Condições sócio-econômicas, alimentação e nutrição da população urbana de uma localidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
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Revista de Saúde Pública
O objetivo do estudo foi identificar e caracterizar a situação alimentar e nutricional de diferentes estratos sócio-econômicos, da população urbana de Ponte Nova, MG, Brasil. A amostra foi constituída por 161 famílias estratificadas em faixas salariais, codificadas em 6 estratos. Analisou-se além dos dados sócio-econômicos, a adequação calórica e de nutrientes da cesta básica e o estado nutricional das crianças de O a 6 anos, utilizando-se os critérios de Gomez e Seoane-Lathan. Os resultados indicaram que 40% da amostra percebe renda inferior a dois salários mínimos, enquanto que 12% atinge o nível de renda superior a 10 salários. A população ocupada exerce relações apenas indireta com a produção, sendo absorvida pelo setor de serviços. Os serviços de saneamento cobrem extensivamente os estratos de renda mais elevados, os quais também têm melhores condições de habitações e recursos de saúde. A análise da cesta básica revela que a adequação nutricional amplia-se com o aumento da renda, atingindo níveis mais adequados apenas no estrato com renda superior a dez salários mínimos. O nível de percepção apresentado pelas famílias quanto à "suficiência" da alimentação, reforçou os resultados da adequação da cesta, em cada estrato. Quanto ao estado nutricional das crianças, verificou-se que a prevalência de desnutrição apresentou-se coerentemente com as condições sócio-econômicas, diminuindo com o aumento da renda e desaparecendo acima de dez salários mínimos.
This study aimed at identifying and characterizing the alimentary and nutritional situation of different socio-economic strata of the urban population of Ponte Nova, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The sample comprised 161 families stratified according to their earnings in terms of the official minimum wage (salário mínimo – SM), classified in 6 stratum. In addition to socio-economic data, the analysis also takes into consideration the nutritional and caloric adequacy of the ingredients of the basic diet as well as the nutritional state of children up to 6 years old, employing the criteria of Gomez and Seoane-Lathan. The results show that 40% of the sample population earn less than 2 SM, while 12% reach and income level above 10 SM. The population considered has only and indirect relation to production and is employed in the services sector. Access to sanitary services is greater for higher income strata, which also feature better living conditions and health resources. The analysis of the basic diet shows that nutritional adequacy increases with increasing income, reaching more adequate levels only in the highest stratum. The level of perception as to what is "sufficient" in terms of diet supports the results of diet adequacy for each stratum. In so far as the nutritional condition of children is concerned it was observed that the prevalence of malnutrition is consistent with socio-economic condition, decreasing within creased earnings and disappearing altogether above the 10 SM range.
This study aimed at identifying and characterizing the alimentary and nutritional situation of different socio-economic strata of the urban population of Ponte Nova, in Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The sample comprised 161 families stratified according to their earnings in terms of the official minimum wage (salário mínimo – SM), classified in 6 stratum. In addition to socio-economic data, the analysis also takes into consideration the nutritional and caloric adequacy of the ingredients of the basic diet as well as the nutritional state of children up to 6 years old, employing the criteria of Gomez and Seoane-Lathan. The results show that 40% of the sample population earn less than 2 SM, while 12% reach and income level above 10 SM. The population considered has only and indirect relation to production and is employed in the services sector. Access to sanitary services is greater for higher income strata, which also feature better living conditions and health resources. The analysis of the basic diet shows that nutritional adequacy increases with increasing income, reaching more adequate levels only in the highest stratum. The level of perception as to what is "sufficient" in terms of diet supports the results of diet adequacy for each stratum. In so far as the nutritional condition of children is concerned it was observed that the prevalence of malnutrition is consistent with socio-economic condition, decreasing within creased earnings and disappearing altogether above the 10 SM range.
Inquéritos nutricionais, Fatores sócio-econômicos, Consumo de alimentos, Necessidades nutricionais, Nutrition surveys, Socioeconomic factors, Food consumption, Nutritional requirements