Estado nutricional de iodo e fatores associados, socioecônomicos, demográficos, de saúde e nutricionais em agricultores familiares da região geográfica imediata de Viçosa-MG
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Os micronutrientes são importantes para o funcionamento do organismo. Processos de deficiência ou excesso destes nutrientes trazem como consequências o aparecimento de doenças. O objetivo deste trabalho foi associar fatores sociais, antropométricos, bioquímicos, químicos, nutricionais e de insegurança alimentar ao estado nutricional de iodo em adultos agricultores familiares da Região Geográfica Imediata de Viçosa-MG. O projeto obteve aprovação do Comitê de Ética e Pesquisa com Seres Humanos da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (n.2.496.986). Realizou-se calculo amostral, totalizando 306 agricultores e agricultoras a serem avaliados no meio rural de oito cidades da Região Geográfica Imediata de Viçosa-MG, Brasil. Foram realizadas com o uso de questionários semiestruturados com auxílio de ligação telefônica a coleta de informações socioeconômicas, demográficas, de estilo de vida, condições de saúde, autorrelatadas e exames bioquímicos, e consumo alimentar. Era agendada visita domiciliar para a coleta das amostras de urina e de alimentos. Foram realizadas dosagens bioquímicas para avaliação da função tireoidiana, estado nutricional de iodo, ferro, selênio e zinco. Realizou-se análise química de sal de consumo domiciliar, do conteúdo de iodo no tempero e nos alimentos. As análises estatísticas foram realizadas no software SPSS versão 20.0 e Stata versão 14. O conjunto mínimo de possíveis fatores associados, assim como viés de confusão e seleção foram determinadas pelo Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) no programa DAGitty® versão 3.0. Realizou-se regressão logística e linear a depender do objetivo. Além de testes de comparação de médias e medianas. Para todas as análises foi adotado p< 0,05. Como resultados foi encontrado uma ingestão insuficiente 18.9% (n=58) dos agricultores e inadequada pelo excesso 49.4% (n= 151). Observou-se que os indivíduos que utilizavam tempero industrializado (OR=1,815; IC95:1,060– 3,109) e que tinham hipercolesterolemia (OR=4,830; IC95:1,596 -14,623) apresentaram maior chance de ingestão excessiva de iodo. Os agricultores que faziam uso de tempero caseiro apresentaram maior chance de CIU insuficiente (OR=2,710; IC95:1,221 – 6,015). Entre os sexos foi encontrada diferenças quanto a renda, pontuação da EBIA, IMC, Hemoglobina, TSH e T3. Nos modelos finais da análise de regressão linear múltipla foi observado que o aumento do TSH se relaciona com o aumento da idade e as concentrações séricas de T3 também se relacionaram ao aumento da hemoglobina. Quanto a comparação entre os quartis, houve diferença entre os quartis 1 e 2 de T4 Livre para média de Selênio (p=0,003), 1 e 3 para VCM (fL) (p=0,029); 2 e 3 para Hemoglobina (g/dL) (p=0,025). Para Tireoglobulina, houve diferença entre 1 e 2, 1 e 4 para VCM (fL) (p=0,028; p< 0,001, respectivamente), HCM (pg) 1 e 4 (p= 0,008), 3 e 4 (p=0,005) e CHCM (g/dL) 2 e 3 (p=0,026). Entre os quartis de T3 teve-se diferença nas médias entre 1 e 4 para Hemoglobina (p=0,003) e RDW (%) 2 e 3 (p=0,025). Para as 580 amostras de alimentos produzidos pelos agricultores familiares e analisadas neste projeto, não foi encontrada diferença entre os cultivares de alface, couve e feijão. Houve diferença entre as cidades no conteúdo de iodo para ovos (p≤0,001), queijo (p=0,028) e leite (p=0,001). Não foi encontrado diferença entre as estações do ano quanto ao conteúdo de iodo na couve e alface. Há uma complexidade no processo de avaliação do estado nutricional de iodo e possíveis fatores associados, exigindo mais estudos para o seu aprofundamento. Além de, proposição de ações educativas incentivando uma alimentação saudável. Há que se considerar que existem grupos prioritários no que tange a avaliação de deficiências, porém os resultados deste estudo exemplificam a necessidade de uma avaliação considerando também adultos. Palavras-chave: Tese. Pós-graduação. Iodo. Tireoide. Deficiência de Iodo. Ferro. Anemia. Zinco. Selênio. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional. Meio rural. Comunidades Rurais. Trabalhadores Rurais
