Políticas públicas de assistência migratória: análise do processo de imigração venezuelana no Amazonas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As políticas públicas migratórias têm se tornado cada vez mais necessárias em nosso país, em virtude da migração em massa de imigrantes e refugiados que vem ao Brasil, a procura de condições melhores de vida. Entre esses imigrantes e refugiados encontram-se os venezuelanos. Fome, miséria, aumento da proliferação de doenças e violência faz muitos venezuelanos saírem do seu país para outros lugares em busca de condições de vida melhores e oportunidades de emprego. Em resposta ao fluxo de refugiados e imigrantes vindos da Venezuela, o governo brasileiro promoveu a Operação Acolhida, criada em 2018 com objetivo de melhorar a organização do processo migratório e ajudar os migrantes e refugiados que decidiram migrar para o país. Essa operação é baseada em três eixos operacionais: o ordenamento de fronteira, em que eles são recepcionados, passam por uma espécie de triagem, são encaminhados para Polícia Federal para que sejam monitoradas suas permissões de entrada, e em seguida passam por uma checagem das vacinas. Vale salientar que, caso queiram permanecer no Brasil, ao final deste processo eles são direcionados aos órgãos competentes para iniciarem o processo de regularização migratória. O segundo eixo é o acolhimento, que foi criado como uma alternativa para o aumento de pessoas em situação de rua nas cidades próximas a fronteira. Com isso foram criados abrigos para que a população em situação de vulnerabilidade pudesse ter um local seguro para atender às necessidades imediatas. E o terceiro eixo é a interiorização, que consiste em realocar os venezuelanos que desejam morar em outras cidades brasileiras, que não fazem fronteira com a Venezuela, para que assim não centralize apenas no Estado de Roraima, que não possui infraestrutura para abrigar a todos. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo geral identificar as políticas públicas que estão sendo formuladas para acomodação e ações de controle dos imigrantes e refugiados venezuelanos no território brasileiro, especialmente no Amazonas e como o Alto comissariado das Nações Unidas para refugiados (ACNUR), contribui no diálogo sobre migração entre governos nacionais e autoridades locais. Especificamente, pretendeu-se: identificar às políticas públicas migratórias promovidas pelos governos nacionais, autoridades locais e suas estratégias para ações de controle dos migrantes venezuelanos; descrever como a Agência do Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para Refugiados (ACNUR) contribui para a inclusão/integração social desses migrantes. Para responder aos objetivos propostos por este trabalho foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa, através de técnicas de entrevistas semiestruturadas, análise documental e análise de conteúdo. A importância deste trabalho se deve à possibilidade de contrastar os resultados de análise bibliográfica com os achados da pesquisa de campo, sendo foi possível perceber que o ACNUR desenvolve programas de integração local em parceria com diversas organizações para incentivar e potencializar oportunidades para pessoas refugiadas e migrantes venezuelanos na Região Norte, conjuntamente as experiências vivenciadas na esfera do acolhimento humanitário, conseguem cumprir com seu objetivo de fortalecer as capacidades regionais de formular mais políticas públicas migratórias, propiciando acesso ao sistema de acolhimento e integração, ao passo que trabalha para satisfazer as necessidades da população venezuelana e a outros povos migratórios para região. Por fim, com relação ao apoio à resposta humanitária junto aos estados e municípios, a Operação Acolhida, sociedade civil e setor privado, buscam promover um caráter inovador através do planejamento de ações mais focalizadas que respondam de modo mais direto e assertivo que garantam a proteção e soluções para refugiados e migrantes, sendo elas: o acesso à rede socioassistental local, coexistência pacífica, abrigamento da população no processo logístico para interiorização a outros estados e municípios do Brasil, capacitações profissionais, orientações para a entrada no mercado de trabalho brasileiro e atendimento de necessidades específicas com vistas a oportunizar a integração local das pessoas refugiadas e migrantes no Amazonas. Palavras-chave: Administração. Imigração. Política Pública Migratória. Venezuelanos.
