Avaliações bioquímicas, fisiológicas e anatômicas dos efeitos de poluentes atmosféricos sobre espécies vegetais de restinga
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Com o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos tóxicos do ferro particulado e do dióxido de enxofre liberados por uma usina de pelotização, localizada no município de Anchieta, ES, sobre parâmetros fisiológicos, bioquímicos e anatômicos, foram determinados os efeitos dos poluentes atmosféricos mediante metodologia de bioindicação ativa e passiva. As espécies avaliadas no biomonitoramento ativo, Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) e Clusia hilariana Schlecht. (Clusiaceae), foram colocadas em estações padronizadas e distribuídas em diferentes distâncias: 200 m, 500 m, 800 m, 1400 m e 1700 m em relação à fonte emissora, durante 7 meses. Em experimento simultâneo, as mudas inseridas num solo removido de uma usina de pelotização foram submetidas à chuva ácida simulada constituída de H 2 SO 4 , com pH 3,0 e à chuva controle com pH 6,5, durante 40 dias. Na bioindicação passiva, indivíduos das espécies: Byrsonima sericea DC. (Malpighiaceae), Cordia verbenacea DC. (Boraginaceae) e Psidium guineense SW. (Myrtaceae) foram avaliados numa mata remanescente de restinga, localizada a 200 m da usina (local exposto) e no Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha (local não-exposto), durante um ano. E. uniflora recebeu deposição de maior quantidade de ferro particulado por área foliar do que C. hilariana, não variando quanto às distâncias da fonte emissora nas duas espécies. Os maiores teores foliares de ferro total foram verificados a 200 m da fonte emissora, nas duas espécies vegetais, enquanto que o maior teor de enxofre total foliar foi observado em E. uniflora, a 800 m e em C. hilariana, a 200 m da fonte emissora. Não se observou variação em altura nas duas espécies vegetais avaliadas e o número de folhas foi menor apenas a 800 m e 1700 m de distância em C. hilariana. O número e a percentagem de folhas cloróticas e necróticas, assim como o índice de fitotoxicidade de cloroses nas duas espécies aumentaram com o prolongamento do tempo de exposição às emissões da usina. Em E. uniflora, a percentagem de folhas cloróticas e necróticas não se modificou com a distância da fonte emissora, enquanto que em C. hilariana, as maiores médias foram observadas a partir de 500 m. Nas duas espécies, o teor de clorofila diminuiu com o tempo de exposição e apenas em plantas de E. uniflora localizadas a 800 m da fonte emissora foram observados maiores teores de clorofila. As plantas de C. hilariana localizadas a 200 m e 500 m da fonte emissora apresentaram maior permeabilidade de suas membranas celulares, que se relacionou com o teor foliar de enxofre. As plantas de C. hilariana apresentaram condutância estomática (g s ), a transpiração (E) e a assimilação líquida de CO 2 (A) mais elevadas nas estações mais próximas à usina emissora, embora isto não tenha contribuído para o aumento da massa seca total. A relação trocas gasosas e teor foliar de enxofre sugeriu que C. hilariana acumulou grande quantidade de enxofre enquanto que E. uniflora praticamente não absorveu o enxofre emitido pela usina de pelotização. Ambas as espécies são bioindicadoras de reação, podendo ser usadas como bioindicadoras ativas de poluição por deposição particulada e dióxido de enxofre. Em relação ao experimento com chuva ácida, nenhuma das espécies apresentou variação na altura das mudas tratadas em relação ao controle, enquanto o índice de fitotoxicidade de necroses foi maior nas plantas de E. uniflora expostas à chuva ácida. Os teores de clorofila a, de clorofila b e de carotenóides foram reduzidos em E. uniflora após o tratamento, enquanto que a relação F v /F m foi maior nas plantas tratadas. Em C. hilariana, nenhum destes parâmetros foi alterado com a chuva ácida. A g s , E e A não variaram nas plantas tratadas em relação ao controle, nas duas espécies avaliadas, após as 40 chuvas simuladas. Nenhuma das espécies mostrou alteração na permeabilidade de suas membranas. Em E. uniflora, apenas a atividade da peroxidase aumentou com o tratamento, enquanto que em C. hilariana, as atividades da dismutase do superóxido, da peroxidase e da catalase aumentaram após as 40 simulações. Nas três espécies avaliadas no biomonitoramento passivo, o teor de ferro foliar foi maior no local exposto às emissões da usina e o teor foliar de enxofre variou nas diferentes espécies analisadas. Os efeitos mais marcantes das deposições da usina sobre as espécies avaliadas no biomonitoramento passivo foram: Em B. sericea, maior teor de clorofila, menor temperatura foliar, maior número de folhas; em C. verbenacea, maior teor de clorofila, maior temperatura foliar, menor número de folhas, flores e frutos; em P. guineense, menor teor de clorofila, maior diferencial de temperatura entre a folha e o ar, maior lançamento de folhas, menor número de folhas. Não foram verificadas flores e frutos neste local. C. verbenacea acumulou maior quantidade de ferro que as demais espécies ocorrendo maior deposição nas reentrâncias nas bases dos tricomas glandulares. As plantas de B. sericea apresentaram menor conteúdo de ferro provavelmente, devido a presença de hipoderme e tricomas malpiguianos, enquanto que em P. guineense, a proteção parece ter sido viabilizada pela hipoderme.
