Dilema orçamentário: a busca pela estabilidade no contexto de retração
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Revista de Administração Contemporânea
A UniCaso é uma universidade federal brasileira, localizada no interior, que participou do programa de expansão organizacional promovido pelo governo de seu país, em que a Educação é constitucionalmente reconhecida como um direito de todos e dever do Estado e da família. Entretanto, após dez anos, o programa não se encontra consolidado e o governo apresenta dificuldades em manter e criar novas condições de repasses financeiros para sua sustentação, ocasionando retração nos investimentos para a educação superior. Diante disso, os dirigentes da UniCaso defrontaram-se com a necessidade de decidirem sobre a readequação orçamentária e financeira da universidade de modo a minimizar o impacto negativo nas atividades de ensino, pesquisa e extensão em andamento. Assim, este caso apresenta o dilema na perspectiva do Reitor da universidade: qual o melhor caminho para conduzir a UniCaso à condição de estabilidade financeira em um contexto de retração de investimentos públicos? O caso possibilita a discussão sobre gestão orçamentária e planejamento em disciplinas de cursos de graduação e pós-graduação de gestão universitária, administração pública e ciências contábeis.
UniCaso is a Brazilian federal university located in the interior that participated in the organizational expansion program promoted by the government of Brazil. In this program, education is recognized constitutionally as a right of all and as a duty of the state and the family. However, after ten years, the program has not been consolidated and the government has difficulties maintaining and creating new financial conditions to support it, leading to a reduction in investments for higher education. Thus, the head managers of UniCaso faced the need to make decisions regarding the university budget and financial adjustments to minimize the negative impact on the ongoing teaching, research, and extension activities. Therefore, this case presents the dilemma from the perspective of the university's dean: what is the best way to ensure the financial stability of UniCaso in a scenario of reduced public investments? The case triggers a discussion on budgetary management and strategic planning in undergraduate and postgraduate courses of University Management, Public Management, and Accounting Sciences.
UniCaso is a Brazilian federal university located in the interior that participated in the organizational expansion program promoted by the government of Brazil. In this program, education is recognized constitutionally as a right of all and as a duty of the state and the family. However, after ten years, the program has not been consolidated and the government has difficulties maintaining and creating new financial conditions to support it, leading to a reduction in investments for higher education. Thus, the head managers of UniCaso faced the need to make decisions regarding the university budget and financial adjustments to minimize the negative impact on the ongoing teaching, research, and extension activities. Therefore, this case presents the dilemma from the perspective of the university's dean: what is the best way to ensure the financial stability of UniCaso in a scenario of reduced public investments? The case triggers a discussion on budgetary management and strategic planning in undergraduate and postgraduate courses of University Management, Public Management, and Accounting Sciences.
Orçamento, Planejamento, Gestão organizacional, Universidade, Administração pública, Budget, Planning, Organizational management, University, Public administration