Qualidade do consumo alimentar de crianças em período de alimentação complementar: associação com fatores maternos e estado nutricional infantil
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A qualidade da alimentação infantil é caracterizada pelo aumento do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados, que são pró-inflamatórios e se associam ao excesso de peso, além de ser influenciada pelas escolhas maternas. Diante disso, o objetivo do estudo foi relacionar a qualidade da alimentação complementar e o excesso de peso em crianças de seis a 24 meses com fatores maternos. Estudo transversal, realizado com 231 pares de mães-crianças, nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do município de Viçosa-MG. Aplicou-se questionário contendo questões demográficas, socioeconômicas, comportamentais, de saúde e nutrição dos pares. Aferiu-se o peso e a estatura das mães, e o peso e o comprimento das crianças. Calculou-se o índice de massa corporal das mães e índices peso/idade, peso/estatura e índice de massa corporal/idade das crianças. Aplicou-se três recordatório de 24 horas (R24h), incluindo investigação do consumo de leite materno. Utilizou-se a classificação NOVA, para agrupar os alimentos segundo o grau de processamento. O potencial inflamatório da dieta dos pares foi avaliado pelo índice inflamatório da dieta validado para a população (IID-M) e índice inflamatório da dieta validado para crianças (IID-C), respectivamente. Identificou-se o padrão alimentar pela Análise de Componentes Principais. As associações foram testadas mediante regressão logística multinomial e análise de caminhos. A oferta de alimentos ultraprocessados às crianças associou-se à idade da criança (T2: OR = 1,17, p <0,001; T3: OR = 1,23, p <0,001), ausência do consumo de leite materno (T3: OR = 3,82, p = 0,006) e o maior consumo desses alimentos pelas mães (T2: OR = 3,15, p = 0,018; T3: OR = 4,59, p = 0,004). Cerca de 28% das crianças apresentavam excesso de peso. A dieta da criança apresentou caráter anti-inflamatório (-0,37 ± 0,91) e a das mães pró inflamatório (+0,24 ± 0,86). Verificou-se efeito direto negativo da escolaridade sobre o excesso de peso (CP= -0,180; p=0,034) e IID-C (CP= -0,167; p= 0,002); efeito direto negativo da prática do aleitamento materno sobre o IID-C (CP: -0,294; p<0,001); e efeito direto positivo do IID-M sobre o IID-C (CP: 0,119; p:0,021). Identificou-se cinco padrões alimentares, a saber: “Lácteo”, “Lanche”, “Tradicional”. “Não saudável”, “Sopas”. A idade da criança associou-se positivamente aos padrões “Lácteos”, “Lanches”, “Tradicional” e “Não Saudável”. Crianças com dieta mais pró-8 inflamatório tiveram maior adesão aos padrões “Lácteos”, “Lanche” e “Não Saudável” e menor adesão às “Sopas”. Os “Lácteos” e “Sopas” se associaram positivamente à condição socioeconômica e a adesão aos “Lácteos” aumentou com a condição socioeconômica. Crianças que não usavam mamadeira apresentaram menor adesão ao padrão “Lácteos”, e aquelas com excesso de peso apresentaram maior adesão ao “Não saudável”. Concluímos que já se encontram padrões alimentares inadequados e uma elevada prevalência de alimentos ultraprocessados na alimentação de crianças de 6 a 24 meses. A qualidade da alimentação destas crianças esteve associada à escolaridade materna, condição socioeconômica, consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados e potencial inflamatório da dieta materna, e prática do aleitamento materno. Concluímos, ainda, que o excesso de peso infantil esteve associado à qualidade da alimentação de crianças ainda nos dois primeiros anos de vida. Palavras-chave: Aleitamento materno. Alimentação complementar. Alimentos ultraprocessados. Consumo alimentar. Criança. Dieta inflamatória. Escolaridade. Estado nutricional. Índice inflamatório da dieta. Padrão alimentar. Obesidade.9
The quality of infant feeding is characterized by increased consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are pro-inflammatory and associated with excess weight, in addition to being influenced by maternal choices. Therefore, the aim of the study was to relate the quality of complementary feeding and excess weight in children aged six to 24 months with maternal factors. Cross-sectional study, carried out with 231 pairs of mothers and children, in Basic Health Units in the city of Viçosa-MG. A questionnaire containing demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, health and nutrition issues of the peers was applied. The mothers' weight and height, and the children's weight and length were measured. The mothers' body mass index and the children's weight/age, weight/height and body mass index/age indices were calculated. Three 24-hour recall (24hR) were applied, including investigation of breast milk consumption. The NOVA classification was used to group foods according to the degree of processing. The inflammatory potential of the pair's diet was assessed by the population- validated dietary inflammatory index (IID-M) and the dietary inflammatory index validated for children (IID-C), respectively. The dietary pattern was identified by Principal Component Analysis. Associations were tested using multinomial logistic regression and path analysis. The offer of ultra-processed foods to children was associated with the child's age (T2: OR = 1.17, p<0.001; T3: OR = 1.23, p<0.001), absence of breast milk consumption (T3: OR = 3.82, p = 0.006) and higher consumption of these foods by mothers (T2: OR = 3.15, p = 0.018; T3: OR = 4.59, p=0.004). About 