Adsorção de íons Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+ e Zn2+ em resíduos sólidos urbanos estabilizados
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Engenharia na Agricultura
A alta toxicidade e o caráter cumulativo dos metais pesados têm sido motivos de grande preocupação mundial, proporcionando o aumento significativo de trabalhos que objetivem desenvolver tecnologias para remoção destas substâncias potencialmente nocivas ao meio ambiente. Com o objetivo de estudar a capacidade de remoção de metais pesados em percolado de resíduo sólido urbano recém coletado (RSU-Fresco) pelo resíduo sólido urbano e resíduo da construção civil (RCC), realizaram-se ensaios de adsorção de metais. Foram utilizados resíduos sólidos urbanos com 15 anos (RSU-Antigo) e 8 anos (RSU-Maduro) de aterramento. Os resultados possibilitaram concluir que a capacidade máxima de adsorção para o RSU-Antigo apresentou a seqüência Zn> Pb>Cu>Cd, já para o RSU-Maduro a seqüência foi Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd. O RSU-Antigo apresentou maior capacidade de retenção dos metais do percolado de aterro sanitário.
The high toxicity and the cumulative character of heavy metals have been reasons for great world preoccupation, providing the significant increase of works for development of technologies that potentially might be able to remove those dangerous substances from the environment. With the aim of studying the capacity of removal of heavy metals in leachate of recently collected urban solid residue (RSU-Fresh) by the urban solid residue and by residue of civil construction (RCC), there were performed several experiments of adsorption of metals. 15 years old urban solid residues (RSU-Old) were used as well as 8 years old residues (RSU-Mature) of dump. The results enabled to conclude that the maxim adsorption capacity for RSU-Old presented the sequence Zn> Pb>Cu>Cd, already for RSU-Mature the sequence was Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd. The RSU-Old residue presented larger capacity of retention of the metals of the leachate of landfill.
The high toxicity and the cumulative character of heavy metals have been reasons for great world preoccupation, providing the significant increase of works for development of technologies that potentially might be able to remove those dangerous substances from the environment. With the aim of studying the capacity of removal of heavy metals in leachate of recently collected urban solid residue (RSU-Fresh) by the urban solid residue and by residue of civil construction (RCC), there were performed several experiments of adsorption of metals. 15 years old urban solid residues (RSU-Old) were used as well as 8 years old residues (RSU-Mature) of dump. The results enabled to conclude that the maxim adsorption capacity for RSU-Old presented the sequence Zn> Pb>Cu>Cd, already for RSU-Mature the sequence was Zn>Cu>Pb>Cd. The RSU-Old residue presented larger capacity of retention of the metals of the leachate of landfill.
Adsorção, Isoterma de Langmuir, Metais pesados