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Coleção de Artigos publicados por Docentes, Técnicos e Discentes vinculados ao departamento de Fitotecnia da UFV.


Resultados da Pesquisa

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  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Influence of seed size and water restriction on germination of soybean seeds and on early development of seedlings
    (Journal of Seed Science, 2013) Pereira, Welison Andrade; Pereira, Sara Maria Andrade; Dias, Denise Cunha Fernandes dos Santos
    Germination is a biological process that depends on adequate water supply to embryo development. Water deficit slows this process and depending on intensity and extent of this deficit may cause seed death. Nevertheless, it has not yet been reported whether seed size influences physiological potential, or tolerance to water stress. This study aimed at assessing the effects of seed size, as well as of water stress on germination of the seeds and on early soybean seedling development. The experiment was composed by seeds of 10 soybean cultivars classified by metallic screens with three sizes of oval holes (S12, S13 and S14) and subjected to three water potentials (0, -0.1, and -0.2 MPa), with four replications. Data on genotypes were grouped as replications and arranged on a factorial 3 x 3 (size x water potential), with 40 replications. Data assessed were: first and final count of germination; length and seedling dry weight; and correlation between length/mass of radicle and hypocotyl. It was concluded that under ideal moisture conditions larger seeds have better physiological quality, producing more vigorous seedlings; but, that under water potential of -0.2 MPa smaller seeds produce larger seedlings; and that the hypocotyl is more influenced by water stress than the radicle.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Armazenamento de sementes de xique-xique
    (Revista Brasileira de Sementes, 2012) Abud, Haynna Fernandes; Pereira, Diego de Sousa; Gonçalves, Nayara Roberto; Pereira, Magnum de Sousa; Bezerra, Antonio Marcos Esmeraldo
    Objetivou-se avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes de xique-xique (Pilosocereus gounellei) armazenadas em diferentes ambientes e embalagens durante o período de seis meses. Utilizou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições, num esquema de parcelas subdivididas. As parcelas receberam a combinação de dois ambientes de armazenamento, câmara fria e ambiente natural, e três embalagens, saco de papel multifoliado, saco de plástico e vidro. As subparcelas constaram dos períodos de armazenamento 0, 2, 4 e 6 meses. Após cada período de armazenamento, avaliou-se o teor de água, a porcentagem, o índice de velocidade e tempo médio de germinação. A câmara fria é mais adequada ao armazenamento de sementes de xique-xique quando comparada ao ambiente natural. Neste ambiente, todas as embalagens testadas foram eficientes em manter a qualidade fisiológica. Em ambiente natural, as sementes acondicionadas em saco de plástico apresentaram a maior germinação (87%), porém o saco de papel multifoliado mostrou-se mais estável em todas as variáveis analisadas, com germinação de 58%, velocidade de 3,9 e tempo médio de germinação de 7,9 dias ao final de seis meses de armazenamento. Em ambiente natural, o saco de papel multifoliado, é a condição ideal para a conservação da viabilidade de sementes de xique-xique.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Influência alelopática de hortelã (Mentha x villosa Huds.) sobre emergência de plântulas de alface (Lactuca sativa L.)
    (Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais, 2011) Maia, J. T. L. S; Bonfim, F. P. G.; Barbosa, C. K. R.; Guilherme, D. O.; Honório, I. C. G.; Martins, E. R.