Migratory public policies have become increasingly necessary in our country, due to the mass of refugees who come to Brazil in search of better living conditions. Among these refugees are the Venezuelans. Hunger, poverty, the rise of disease and violence outbreak make many Venezuelans leave their country to other places in search of better living conditions and job opportunities. In response to the flow of refugees and migrants coming from Venezuela, the Brazilian government has promoted the Operation Acolhida, created in 2018 with the goal of improving the organization of the migration process and helping migrants and refugees who have decided to migrate to the country. This operation is based on three operational axes: border ordering, in which they are welcomed at the border, are submitted to a sort of triage, are directed to Federal Police to have their entry permits monitored, and then go through a vaccine control. It is worth pointing out that, if they wish to remain in Brazil, at the end of this process, they are sent to appropriate agencies to start the process of migratory legalization. The second axis is the shelter, which was created as an alternative to the increase of homeless people in the cities near the border. Therefore, shelters were created so that the vulnerable population could have a safe place to attend to their immediate needs. And the third axis is the internalization, which consists in relocating the Venezuelans who wish to live in other Brazilian cities that do not border Venezuela, so that it does not centralize only in the state of Roraima, which has no infrastructure to house everyone. Therefore, this work had as a main objective to identify the public policies that are being developed for the settlement and control actions of the Venezuelan refugees in Brazilian territory, especially in Amazonas and how the international development agency contributes to the dialogue about migration between national governments and local authorities. Specifically, it was intended to: identify the migratory public policies fostered by national governments, local authorities and their strategies for control actions of Venezuelan migrants; describe how the United Nations Refugees Agency (UNHCR) contribute to the social inclusion/interaction with migrants. To answer the objectives proposed by this work, a qualitative approach was used, through techniques of semi-structured interviews, document and content analysis. The importance of this work is due to the possibility of comparing the results of the literature analysis with the findings of the field research. It was possible to notice that UNHCR develops a local integration program in partnership with several organizations to encourage and enhance opportunities for refugees and Venezuelan migrants in the northern region. Jointly with the experiences of reception to refugees and migrants, it is able to fulfill its goal of strengthening regional capacities so that more migratory public policies can be created, providing access to the reception and integration system, while working to fulfill the needs of the Venezuelan population. Regarding the support to the humanitarian response in the states and municipalities, the Operation Acolhida, civil society and the private sector, seek to promote more focused planning actions that respond in a more direct and assertive way, with committed interventions to help and ensure protection and solutions for refugees, with access to the local social assistance network, community-based protection and peaceful coexistence, the sheltering of refugees, the logistical inward migration process to other states and municipalities of Brazil, professional training, guidance for admission into Brazilian labor market and attending to specific needs in order to provide an opportunity for local integration of refugees and migrants in Amazonas. Keywords: Public Migration Policy. Immigration. Public administration. Venezuelans.
Migratory public policies have become increasingly necessary in our country, due to the mass of refugees who come to Brazil in search of better living conditions. Among these refugees are the Venezuelans. Hunger, poverty, the rise of disease and violence outbreak make many Venezuelans leave their country to other places in search of better living conditions and job opportunities. In response to the flow of refugees and migrants coming from Venezuela, the Brazilian government has promoted the Operation Acolhida, created in 2018 with the goal of improving the organization of the migration process and helping migrants and refugees who have decided to migrate to the country. This operation is based on three operational axes: border ordering, in which they are welcomed at the border, are submitted to a sort of triage, are directed to Federal Police to have their entry permits monitored, and then go through a vaccine control. It is worth pointing out that, if they wish to remain in Brazil, at the end of this process, they are sent to appropriate agencies to start the process of migratory legalization. The second axis is the shelter, which was created as an alternative to the increase of homeless people in the cities near the border. Therefore, shelters were created so that the vulnerable population could have a safe place to attend to their immediate needs. And the third axis is the internalization, which consists in relocating the Venezuelans who wish to live in other Brazilian cities that do not border Venezuela, so that it does not centralize only in the state of Roraima, which has no infrastructure to house everyone. Therefore, this work had as a main objective to identify the public policies that are being developed for the settlement and control actions of the Venezuelan refugees in Brazilian territory, especially in Amazonas and how the international development agency contributes to the dialogue about migration between national governments and local authorities. Specifically, it was intended to: identify the migratory public policies fostered by national governments, local authorities and their strategies for control actions of Venezuelan migrants; describe how the United Nations Refugees Agency (UNHCR) contribute to the social inclusion/interaction with migrants. To answer the objectives proposed by this work, a qualitative approach was used, through techniques of semi-structured interviews, document and content analysis. The importance of this work is due to the possibility of comparing the results of the literature analysis with the findings of the field research. It was possible to notice that UNHCR develops a local integration program in partnership with several organizations to encourage and enhance opportunities for refugees and Venezuelan migrants in the northern region. Jointly with the experiences of reception to refugees and migrants, it is able to fulfill its goal of strengthening regional capacities so that more migratory public policies can be created, providing access to the reception and integration system, while working to fulfill the needs of the Venezuelan population. Regarding the support to the humanitarian response in the states and municipalities, the Operation Acolhida, civil society and the private sector, seek to promote more focused planning actions that respond in a more direct and assertive way, with committed interventions to help and ensure protection and solutions for refugees, with access to the local social assistance network, community-based protection and peaceful coexistence, the sheltering of refugees, the logistical inward migration process to other states and municipalities of Brazil, professional training, guidance for admission into Brazilian labor market and attending to specific needs in order to provide an opportunity for local integration of refugees and migrants in Amazonas. Keywords: Public Migration Policy. Immigration. Public administration. Venezuelans.
Emigração e imigração, Administração pública, Política pública, Venezuelanos
SILVA, Meiryjane Moura da. Políticas públicas de assistência migratória: análise do processo de imigração venezuelana no Amazonas. 2022. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2022.