Grau de concorrência e poder de mercado nas exportações de leite em pó para o Brasil
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Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural
Há indícios de que Argentina e Uruguai atuem como oligopolistas e exerçam poder de mercado nas exportações de leite em pó para o Brasil. As firmas dos dois países supracitados exportam quase a totalidade destes derivados para o território brasileiro, ao passo que há uma regionalização do comércio internacional destes produtos, restringindo a concorrência com outros países. O objetivo central do presente trabalho é verificar o grau de concorrência nas exportações de leite em pó integral e desnatado para o Brasil pela existência do poder de mercado praticado pelos países exportadores. Para isto, utiliza-se o modelo de demanda residual, estimado por mínimo quadrado de dois estágios (MQ2E), seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR) e mínimo quadrado de três estágios (MQ3E). Os resultados indicam que o Uruguai atua como oligopolista e exerce poder de mercado em ambos os mercados, enquanto a Argentina, apenas no caso do leite em pó integral. Os resultados sugerem que o Brasil deve buscar meios de elevar a concorrência nas importações de leite em pó, já que, assim, os preços tenderiam a ser menores e os consumidores se beneficiariam neste aspecto.
There are indications that Argentina and Uruguay act as oligopolists and exercise market power in exports of milk powder to Brazil. These two countries export almost all of these by-products to Brazil, while there is a regionalization of international trade in these products, restricting the competition with other countries. The main objective of this paper is to verify the degree of competition in exports of whole milk powder and skimmed milk powder to Brazil by the existence of market power practiced by the exporting countries. For this purpose, the residual demand model was used, estimated by three different methods: two-stage least square, seemingly unrelated regressions and three-stage least squares. The results indicate that Uruguay acts as oligopolistic and exercises market power in both markets, whereas Argentina acts only in the case of whole milk powder. This suggests that Brazil should increase the competition in milk powder imports, since the prices would tend to be smaller and consumers would benefit in this aspect.
There are indications that Argentina and Uruguay act as oligopolists and exercise market power in exports of milk powder to Brazil. These two countries export almost all of these by-products to Brazil, while there is a regionalization of international trade in these products, restricting the competition with other countries. The main objective of this paper is to verify the degree of competition in exports of whole milk powder and skimmed milk powder to Brazil by the existence of market power practiced by the exporting countries. For this purpose, the residual demand model was used, estimated by three different methods: two-stage least square, seemingly unrelated regressions and three-stage least squares. The results indicate that Uruguay acts as oligopolistic and exercises market power in both markets, whereas Argentina acts only in the case of whole milk powder. This suggests that Brazil should increase the competition in milk powder imports, since the prices would tend to be smaller and consumers would benefit in this aspect.
Concorrência, Poder de mercado, Leite em pó desnatado, Leite em pó integral, Exportação, Competition, Market power, Skimmed milk powder, Whole milk powder, Export