In order to evaluate the toxic effects of particulate iron and sulfur dioxide, emitted by an iron ore factory located at Anchieta county, ES, passive and active biomonitoring methodologies were tested. Biochemical, physiological and anatomical parameters were evaluated on native plant species of restinga. On the active biomonitoring test, Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) and Clusia hilariana Schlecht. (Clusiaceae) saplings were placed, during seven months, in standardized strands arranged at 200 m, 500 m, 800 m, 1400 m and 1700 m from the souce emissions. Simultaneously, an experiment with simulated acid rain was tested on the two species, cultivated in original soil, at Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The saplings were submitted, for 40 th days, to acid rain pH 3.0 and pH 6.5 control). For the passive bioindicating test saplings of Byrsonima sericea DC. (Malpighiaceae), Cordia verbenacea DC. (Boraginaceae) and Psidium guineense SW. (Myrtaceae) were assessed during one year, in two locations: at a remaining fragment of restinga nearby the ore factory (exposed site) and at the Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha (control site). E. uniflora received a greater amount of particulate iron, per foliar area, than C. hilariana, which did not change with the distance from the emission source. To both species, the highest total iron content in the leaves was detected at 200 m from the emission source. The sulfur content in the leaves, however, was higher at 800 m and 200 m, for E. uniflora and C. hilariana, respectively. There was no variation on the plant height, for both species, and the number of leaves only decreased on C. hilariana, at 800 and 1700 m from the source. The amount and the percentage of chlorotic and necrotic leaves, as well as the chlorosis phytotoxicity index, on both species, increased with the time exposure to the emissions. The necrotic and chlorotic leaf percentages of E. uniflora did not vary with the distance from the emission source, while C. hilariana showed the highest percentages beyond the 500 m from the source. For both species, the chlorophyll content decreased with the time exposure, but in E. uniflora this content was higher at 800 m from de emission source. Plants of C. hilariana standing at 200 m and 500 m, from the emission source, displayed a higher membrane permeability which was related to the sulfur content in the leaves. The stomatal conductance (g s ), the transpiration (E) and the net CO 2 assimilation (A) of Clusia hilariana was higher at those sets near the factory, however the total dry weight did not vary. The foliar sulfur content and gas exchange traids in C. hilariana, suggested that this specie accumulated greater quantify of sulfur, probably from the factory emissions, than E. uniflora. Both species studied in this essay are reaction bioindicators and can used as active bioindicators of particulate and sulfur dioxide emissions. In the acid rain simulation test, none of the species showed variation on the plant height, but in E. uniflora displayed a higher necrosis phytotoxicity index when the sapling were exposed to the lowest pH rain. Plants of E. uniflora, exposed to pH 3.0 rain had their chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids contents reduced after the treatment. However, the F v /F m ratio of those plants increased. The same parameters, in C. hilariana, did not suffer any alteration after the rain simulation. The gas exchange constituents, g s , E and A, did not alter in none of the treatment for both species, even after 40 days. The membrane permeability, in both species, also remained unaltered. In E. uniflora, only the peroxidase activity enhanced with the treatment exposed, while in C. hilariana all the enzymes tested, had their activity improved at the end of the pH 3.0 treatment. All three species, on the passive biomonitoring test, showed a higher iron content on those saplings kept in the exposed site, while the sulfur content in the leaves varied according to the species. The effects of the factory depositions was remarkable different among the species, causing: in B. sericea an elevation on the chlorophyll content, lower foliar temperature and higher number of leaves; in C. verbenacea an elevation on chlorophyll content, lower foliar temperature, lower number of leaves, flowers and fruits; in P. guineense lower chlorophyll content, higher leaf air temperature difference, greater release of new shoots, but fewer leaves, and no flowers or fruits. C. verbenacea accumulated higher quantify of iron than the other species, mainly deposited between the gaps on the trichomes base. Plants of B. sericea had the lowest iron content, probably due to the presence of a hypoderm, malpighians trichomes, while in P. guineense the protection was guaranteed only by the a hypoderm.
