Efeito de preparados homeopáticos e do ambiente de cultivo na produção de flavonoides e saponinas por plantas de carqueja
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de preparados homeopáticos e ambiente de cultivo na produção e rendimento de flavonoide e saponina por plantas de carqueja.
O experimento foi conduzido no Departamento de Fitotecnia da Universidade Federal de Viçosa, no período de março/2010 à dezembro/2010. Foi adotado o esquema fatorial 6 x 2 no Delineamento Inteiramente Casualisado, sendo 5 tratamentos homeopáticos: Silicea CH6, CH12, CH30, D7 e Equisetum D7 + controle (etanol 70%) x 2 ambientes de cultivo: estufa e sombrite com 50% de redução de luminosidade, com 4 repetições, totalizando 48 unidades experimentais. As mudas foram produzidas pelo processo de enraizamento de estacas, sendo provenientes de uma planta matriz feminina coletada no município de Viçosa/MG. Alas caulinares com 10 cm foram colocadas em tubetes plásticos para enraizamento em casa de vegetação por dois meses. Após o enraizamento, as estacas foram transplantadas para sacolas plásticas contendo 1,5 litros de substrato formado pela mistura de terra de subsolo e esterco de gado curtido na proporção de 3:1 (v/v) e
foram colocadas nos diferentes ambientes de cultivo para receber os tratamentos homeopáticos. Os tratamentos homeopáticos foram aplicados na concentração de 25
gotas/500 mL de água destilada usando borrifadores manuais. Cada planta recebeu aproximadamente 10 mL da solução por aplicação via foliar. As aplicações foram realizadas sempre pela manha, três vezes por semana, em dias alternados, durante dois meses (27/07/2010 a 27/09/2010). A interação entre os fatores, assim como os fatores independentes foram comparados pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O
efeito dos preparados homeopáticos e dos dois ambientes de cultivo em plantas de carqueja foram avaliados pelas variáveis: altura (HRE), comprimento do maior ramo (CMR), número de ramos secundários (NRS), massa da parte aérea fresca (MPAF), massa da parte aérea seca (MPAS), teor de umidade (TU), teor de flavonoide em quercetina (QCT) e teor de saponina (SAP) na parte aérea das plantas. As variáveis
HRE, CMR e NRS foram influenciadas apenas pelo fator ambiente. As variáveis MPAF, TU e QCT foram influenciadas pelos ambientes de cultivo, pelos preparados homeopáticos e pela interação entre os dois fatores. A variável MPAS foi
influenciada apenas pela interação dos fatores e o teor de saponina apenas pelos preparados homeopáticos. Plantas cultivadas em ambiente com 50% de sombreamento associadas a aplicação dos preparados homeopáticos Silicea CH6 e D7, apresentaram maior produção e rendimento de quercetina. O maior rendimento de saponinas foi alcançado com a Silicea D7, independente dos ambientes de cultivo.
O preparado Silicea CH30 foi capaz de equilibrar o teor de umidade da parte aérea das plantas de carqueja de acordo com os ambientes de cultivo.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of homeopathic preparations and crop environments through production and yield of flavonoid and saponin on carqueja plants. The experiment was carried out at the Department of Fitotecnia-UFV, from March/2010 to December/2010. It was a factorial (6X2) on completely randomized design with 5 homeopathic treatments: Silicea CH6, CH12, CH30, D7 and Equisetum D7 + control (70% ethanol) x 2 crop nvironments: greenhouse and shade 50% and 4 replicates, totaling 48 experimental units. The carqueja plants were produced by vegetative form from the same female genotype collected in Viçosa/MG. Cuttings of about 10 cm were placed in plastic tubets for rooting in greenhouse for 2 months. After rooting, they were transplanted into 1,5 L plastic bags with 3 parts of soil and 1 part of cow manure substrate and were put on differet crop environments to receive the homeopathic treatments. The treatment were applied at concentration of 25 drops/500 mL of distilled water using hand apryers. Each plant received approximately 10 mL via leaves. The preparations were sprayed always on mornings, three times a week on alternate days during two months (27/09/2010 to 27/11/2010). The interation between the factors as well as the independents factors were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The effect of homeopathic preparations and the two crop environments on carqueja plants were evaluated through the variables: height (HRE), length of the longest branch (LLB), secondary shoots (SEC), fresh matter of aerial part (FMAP), dry matter of aerial part (DMAP), moisture content (MC), flavonoids content (QCT) and saponins content (SAP) in aerial part. The variables HRE, LLB and SEC were only affected by the crop environment factor. The variables FMAP, MC and QCT were significantly influenced by the crop environments, the preparations and interaction beteween the two factors. The DMAP was only influenced by the interation of the two factors and the SAP was only affected significantly by homeopathic preparations. The 50% shade environment associated with Silicea CH6 or D7 increased production and yield of quercetin. The highest yield of saponins was achieved with Silicea D7, independent of crop environments. The preparation Silicea CH30 was able to balance the moisture content in carqueja plants, according on crop environments.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of homeopathic preparations and crop environments through production and yield of flavonoid and saponin on carqueja plants. The experiment was carried out at the Department of Fitotecnia-UFV, from March/2010 to December/2010. It was a factorial (6X2) on completely randomized design with 5 homeopathic treatments: Silicea CH6, CH12, CH30, D7 and Equisetum D7 + control (70% ethanol) x 2 crop nvironments: greenhouse and shade 50% and 4 replicates, totaling 48 experimental units. The carqueja plants were produced by vegetative form from the same female genotype collected in Viçosa/MG. Cuttings of about 10 cm were placed in plastic tubets for rooting in greenhouse for 2 months. After rooting, they were transplanted into 1,5 L plastic bags with 3 parts of soil and 1 part of cow manure substrate and were put on differet crop environments to receive the homeopathic treatments. The treatment were applied at concentration of 25 drops/500 mL of distilled water using hand apryers. Each plant received approximately 10 mL via leaves. The preparations were sprayed always on mornings, three times a week on alternate days during two months (27/09/2010 to 27/11/2010). The interation between the factors as well as the independents factors were compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. The effect of homeopathic preparations and the two crop environments on carqueja plants were evaluated through the variables: height (HRE), length of the longest branch (LLB), secondary shoots (SEC), fresh matter of aerial part (FMAP), dry matter of aerial part (DMAP), moisture content (MC), flavonoids content (QCT) and saponins content (SAP) in aerial part. The variables HRE, LLB and SEC were only affected by the crop environment factor. The variables FMAP, MC and QCT were significantly influenced by the crop environments, the preparations and interaction beteween the two factors. The DMAP was only influenced by the interation of the two factors and the SAP was only affected significantly by homeopathic preparations. The 50% shade environment associated with Silicea CH6 or D7 increased production and yield of quercetin. The highest yield of saponins was achieved with Silicea D7, independent of crop environments. The preparation Silicea CH30 was able to balance the moisture content in carqueja plants, according on crop environments.
Agricultura biodinâmica, Agroecologia, Homeopatia, Plantas medicinais, Metabolitos secundários, Biodynamic agriculture, Agroecology, Homeopathy, Medicinal plants, Secondary metabolites
CAPRA, Rafael Scarpim. Effect of homeopathic preparations and crop environments through production of flavonoids and saponins on carqueja plants. 2011. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Plantas daninhas, Alelopatia, Herbicidas e Resíduos; Fisiologia de culturas; Manejo pós-colheita de) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.