Capacidade combinatória e heterose em cruzamentos intervarietais de milho avaliados sob as condições climáticas da região sul do Brasil
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Revista Ceres
Efetuou-se , o estudo de , oito variedades melhoradas e suas
combinações híbridas, avaliadas nas condições de "plantio do cedo" na região Sul do Brasil. Utilizou-se a metodologia de Griffing, Método 2, Modelo 1, determinando-se os efeitos da capacidade geral (CGC) e específica de combinação (CEC) para os caracteres estande inicial (EI), florescimento feminino (FF), altura da planta (AP) e produção (PROD), com o objetivo de indicar a melhor estratégia de melhoramento conjunto
para todos os caracteres, para os quais caracteres houve significância (PS≤ 0,05) dos efeitos de CGC e CEC. A interação da CGC x locais somente foi significativa (P≤ 0,05) para florescimento, feminino e produção. Os progenitores com maior potencial para o melhoramento intrapopulacional, por caráter, são: AG-l6 e AG-28 para EI; AG-05 e AG- 16 para FF e AP; e, finalmente, AG-28 e AG-13 para PROD. Os resultados indicam que a melhor estratégia de melhoramento é a formação de dois compostos (AG-05 com AG-13 e AG-16 com AG-28) para serem
utilizados em programas de seleção recorrente.
A study of eight improved varieties of corn (Zea mays) and their hybrid combinations was carried out, with evaluation under “early planting” conditions, in Southern Brazil. Griffing Methodology, Method 2, Model I, was used to determine the general capacity of combination (GCC) and specific capacity of combination (SCC) effects for the initial stand (IS), female flowering (FF), plant height (PH) and yield in order to indicate the best strategies for joint improvement of all characters. For all characters there were significant (P≤ 0.05) effects on GCC and SCC. The interaction of CGC and location was significant (P≤ 0.05) only for female flowering and yield. The progenitors with greatest potential for intrapopulation improvement, per character, are: AC:-16 and ACB-28 for IS; AG-05 and AG-16 for FF and PH; and finally, AG-28 and AG-l3 for yield. The results show that the best improvement strategy is the manufacture of two composts (AG-05 with AG-13 and AG-16 with AG- 28) to be used in a recurrent selection program.
A study of eight improved varieties of corn (Zea mays) and their hybrid combinations was carried out, with evaluation under “early planting” conditions, in Southern Brazil. Griffing Methodology, Method 2, Model I, was used to determine the general capacity of combination (GCC) and specific capacity of combination (SCC) effects for the initial stand (IS), female flowering (FF), plant height (PH) and yield in order to indicate the best strategies for joint improvement of all characters. For all characters there were significant (P≤ 0.05) effects on GCC and SCC. The interaction of CGC and location was significant (P≤ 0.05) only for female flowering and yield. The progenitors with greatest potential for intrapopulation improvement, per character, are: AC:-16 and ACB-28 for IS; AG-05 and AG-16 for FF and PH; and finally, AG-28 and AG-l3 for yield. The results show that the best improvement strategy is the manufacture of two composts (AG-05 with AG-13 and AG-16 with AG- 28) to be used in a recurrent selection program.
Heterose, Milho, Condições climáticas da região sul do Brasil