Process modernization.
Vigilância sanitária - Rondônia, Produtos agrícolas, Pragas agrícolas - Controle
FERRO, Leonardo Augusto de Brito Correia. Barreiras de fiscalização agropecuária no estado de Rondônia: avaliação e proposta de melhorias. 2024. 40 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Defesa Sanitária Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.