Micronutrients are important for the body to function. Processes of deficiency or excess of these nutrients result in the appearance of diseases. The aim of this study was to associate social, anthropometric, biochemical, chemical, nutritional and food insecurity factors with the nutritional status of iodine in family adults in the Immediate Geographic Region of Viçosa-MG. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee and Research with Human Beings of the Federal University of Viçosa (n.2.496.986). A sample calculation was carried out, totaling 306 farmers and farmers to be evaluated in the rural areas of eight cities in the Immediate Geographical Region of Viçosa-MG, Brazil. Socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle, health conditions and food consumption information were collected using semi-structured tests with the aid of a telephone call. A home visit was scheduled for the collection of urine and food samples. Biochemical measurements were performed to assess thyroid function, nutritional status of iodine, iron, selenium and zinc. Chemical analysis of household salt, iodine content in seasoning and food was carried out. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS version 20.0 and Stata version 14. The minimum set of possible associated factors, as well as confounding and selection bias, were determined by the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in the DAGitty® program version 3.0. Logistic and linear regression was performed depending on the objective. In addition to comparison tests of means and medians. For all analyses, p< 0.05 was adopted. As a result, insufficient intake was found in 18.9% (n=58) of the farmers and inadequate intake by excess in 49.4% (n=151). It was observed that individuals who used industrialized seasoning (OR=1.815; CI95:1.060–3.109) and who had hypercholesterolemia (OR=4.830; CI95:1.596 -14.623) had a greater chance of excessive iodine intake. Farmers who used homemade seasoning were more likely to have insufficient IUC (OR=2.710; CI95:1.221 – 6.015). Differences were found between genders regarding income, EBIA score, BMI, Hemoglobin, TSH and T3. In the final models of the multiple linear regression analysis, it was observed that the increase in TSH is related to the increase in age and the serum concentrations of T3 were also related to the increase in hemoglobin. As for the comparison between quartiles, there was difference between quartiles 1 and 2 of Free T4 for Selenium mean (p=0.003), 1 and 3 for VCM (fL) (p=0.029); 2 and 3 for Hemoglobin (g/dL) (p=0.025). For Thyroglobulin, there was a difference between 1 and 2, 1 and 4 for VCM (fL) (p=0.028; p< 0.001, respectively), HCM (pg) 1 and 4 (p= 0.008), 3 and 4 (p=0.005) and CHCM (g/dL) 2 and 3 (p=0.026). Between the T3 quartiles there was a difference in means between 1 and 4 for Hemoglobin (p=0.003) and RDW (%) 2 and 3 (p=0.025). For the 580 food samples produced by family farmers and analyzed in this project, no difference was found between lettuce, cabbage and bean cultivars. There was a difference between cities in the iodine content of eggs (p≤0.001), cheese (p=0.028) and milk (p=0.001). No difference was found between the seasons in terms of iodine content in kale and lettuce. There is a complexity in the process of evaluating the nutritional status of iodine and possible associated factors, requiring further studies for its deepening. In addition to proposing educational actions encouraging healthy eating. It must be considered that there are priority groups regarding the assessment of disabilities, but the results of this study exemplify the need for an assessment also considering adults Keywords: Thesis. Postgraduate studies. Iodine. Thyroid. Iodine deficiency. Iron. Anemia. Zinc. Selenium. Food and nutrition security. Countryside. Rural Communities. Rural workers
