Os caminhos da memória: trajetórias de mulheres no esporte universitário viçosense na década de 1970
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Este trabalho tematiza a participação feminina no esporte universitário viçosense
na década de 1970. O objetivo central desta pesquisa é analisar a participação de
mulheres no espaço esportivo universitário a partir da memória construída nas
narrativas de nove mulheres sobre suas trajetórias esportivas. Mais especificamente buscamos compreender os processos de iniciação, inserção e atuação nos esportes universitários; identificar os fatores que possibilitaram ou dificultaram estes processos; registrar trajetórias particulares que construíram a história do esporte universitário na cidade de Viçosa; identificar os contextos apresentados nas narrativas, identificar e analisar como o gênero marca o discurso, as experiências e a memória das mulheres entrevistadas. Para tanto, nos apoiamos no método da história oral e nos estudos de gênero. Constituem-se fontes primárias as narrativas obtidas por meio de entrevistas em torno de três eixos temáticos: iniciação às práticas esportivas; inserção e atuação nas práticas esportivas universitárias viçosenses; ser mulher esportista universitária. As narrativas foram transcritas, textualizadas e agrupadas em categorias de análise.
Entrevistei mulheres que tinham em comum um espaço social dominante em suas
trajetórias de vida: o esporte universitário. Desta maneira, identificamos fios condutores das narrativas e importantes pontos de referência que estruturaram a memória pessoal das entrevistadas, inserindo-a na memória do grupo. As brincadeiras de rua, a figura paterna, a prática do voleibol na escola e a opção pelo esporte são alguns elementos que compõem o mapa de memória das entrevistadas. As lembranças da antiga Praça de Esportes, da Liga Universitária Viçosense de Esportes/LUVE e dos Jogos Universitários constituem-se verdadeiros lugares de memória que sinalizam e demarcam os caminhos percorridos, tanto para a estruturação das narrativas quanto para a conquista do espaço esportivo nos anos de 1970. Foi possível identificar que a participação de mulheres no esporte universitário viçosense se fez por um processo lento de infiltração, disputas e negociações.
This paper studies the participation of women in college sports in the 1970 in Viçosa. The objective of this research is to analyze the participation of women in the university sports from memory built in the narratives of nine women on their sports careers. More specifically we seek to understand the processes of initiation, integration and performance in college sports, to identify the factors that enabled or hindered this process, registering individuals who have built careers in the history of college sports in the city of Viçosa, to identify the contexts presented in the narrative, and identify and examine how gender marks the discourse, the experience and memory of the women interviewed. For this, we rely on the method of oral history and gender studies. Constitute the primary source narratives obtained through interviews around three themes: initiation to sports practices, integration and performance in college sports Viçosense; being female college athlete. The narratives were transcribed, textualized and re-grouped into categories of analysis. I interviewed women who had a common college sports as a dominant social space in their life trajectories. Thus, we identify strands of narrative and important points of reference that shaped the personal memory of the respondents, placing it in memory of the group. The outdoor play, the father figure, the practice of volleyball in school and the option for the sport are some elements that make up the memory map of the interviewees. The memories of the old Sports Place, of the University Sports League of Viçosa /LUVE and the University Gamesd constitute real places of memory that signal and demarcate the paths taken, both to structure the narrative and for the conquest of space sports in the years 1970. It was identified that the participation of women in college sports in Viçosa was done by a slow process of infiltration, disputes and negotiations.
This paper studies the participation of women in college sports in the 1970 in Viçosa. The objective of this research is to analyze the participation of women in the university sports from memory built in the narratives of nine women on their sports careers. More specifically we seek to understand the processes of initiation, integration and performance in college sports, to identify the factors that enabled or hindered this process, registering individuals who have built careers in the history of college sports in the city of Viçosa, to identify the contexts presented in the narrative, and identify and examine how gender marks the discourse, the experience and memory of the women interviewed. For this, we rely on the method of oral history and gender studies. Constitute the primary source narratives obtained through interviews around three themes: initiation to sports practices, integration and performance in college sports Viçosense; being female college athlete. The narratives were transcribed, textualized and re-grouped into categories of analysis. I interviewed women who had a common college sports as a dominant social space in their life trajectories. Thus, we identify strands of narrative and important points of reference that shaped the personal memory of the respondents, placing it in memory of the group. The outdoor play, the father figure, the practice of volleyball in school and the option for the sport are some elements that make up the memory map of the interviewees. The memories of the old Sports Place, of the University Sports League of Viçosa /LUVE and the University Gamesd constitute real places of memory that signal and demarcate the paths taken, both to structure the narrative and for the conquest of space sports in the years 1970. It was identified that the participation of women in college sports in Viçosa was done by a slow process of infiltration, disputes and negotiations.
História oral, Esporte, Gênero, Oral history, Sport, Gender
ZEFERINO, Jaqueline Cardoso. The paths of memory: trajectories of women in college sports in the 1970 in Viçosa. 2010. 190 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Aspectos sócio-culturais do movimento humano; Aspectos biodinâmicos do movimento humano) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.