Composição bromatológica, energia metabolizável e equações de predição da energia do grão e de subprodutos do trigo para pintos de corte
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Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia
Foram determinados os valores de energia metabolizável aparente (EMA) e energia metabolizável aparente corrigida pelo balanço de nitrogênio (EMAn) e elaboradas equações de predição dos valores energéticos, utilizando a composição química de 11 alimentos. Os alimentos avaliados foram: farinha morena, farinha de trigo, trigo-grão, triguilho, gérmen de trigo, resíduo de biscoito, resíduo de macarrão e quatro farelos de trigo. Foi utilizado o método tradicional de coleta total de excretas, com 480 pintos de corte, de 16 a 24 dias de idade. O delineamento experimental foi o inteiramente casualizado, com 11 alimentos e uma ração-referência, quatro repetições e 10 aves por unidade experimental (cinco machos e cinco fêmeas). Cada alimento substituiu a ração-referência em 40%. Os valores de EMA e EMAn, expressos em kcal/kg de matéria seca (MS), dos alimentos variaram de 1807 a 1758 para o farelo de trigo 3 e de 4480 a 4339 para o resíduo de biscoito, respectivamente. As equações de predição que melhor estimaram os valores de EMA e EMAn (R^2 = 98%) foram aquelas em que foram usados os conteúdos de proteína bruta (PB) e, ou, fibra em detergente neutro (FDN), com R^2 igual a 98%, sendo: EMA (kcal/kg MS) = 4910,03 - 47,82^*PB - 47,77^*FDN; e EMAn (kcal/kg MS) = 4754,02 - 48,38^*PB - 45,32^*FDN.
The apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) values were determined and energy prediction equations obtained using the chemical composition of 11 feedstuffs. The feedstuffs evaluated were: brown flour meal, wheat flour, wheat grain, wheat grain residue, wheat germ, cookies residue, macaroni residue and, four wheat brans. Total excreta collection method was used, with 480 broiler chicks, 16 to 24 days old. A randomized complete design was utilized, with 11 feedstuffs and a basal reference diet, using four replications and ten birds per experimental unit (five males and five females). Each feedstuff replaced the reference diet at the amount of 40%. The feedstuffs AME and AMEn values expressed in kcal/kg of dry matter (DM), varied from 1807 to 1758 for wheat bran 3 and from 4480 to 4339 for cookies residue, respectively. The prediction equations that best estimated (R^2 = 98%) AME and AMEn values were those in which crude protein (CP) and/or neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents, were used AME (kcal/kg DM) = 4910,03 - 47,82^*CP - 47,77^*NDF; and AMEn (kcal/kg DM)= 4754.02 - 48.38^*CP - 45.32^*NDF.
The apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and nitrogen corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) values were determined and energy prediction equations obtained using the chemical composition of 11 feedstuffs. The feedstuffs evaluated were: brown flour meal, wheat flour, wheat grain, wheat grain residue, wheat germ, cookies residue, macaroni residue and, four wheat brans. Total excreta collection method was used, with 480 broiler chicks, 16 to 24 days old. A randomized complete design was utilized, with 11 feedstuffs and a basal reference diet, using four replications and ten birds per experimental unit (five males and five females). Each feedstuff replaced the reference diet at the amount of 40%. The feedstuffs AME and AMEn values expressed in kcal/kg of dry matter (DM), varied from 1807 to 1758 for wheat bran 3 and from 4480 to 4339 for cookies residue, respectively. The prediction equations that best estimated (R^2 = 98%) AME and AMEn values were those in which crude protein (CP) and/or neutral detergent fiber (NDF) contents, were used AME (kcal/kg DM) = 4910,03 - 47,82^*CP - 47,77^*NDF; and AMEn (kcal/kg DM)= 4754.02 - 48.38^*CP - 45.32^*NDF.
Energia metabolizável, Equações de predição, Pintos de corte