    Objetivou-se com esse trabalho avaliar a interferência de possíveis efeitos alelopáticos de Mentha x villosa Huds. sobre a emergência de Lactuca sativa L. As atividades foram conduzidas em laboratório, no Instituto de Ciências Agrárias (ICA) da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, em Montes Claros/MG. Foram propostos três tratamentos, sendo esses: solo A, coletado em área cultivada com hortelã no horto medicinal do ICA/UFMG; solo B, coletado em áreas adjacentes e, testemunha (papel germiteste).O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC), com sete repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram: porcentagem e índice de velocidade de emergência. Observou-se que a emergência de plântulas de Lactuca sativa foi significativamente afetada pelo solo A (6,95%) se comparada com o solo B (21,71%), representando assim, uma inibição da emergência, ou seja, efeito alelopático da hortelã sobre a emergência de alface. Já o índice de velocidade de emergência (IVE) não diferiu significativamente entre os solos testados.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    The effect of fruit maturity on the physiological quality and conservation of Jatropha curcas seeds
    (Revista Ciência Agronômica, 2017-07) Silva, Laércio Junio da; Dias, Denise Cunha Fernandes dos Santos; Oliveira, Glauter Lima; Silva Júnior, Rubens Alves da
    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of fruit maturation stage on the physiological quality of J. curcas seeds during storage. Thus, seeds were extracted from fruits harvested at different maturity stages based on external color, i.e., yellow, yellow-brown and brown (dry fruits). After natural drying, the seeds were packed in Kraft paper bag and stored for 18 months at laboratory environment. Initially and every three months, the seeds were evaluated for moisture content, germination, first count of germination, accelerated aging, cold test, electrical conductivity and emergence. There was reduction in seed physiological quality, with decrease in germination and vigor, especially after nine months of storage. The seeds extracted from yellow and yellow-brown fruits are the most vigorous and can be stored for up to nine months without loss of physiological quality.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Performance of transgenic and conventional soybean plants subjected to bioassay for detection of glyphosate tolerant seeds
    (Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 2018-01) Pereira, Welison Andrade; Silva, Alisson Santos Lopes da; Nobre, Danúbia Aparecida Costa; Paula, Guilherme de Sousa; Silva, Felipe Lopes da
    The adoption of genetically modified soybean cultivars is increasing annually around the world, which indicates the excellence of these genotypes. For soybean breeding, the use of such cultivars in a backcross program relies on the ability to detect the transgenic trait. The germination test in a moistened substrate with glyphosate is effective and of low cost, however, wonders whether this is a non-destructive method to check cultivars. The objective of this study was to apply a bioassay for detection of herbicide-tolerant seeds and to evaluate the vegetative and productive development of the plants. It was observed that both glyphosate-tolerant and glyphosate-sensitive plants were affected in the initial stages of development in accordance with the herbicide application rate. However, whereas tolerant plants fully recover both in vegetative growth and production during the cycle, sensitive plants recover partially, producing smaller plants with lower yield as a consequence of the herbicide application rate.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Physiological quality of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds during storage
    (Journal of Seed Science, 2013) Dias, Denise Cunha Fernandes dos Santos; Pereira, Márcio Dias; Borges, Eduardo Euclydes de Lima e; Martins Filho, Sebastião; Dias, Luiz Antônio dos Santos; Soriano, Paulo Emídio
    The physic nut has been considered as one of the oilseed plants species with the highest potential for biofuel production. Oleaginous seeds demand special care during storage to maintain their quality. This study aimed to establish the most adequate conditions for their storage. Freshly-harvested seeds were dried until 7.2 moisture content and stored along a year, under the following conditions: environmental laboratory and cold chamber ( ±5 ºC and 60% RH), into paper bag, polypropylene bag, and cardboard barrel. Physiological quality was then assessed by the tests: germination; first count; germination speed index; seedling length; accelerated aging; cold test; field emergence; and emergence speed index, after zero, three, six, nine, and 12 months. There was linear reduction of germination and vigor of the seeds after storage under environmental laboratory condition, into paper or polypropylene bags, and cardboard barrel. Physiological quality was higher after storage in cold chamber, into paper or polypropylene bags; and into cardboard barrel, at environmental laboratory condition.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Relationship between fruit maturation stage and physiological quality of physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) seeds
    (Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2012-01) Silva, Laércio Junio da; Dias, Denise Cunha Fernandes dos Santos; Milagres, Carla do Carmo; Dias, Luiz Antônio dos Santos