In order to evaluate the toxic effects of particulate iron and sulfur dioxide, emitted by an iron ore factory located at Anchieta county, ES, passive and active biomonitoring methodologies were tested. Biochemical, physiological and anatomical parameters were evaluated on native plant species of restinga. On the active biomonitoring test, Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae) and Clusia hilariana Schlecht. (Clusiaceae) saplings were placed, during seven months, in standardized strands arranged at 200 m, 500 m, 800 m, 1400 m and 1700 m from the souce emissions. Simultaneously, an experiment with simulated acid rain was tested on the two species, cultivated in original soil, at Universidade Federal de Viçosa. The saplings were submitted, for 40 th days, to acid rain pH 3.0 and pH 6.5 control). For the passive bioindicating test saplings of Byrsonima sericea DC. (Malpighiaceae), Cordia verbenacea DC. (Boraginaceae) and Psidium guineense SW. (Myrtaceae) were assessed during one year, in two locations: at a remaining fragment of restinga nearby the ore factory (exposed site) and at the Parque Estadual Paulo César Vinha (control site). E. uniflora received a greater amount of particulate iron, per foliar area, than C. hilariana, which did not change with the distance from the emission source. To both species, the highest total iron content in the leaves was detected at 200 m from the emission source. The sulfur content in the leaves, however, was higher at 800 m and 200 m, for E. uniflora and C. hilariana, respectively. There was no variation on the plant height, for both species, and the number of leaves only decreased on C. hilariana, at 800 and 1700 m from the source. The amount and the percentage of chlorotic and necrotic leaves, as well as the chlorosis phytotoxicity index, on both species, increased with the time exposure to the emissions. The necrotic and chlorotic leaf percentages of E. uniflora did not vary with the distance from the emission source, while C. hilariana showed the highest percentages beyond the 500 m from the source. For both species, the chlorophyll content decreased with the time exposure, but in E. uniflora this content was higher at 800 m from de emission source. Plants of C. hilariana standing at 200 m and 500 m, from the emission source, displayed a higher membrane permeability which was related to the sulfur content in the leaves. The stomatal conductance (g s ), the transpiration (E) and the net CO 2 assimilation (A) of Clusia hilariana was higher at those sets near the factory, however the total dry weight did not vary. The foliar sulfur content and gas exchange traids in C. hilariana, suggested that this specie accumulated greater quantify of sulfur, probably from the factory emissions, than E. uniflora. Both species studied in this essay are reaction bioindicators and can used as active bioindicators of particulate and sulfur dioxide emissions. In the acid rain simulation test, none of the species showed variation on the plant height, but in E. uniflora displayed a higher necrosis phytotoxicity index when the sapling were exposed to the lowest pH rain. Plants of E. uniflora, exposed to pH 3.0 rain had their chlorophylls a, b and carotenoids contents reduced after the treatment. However, the F v /F m ratio of those plants increased. The same parameters, in C. hilariana, did not suffer any alteration after the rain simulation. The gas exchange constituents, g s , E and A, did not alter in none of the treatment for both species, even after 40 days. The membrane permeability, in both species, also remained unaltered. In E. uniflora, only the peroxidase activity enhanced with the treatment exposed, while in C. hilariana all the enzymes tested, had their activity improved at the end of the pH 3.0 treatment. All three species, on the passive biomonitoring test, showed a higher iron content on those saplings kept in the exposed site, while the sulfur content in the leaves varied according to the species. The effects of the factory depositions was remarkable different among the species, causing: in B. sericea an elevation on the chlorophyll content, lower foliar temperature and higher number of leaves; in C. verbenacea an elevation on chlorophyll content, lower foliar temperature, lower number of leaves, flowers and fruits; in P. guineense lower chlorophyll content, higher leaf air temperature difference, greater release of new shoots, but fewer leaves, and no flowers or fruits. C. verbenacea accumulated higher quantify of iron than the other species, mainly deposited between the gaps on the trichomes base. Plants of B. sericea had the lowest iron content, probably due to the presence of a hypoderm, malpighians trichomes, while in P. guineense the protection was guaranteed only by the a hypoderm.
Plantas das restingas - Poluição, Plantas das restingas - Aspectos ambientais, Ecofisiologia vegetal, Monitoramento biológico
SILVA, Luzimar Campos da. Avaliações bioquímicas, fisiológicas e anatômicas dos efeitos de poluentes atmosféricos sobre espécies vegetais de restinga. 2003. 109 f. Tese (Doutorado em Fisiologia Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2003.