Saúde pública e gênero : uma análise dos municípios mineiros à luz das políticas públicas PNAISM e PNAISH
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as políticas públicas de saúde PNAISM e PNAISH e a situação dos municípios mineiros refletindo sobre as questões de gênero e seus impactos nos cuidados com a saúde. Para tanto, o percurso metodológico foi dividido em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa, 595 municípios de Minas Gerais foram hierarquizados e analisados utilizando a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e a Técnica de Criação de Índices. Na segunda etapa, foram selecionados dois municípios, sendo eles Rio Paranaíba e Santana do Deserto, por terem Índice Socioeconômico e Institucional semelhantes e Índice de Saúde Feminino e Índice de Saúde Masculino diferentes, na intenção de aprofundar o entendimento sobre a saúde de mulheres e homens nos mesmos. Foram realizadas entrevistas fundamentadas em um roteiro semiestruturado com os secretários de saúde, enfermeiros e médico, que foram transcritas e analisadas pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Os resultados do estudo mostraram o baixo quantitativo de municípios classificados como bons em todos os índices, o que corrobora a existência de grandes diferenças entre os municípios de um mesmo estado. As mesorregiões comuns nos três índices na melhor classificação foram Campo das Vertentes, Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte e Sul/Sudoeste de Minas. O município de Rio Paranaíba se destacou na saúde feminina e masculina, em contrapartida, Santana do Deserto foi em direção oposta. Em Rio Paranaíba, confirmando os resultados da abordagem quantitativa, são executadas, em maior quantidade, ações coerentes com os objetivos das políticas. Os resultados em Santana do Deserto também confirmaram os resultados quantitativos, poucas ações no tocante ao desenvolvimento da saúde de mulheres e homens são executadas, distanciando-se dos objetivos da PNAISM e PNAISH. Alguns pontos se mostraram carentes nos dois municípios, como ações voltadas para as vítimas de violência, participação dos homens em eventos realizados e no acompanhamento dos cuidados com a saúde, falta de especialistas que atendam a população em suas demandas, mais celeridade em algumas especialidades e treinamentos para os profissionais de saúde. Não obstante, as masculinidades apareceram com destaque nos dois municípios, reforçando a necessidade de promoção da educação em saúde. Conclui-se que a saúde específica de mulheres e homens poderiam ter resultados melhores, pois poucos municípios tiveram uma boa classificação nos índices analisados. A maior deficiência está nos serviços voltados para a saúde do homem, intensificadas pelas questões que envolvem o gênero e que influenciam negativamente no comportamento na saúde. Dessa forma, reitera-se a importância da PNAISM e da PNAISH e sugere-se que sejam mais aproveitadas, divulgadas, utilizadas, que aumente a oferta e o investimento destinado à treinamentos para os profissionais de saúde, reestruturação de seus textos, objetivos e diretrizes e que promova a discussão de temáticas importantes para a saúde com a população. Palavras-chave: Saúde pública. PNAISM. PNAISH. Gênero.
The aim of this study was to analyze the National Policy for Integral Attention for women's health (PNAISM) and the National Policy for Integral Attention for men's health (PNAISH), taking into account gender issues that affect health care in communities in the state Minas Gerais. To this end, the methodological path was divided into two phases. In the first phase, 595 cities in Minas Gerais were ranked and provided with Exploratory Factor Analysis and the index generation technique. In the second phase, two cities were selected, Rio Paranaíba and Santana do Deserto, because they have a similar socioeconomic and institutional index and a different health index for women and men, in order to deepen the understanding of women's and men's health. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured script with the health secretaries, nurses and doctors, which was transcribed and analyzed using the technique Content Analysis. The results of the study show, unchanged, the small number of municipalities rated as good in all indices, which underpins the existence of differences between cities in the same state. Common mesoregions in the three indices with the best classification were Campo das Vertentes, Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte and Sul / Sudoeste de Minas. In terms of women's and men's health, the city of Rio Paranaíba stands out. Santana do Deserto, on the other hand, developed in the opposite direction. In Rio Paranaíba, as confirmed by the results of the quantitative approach, more actions are implemented that are consistent with the policy objectives. The results in Santana do Deserto also confirm the quantitative results, activities are carried out for the development of women's and men's health that move away from the objectives of PNAISM and PNAISH. Some points are missing in the two municipalities, such as actions for victims of violence, the participation of men in events and in the monitoring of health care, the lack of professionals to attend to the needs of the population, more speed in some specialties and the training of health professionals. Nevertheless, masculinities emerged clearly in both communities, highlighting the need to promote health education. It is concluded that the specific health of women and men according to the best results, as few communities have a good ranking in compliance rates. The greatest deficiency is in the services focused on men's health, reinforced by issues that gender and negative influence on health behaviors. In this way, the importance of PNAISM and PNAISH ix is reaffirmed and it is necessary that it isbetter used, disseminated and used, increase the supply and investment for the training of health professionals, the course of their texts, objectives and guidelines, and promote the discussion of important health issues with the population. Keywords: Public health. PNAISM. PNAISH. Gender.
The aim of this study was to analyze the National Policy for Integral Attention for women's health (PNAISM) and the National Policy for Integral Attention for men's health (PNAISH), taking into account gender issues that affect health care in communities in the state Minas Gerais. To this end, the methodological path was divided into two phases. In the first phase, 595 cities in Minas Gerais were ranked and provided with Exploratory Factor Analysis and the index generation technique. In the second phase, two cities were selected, Rio Paranaíba and Santana do Deserto, because they have a similar socioeconomic and institutional index and a different health index for women and men, in order to deepen the understanding of women's and men's health. The interviews were conducted in a semi-structured script with the health secretaries, nurses and doctors, which was transcribed and analyzed using the technique Content Analysis. The results of the study show, unchanged, the small number of municipalities rated as good in all indices, which underpins the existence of differences between cities in the same state. Common mesoregions in the three indices with the best classification were Campo das Vertentes, Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte and Sul / Sudoeste de Minas. In terms of women's and men's health, the city of Rio Paranaíba stands out. Santana do Deserto, on the other hand, developed in the opposite direction. In Rio Paranaíba, as confirmed by the results of the quantitative approach, more actions are implemented that are consistent with the policy objectives. The results in Santana do Deserto also confirm the quantitative results, activities are carried out for the development of women's and men's health that move away from the objectives of PNAISM and PNAISH. Some points are missing in the two municipalities, such as actions for victims of violence, the participation of men in events and in the monitoring of health care, the lack of professionals to attend to the needs of the population, more speed in some specialties and the training of health professionals. Nevertheless, masculinities emerged clearly in both communities, highlighting the need to promote health education. It is concluded that the specific health of women and men according to the best results, as few communities have a good ranking in compliance rates. The greatest deficiency is in the services focused on men's health, reinforced by issues that gender and negative influence on health behaviors. In this way, the importance of PNAISM and PNAISH ix is reaffirmed and it is necessary that it isbetter used, disseminated and used, increase the supply and investment for the training of health professionals, the course of their texts, objectives and guidelines, and promote the discussion of important health issues with the population. Keywords: Public health. PNAISM. PNAISH. Gender.
Saúde pública - Brasil, Mulheres - Saúde e higiene - Política governamental - Brasil, Homens - Saúde e higiene - Política governamental - Brasil
SILVA, Laíza Nília da. Saúde pública e gênero : uma análise dos municípios
mineiros à luz das políticas públicas PNAISM e PNAISH. 2021. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2021.