Micronutrients are important for the body to function. Processes of deficiency or excess of these nutrients result in the appearance of diseases. The aim of this study was to associate social, anthropometric, biochemical, chemical, nutritional and food insecurity factors with the nutritional status of iodine in family adults in the Immediate Geographic Region of Viçosa-MG. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee and Research with Human Beings of the Federal University of Viçosa (n.2.496.986). A sample calculation was carried out, totaling 306 farmers and farmers to be evaluated in the rural areas of eight cities in the Immediate Geographical Region of Viçosa-MG, Brazil. Socioeconomic, demographic, lifestyle, health conditions and food consumption information were collected using semi-structured tests with the aid of a telephone call. A home visit was scheduled for the collection of urine and food samples. Biochemical measurements were performed to assess thyroid function, nutritional status of iodine, iron, selenium and zinc. Chemical analysis of household salt, iodine content in seasoning and food was carried out. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS version 20.0 and Stata version 14. The minimum set of possible associated factors, as well as confounding and selection bias, were determined by the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in the DAGitty® program version 3.0. Logistic and linear regression was performed depending on the objective. In addition to comparison tests of means and medians. For all analyses, p< 0.05 was adopted. As a result, insufficient intake was found in 18.9% (n=58) of the farmers and inadequate intake by excess in 49.4% (n=151). It was observed that individuals who used industrialized seasoning (OR=1.815; CI95:1.060–3.109) and who had hypercholesterolemia (OR=4.830; CI95:1.596 -14.623) had a greater chance of excessive iodine intake. Farmers who used homemade seasoning were more likely to have insufficient IUC (OR=2.710; CI95:1.221 – 6.015). Differences were found between genders regarding income, EBIA score, BMI, Hemoglobin, TSH and T3. In the final models of the multiple linear regression analysis, it was observed that the increase in TSH is related to the increase in age and the serum concentrations of T3 were also related to the increase in hemoglobin. As for the comparison between quartiles, there was difference between quartiles 1 and 2 of Free T4 for Selenium mean (p=0.003), 1 and 3 for VCM (fL) (p=0.029); 2 and 3 for Hemoglobin (g/dL) (p=0.025). For Thyroglobulin, there was a difference between 1 and 2, 1 and 4 for VCM (fL) (p=0.028; p< 0.001, respectively), HCM (pg) 1 and 4 (p= 0.008), 3 and 4 (p=0.005) and CHCM (g/dL) 2 and 3 (p=0.026). Between the T3 quartiles there was a difference in means between 1 and 4 for Hemoglobin (p=0.003) and RDW (%) 2 and 3 (p=0.025). For the 580 food samples produced by family farmers and analyzed in this project, no difference was found between lettuce, cabbage and bean cultivars. There was a difference between cities in the iodine content of eggs (p≤0.001), cheese (p=0.028) and milk (p=0.001). No difference was found between the seasons in terms of iodine content in kale and lettuce. There is a complexity in the process of evaluating the nutritional status of iodine and possible associated factors, requiring further studies for its deepening. In addition to proposing educational actions encouraging healthy eating. It must be considered that there are priority groups regarding the assessment of disabilities, but the results of this study exemplify the need for an assessment also considering adults Keywords: Thesis. Postgraduate studies. Iodine. Thyroid. Iodine deficiency. Iron. Anemia. Zinc. Selenium. Food and nutrition security. Countryside. Rural Communities. Rural workers
Segurança alimentar - Viçosa (MG), Trabalhadores rurais - Nutrição, Iodo, Ferro, Selênio, Zinco, Glândula tireoide
LOPES, Sílvia Oliveira. Estado nutricional de iodo e fatores associados, socioecônomicos, demográficos, de saúde e nutricionais em agricultores familiares da região geográfica imediata de Viçosa-MG. 2023. 294 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.