Implicações do Transportador ATP-Mg/Pi (APC1) para crescimento e respostas ao alumínio em Arabidopsis
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O transportador de adenilatos APC1 faz parte da família de transportadores mitocondriais MCF e, diferente de outros transportadores de adenilatos, realiza a exportação de ATP em troca de fosfato inorgânico. Este transportador recebe destaque por realizar essa troca de forma eletricamente neutra ao associar o ATP a um magnésio. Sendo assim, buscou-se realizar a caracterização fisiológica deste carreador de modo a compreender suas funções no crescimento e desenvolvimento de Arabidopsis thaliana em condições ótimas. Para esta finalidade análises biométricas, morfométricas e metabólicas foram realizadas. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o transportador APC1 possui papel relevante porém não essencial no crescimento da parte área das plantas e no desenvolvimento de plântulas. Verificou- se também, maiores níveis de malato em folhas de plantas mutantes em relação ao genótipo selvagem. Esse resultado sugere que a função do APC1 pode estar associada com o funcionamento do complexo succinato desidrogenase e outras enzimas do ciclo dos ácidos tricarboxílicos (ciclo TCA). Ainda, por se tratar de um transportador de adenilatos, APC1 pode influenciar no funcionamento do complexo ATP sintetase e no fluxo de elétrons pela cadeia transportadora de elétrons e com isso influenciando indiretamente no funcionamento do ciclo TCA e na produção de ácidos orgânicos. Tendo isso em vista buscou-se, adicionalmente, investigar o papel do APC1 frente o estresse por alumínio. Experimentos em meio de cultivo foram realizados para avaliar o impacto do alumínio no crescimento radicular. Observou-se que o transportador APC1 é relevante em condições de pH ácido sem a presença de alumínio. Adicionalmente, as linhas mutantes demonstraram ser menos sensíveis a presença de alumínio do que o tipo selvagem. Este fenótipo pode estar relacionado com níveis elevados de malato observados nos mutantes e sua possível exsudação frente a esse tipo de estresse. Não obstante, estudos adicionais ainda precisam ser feitos para que se dê maior suporte a estas hipóteses. Palavras-chave: Mitocôndria; Respostas á estresse; Transportador de adenilatos.
The adenylate transporter APC1 is part of the MCF family of mitochondrial transporters and, unlike other adenylate transporters, it exports ATP in exchange for inorganic phosphate. This transporter stands out for carrying out this exchange in an electrically neutral way by associating ATP with magnesium. Therefore, we carried out physiological characterization of CRISPR-CAS9 mutants for this carrier in order to understand its specific contributions and functions in growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana. For this purpose biometric, morphometric and metabolic analyzes were carried out. The results obtained suggest that the APC1 transporter has a relevant role in the growth of the aerial part of plants and in the development of seedlings. It was also found higher levels of malate in leaves of mutant plants in relation to the wild type genotype. This result suggests that the function of APC1 may be associated with the functioning of the succinate dehydrogenase complex and other enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). Furthermore, as it is an adenylate transporter, APC1 can influence the flow of electrons through the electron transport chain and thus the functioning of the TCA cycle and the production of organic acids. With this in mind, we additionally investigated the role of APC1 in the face of aluminum stress. Experiments in medium culture were carried out to evaluate the impact of aluminum on root growth. It was observed that the APC1 transporter is quite relevant in acidic pH conditions without the presence of aluminum. Additionally, the mutant lines demonstrated to be less sensitive to the presence of aluminum than the wild type. This phenotype may be related to the high levels of malate observed in the mutants and its possible exudation in the face of this type of stress. However, additional studies still need to be carried out to provide greater support for these hypotheses. Keywords: Adenylate transporter; Mitochondria; Stress responses.
The adenylate transporter APC1 is part of the MCF family of mitochondrial transporters and, unlike other adenylate transporters, it exports ATP in exchange for inorganic phosphate. This transporter stands out for carrying out this exchange in an electrically neutral way by associating ATP with magnesium. Therefore, we carried out physiological characterization of CRISPR-CAS9 mutants for this carrier in order to understand its specific contributions and functions in growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana. For this purpose biometric, morphometric and metabolic analyzes were carried out. The results obtained suggest that the APC1 transporter has a relevant role in the growth of the aerial part of plants and in the development of seedlings. It was also found higher levels of malate in leaves of mutant plants in relation to the wild type genotype. This result suggests that the function of APC1 may be associated with the functioning of the succinate dehydrogenase complex and other enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle). Furthermore, as it is an adenylate transporter, APC1 can influence the flow of electrons through the electron transport chain and thus the functioning of the TCA cycle and the production of organic acids. With this in mind, we additionally investigated the role of APC1 in the face of aluminum stress. Experiments in medium culture were carried out to evaluate the impact of aluminum on root growth. It was observed that the APC1 transporter is quite relevant in acidic pH conditions without the presence of aluminum. Additionally, the mutant lines demonstrated to be less sensitive to the presence of aluminum than the wild type. This phenotype may be related to the high levels of malate observed in the mutants and its possible exudation in the face of this type of stress. However, additional studies still need to be carried out to provide greater support for these hypotheses. Keywords: Adenylate transporter; Mitochondria; Stress responses.
Mitocôndria, Adenosina trifosfato, Plantas - Desenvolvimento, Plantas - Efeito do alumínio
GONÇALVES, Barbara Schirato. Implicações do Transportador ATP-Mg/Pi (APC1) para crescimento e respostas ao alumínio em Arabidopsis. 2024. 50 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fisiologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2024.