28% of children were overweight. The child's diet was anti- inflammatory (-0.37 ± 0.91) and that of the mothers was pro-inflammatory (+0.24 ± 0.86). There was a direct negative effect of schooling on overweight (CP= -0.180; p=0.034) and IID- C (CP= -0.167; p= 0.002); direct negative effect of breastfeeding on the SII-C (CP: -0.294; p<0.001); and positive direct effect of IID-M on IID-C (CP: 0.119; p: 0.021). Five dietary patterns were identified, namely: “Dairy”, “Snack”, “Traditional”. “Unhealthy”, “Soups”. The child's age was positively associated with the “Dairy”, “Snacks”, “Traditional” and “Unhealthy” patterns. Children with a more pro-inflammatory diet had greater adherence to the “Dairy”, “Snack” and “Unhealthy” patterns and less adherence to the “Soups”. “Dairy”10 and “Soups” were positively associated with socioeconomic status and adherence to “Dairy” increased with socioeconomic status. Children who did not use a bottle had less adherence to the “Dairy” pattern, and those with excess weight had greater adherence to the “Unhealthy” pattern. We conclude that there are already inadequate dietary patterns and a high prevalence of ultra-processed foods in the diet of children aged 6 to 24 months. The quality of food for these children was associated with maternal education, socioeconomic status, consumption of ultra-processed foods and inflammatory potential in the maternal diet, and breastfeeding practice. We also concluded that excess weight in children was associated with the quality of food for children in the first two years of life. Keywords: Breastfeeding. Complementary food. Ultra-processed foods. Food consumption. Kid. Inflammatory diet. Education. Nutritional status. Inflammatory index of the diet. Food pattern. Obesity.
The quality of infant feeding is characterized by increased consumption of ultra-processed foods, which are pro-inflammatory and associated with excess weight, in addition to being influenced by maternal choices. Therefore, the aim of the study was to relate the quality of complementary feeding and excess weight in children aged six to 24 months with maternal factors. Cross-sectional study, carried out with 231 pairs of mothers and children, in Basic Health Units in the city of Viçosa-MG. A questionnaire containing demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, health and nutrition issues of the peers was applied. The mothers' weight and height, and the children's weight and length were measured. The mothers' body mass index and the children's weight/age, weight/height and body mass index/age indices were calculated. Three 24-hour recall (24hR) were applied, including investigation of breast milk consumption. The NOVA classification was used to group foods according to the degree of processing. The inflammatory potential of the pair's diet was assessed by the population- validated dietary inflammatory index (IID-M) and the dietary inflammatory index validated for children (IID-C), respectively. The dietary pattern was identified by Principal Component Analysis. Associations were tested using multinomial logistic regression and path analysis. The offer of ultra-processed foods to children was associated with the child's age (T2: OR = 1.17, p<0.001; T3: OR = 1.23, p<0.001), absence of breast milk consumption (T3: OR = 3.82, p = 0.006) and higher consumption of these foods by mothers (T2: OR = 3.15, p = 0.018; T3: OR = 4.59, p=0.004). About 28% of children were overweight. The child's diet was anti- inflammatory (-0.37 ± 0.91) and that of the mothers was pro-inflammatory (+0.24 ± 0.86). There was a direct negative effect of schooling on overweight (CP= -0.180; p=0.034) and IID- C (CP= -0.167; p= 0.002); direct negative effect of breastfeeding on the SII-C (CP: -0.294; p<0.001); and positive direct effect of IID-M on IID-C (CP: 0.119; p: 0.021). Five dietary patterns were identified, namely: “Dairy”, “Snack”, “Traditional”. “Unhealthy”, “Soups”. The child's age was positively associated with the “Dairy”, “Snacks”, “Traditional” and “Unhealthy” patterns. Children with a more pro-inflammatory diet had greater adherence to the “Dairy”, “Snack” and “Unhealthy” patterns and less adherence to the “Soups”. “Dairy”10 and “Soups” were positively associated with socioeconomic status and adherence to “Dairy” increased with socioeconomic status. Children who did not use a bottle had less adherence to the “Dairy” pattern, and those with excess weight had greater adherence to the “Unhealthy” pattern. We conclude that there are already inadequate dietary patterns and a high prevalence of ultra-processed foods in the diet of children aged 6 to 24 months. The quality of food for these children was associated with maternal education, socioeconomic status, consumption of ultra-processed foods and inflammatory potential in the maternal diet, and breastfeeding practice. We also concluded that excess weight in children was associated with the quality of food for children in the first two years of life. Keywords: Breastfeeding. Complementary food. Ultra-processed foods. Food consumption. Kid. Inflammatory diet. Education. Nutritional status. Inflammatory index of the diet. Food pattern. Obesity.
Crianças - Nutrição, Ingestão de alimentos, Estado nutricional, Obesidade, Alimentos - Combinação
SOARES, Marcela Martins. Qualidade do consumo alimentar de crianças em período de alimentação complementar: associação com fatores maternos e estado nutricional infantil. 2021. 177 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2021.