Avaliação do declínio cognitivo e sua relação com as características socioeconômicas dos idosos em Viçosa-MG
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Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o declínio cognitivo de idosos (indivíduos com 60 anos ou mais), frequentadores do Programa Municipal da Terceira Idade (PMTI), em Viçosa, MG, e sua relação com as características socioeconômicas. Realizou-se um estudo analítico transversal com 74 idosos. Foram incluídos no estudo os idosos alfabetizados que preencheram os seguintes critérios: ausência de perda visual ou auditiva, eventualmente corrigidas, ausência de alterações motoras e paralisia nos membros superiores ou a falta deles, ausência de problemas neurológicos ou psiquiátricos que prejudicassem o desempenho no Mini-Exame do estado mental (MEEM). Os instrumentos de coleta de dados adotados foram um questionário, elaborado pela equipe de pesquisadores para a avaliação das características socioeconômicas, e o MEEM. Dentre os idosos avaliados, encontrou-se uma frequência de declínio cognitivo de 36,5%. A média de pontuação no MEEM foi de 19,48 pontos em um total de 30 pontos e a média da idade dos idosos foi de 68,5 anos. Os resultados encontrados mostram que o menor nível de escolaridade tem influência negativa no estado mental dos idosos. Conclui-se que é alto o número de idosos identificados com declínio cognitivo. Para se concluir um diagnóstico de demência em idosos, cujas respectivas pontuações foram abaixo do determinado, é necessária uma avaliação neuropsicológica mais apurada.
This study assesses cognitive decline in individuals 60 years of age and over, participants of a City Third Age Program (CPTA) in Viçosa, MG, and its relation with social and economic characteristics. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 74 elderly individuals. The study included literate individuals who filled out the following criteria: absence of visual or auditory loss, with some inclusions of corrected cases; absence of motor alterations, upper member paralysis or lack of members; absence of neurological or psychiatric problems affecting performance in the MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination). Data collecting tools were a questionnaire prepared by the research team, and the MMSE. The frequency of cognitive decline was 36.5%. The average MMSE score was 19.48 points of a best total of 30, and the average age of the elderly was 68.5 years. The results showed that a lower level of schooling has a negative influence on the mental state of the elderly. A high number of elderly individuals with cognitive decline were identified, which is an unsettling factor. To conclude, the diagnosis of dementia in the elderly whose scores indicated cognitive decline needs more refined neurological and psychiatric evaluation.
This study assesses cognitive decline in individuals 60 years of age and over, participants of a City Third Age Program (CPTA) in Viçosa, MG, and its relation with social and economic characteristics. A cross-sectional analytical study was carried out with 74 elderly individuals. The study included literate individuals who filled out the following criteria: absence of visual or auditory loss, with some inclusions of corrected cases; absence of motor alterations, upper member paralysis or lack of members; absence of neurological or psychiatric problems affecting performance in the MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination). Data collecting tools were a questionnaire prepared by the research team, and the MMSE. The frequency of cognitive decline was 36.5%. The average MMSE score was 19.48 points of a best total of 30, and the average age of the elderly was 68.5 years. The results showed that a lower level of schooling has a negative influence on the mental state of the elderly. A high number of elderly individuals with cognitive decline were identified, which is an unsettling factor. To conclude, the diagnosis of dementia in the elderly whose scores indicated cognitive decline needs more refined neurological and psychiatric evaluation.
Idoso, Avaliação, Declínio cognitivo, Mini-Exame do Estado Mental, Demência, Aged, Cognitive decline, Mini-Mental State Examination, Dementia