    The physic nut (Jatropha curcas L.) has great potential for use in biodiesel production due to the high oil content of its seeds. Production of high quality seeds depends upon the appropriate time of harvest. A field experiment was carried out to monitor the maturation process of physic nut seeds and to establish the ideal harvest time of the seeds based on external fruit color. Fruits were collected at different maturation stages based on the external color: green, yellow-green, yellow, yellow-brown and brown. Seeds were extracted manually and, after natural drying, were submitted to the following tests and determinations: moisture content and dry matter, germination, first count seedling emergence, seedling growth, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity, the weight of thousand seeds and oil content. A randomized design was used with four replications. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and, for each test, treatment means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. Physic nut seeds with high physiological quality are obtained from yellow and yellow-brown fruits. Seeds from green fruits have lower physiological quality, dry matter and oil content than the other maturation stages. The seeds obtained from brown fruits have a high germination potential, but have low vigor in relation to yellow and yellow-brown stages.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Viabilidade in vitro de grãos de pólen de bananeira sob diferentes concentrações de ácido bórico e sacarose
    (Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 2011-05) Reis, Ronaldo Viana dos; Morais-Lino, Lucymeire de Souza; Silva, Sebastião de Oliveira e; Amorim, Edson Perito; Ledo, Carlos Alberto da Silva; Viana, Alexandre Pio
    Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar a germinação do grão de pólen e o comprimento do tubo polínico das bananeiras diplóides M53, 8987-01 e 9197-03, Calcutá, Lidi e 86B79-12. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado com cinco doses de sacarose (0, 5, 10, 15, 20%) e seis concentrações de ácido bórico (0, 100, 200, 300, 400 e 500 Mg L-1) com quatro repetições. Foram utilizados grãos de pólen retirados da inflorescência masculina dos diplóides Musa acuminata (AA). O pólen foi distribuído em placas de Petri, contendo o seguinte meio de cultura: 1,27 mM de Ca(NO3)2.2H2O, 0,87 mM de MgSO4.7H2O, 0,99 mM de KNO3, 0,7% de ágar com pH ajustado para 7,0, variando as concentrações de sacarose e de ácido bórico. As avaliações foram realizadas 24 horas após a distribuição do pólen no meio de cultura. O meio de cultura padrão para germinação de grãos de pólen suplementado com 15% de sacarose proporcionou uma maior percentagem de germinação para os diplóides de bananeira avaliados. A concentração de ácido bórico adicionado ao meio de cultura para a germinação de grãos de pólen de bananeira diplóide é dependente do genótipo.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Different harvest times and physiological quality of coriander seeds
    (Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2016-02) Alkimim, Emilly R.; David, Andréia M. S. de S.; Sousa, Tiago V.; Rodrigues, Cleiton G.; Amaro, Hugo T. R.
    The season of harvest is one of the most important factors influencing seed quality. This study evaluated the effect of different harvesting times on the physiological quality of Coriandrum sativum L. seeds, cv. Palmeira. The experimental design was completely randomized, with six treatments (harvest times) and four replications. The experiment was conducted during the months of April to October 2010. The first moment to harvest seeds was carried out 15 days after full bloom, when approximately 50% of plants were in flowering phase. Other harvests (22, 29, 36, 43 and, 50 days after bloom) were carried out at 7 days intervals until the seeds reached 16.0% of moisture, which occurred in the 6th harvest. Immediately after each harvest, the seeds were analysed for water content, germination and vigor (first count, seedling emergence and emergence rate index). The harvest season most suitable for C. sativum seeds cv. Palmeira occurred between 46 and 50 days after flowering, when the seeds have the highest physiological quality and moisture content between 20 and 16%.
  • Imagem de Miniatura
    Physiological quality of seeds of crambe desiccated at pre-harvest with glyphosate
    (Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 2018-08) Cangussú, Lucas V. de S.; David, Andréia M. S. de S.; Araújo, Eduardo F.; Alves, Rayane A.; Nunes, Rebeca A.; Amaro, Hugo T. R.
    Early harvest may decrease seed exposure in the field after physiological maturation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of glyphosate desiccant at different plant desiccation times at pre-harvest on the physiological quality of crambe (Crambe abyssinica Hochst) seeds. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, involving the application of glyphosate desiccant in the plants at pre-harvest and the control (without plant desiccation) and four desiccation times, with three replicates per treatment. The desiccation of crambe plants at pre-harvest with glyphosate was efficient, positively affecting seed germination and vigor. Application of the desiccant in the plants, with 90% of brown seeds, at 103 days after sowing, allows the production of seeds with superior performance.