Utilização de medicamentos por idosos brasileiros, de acordo com a faixa etária: um inquérito postal
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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar fatores associados ao uso de medicamentos por idosos. Foi realizado um inquérito postal nacional, com 3 mil idosos, selecionados com base no cadastro do Instituto Nacional do Seguro Social. Foram estimadas a prevalência e a média de medicamentos utilizados nos 15 dias anteriores à pesquisa, segundo faixas etárias. A prevalência de uso de medicamentos foi de 83%, sendo de 87,3% no grupo de 70 anos ou mais, e de 78,8% no de 60-69 anos (p < 0,05). Os idosos com 70 anos ou mais usaram em média 4,4 medicamentos, os mais jovens 3,3. Os medicamentos mais utilizados pertenciam ao sistema cardiovascular. Idade de 70 ou mais anos, sexo feminino, pior percepção de saúde, interrupção de atividades habituais, mais de 6 consultas médicas no último ano, filiação a plano de saúde e relato de 4 ou mais doenças estavam associados ao uso de medicamentos (p < 0,05) entre os participantes. Os resultados ampliam o conhecimento a respeito da utilização de medicamentos pelos idosos brasileiros, evidenciando a necessidade de aprimoramento da assistência farmacêutica voltada para esse subgrupo da população.
The objective of this study was to evaluate factors associated with use of medicines by the elderly. A national postal survey was conducted with a random sample of 3,000 elderly individuals selected from the registry of the Brazilian National Social Security Institute. The study estimated the prevalence and average number of medicines used in the 15 days prior to the survey, according to age bracket. Prevalence of use of medication was 83.0%: 78.8% in the 60-69 year bracket and 87.3% in individuals 70 years or older (p < 0.05). Older elders had taken an average of 4.4 drugs, as compared to 3.3 among younger elders. Drugs for the cardiovascular system were the most widely used. Age 70 years and older, female gender, poor self-rated health, interruption of routine daily activities, six or more medical visits in the previous year, private health insurance, and reporting of four or more illnesses were independently associated with use of medications (p < 0.05). The results expand the knowledge on use of medications among elderly Brazilians, emphasizing the need to improve pharmaceutical care focused on this subgroup of the population.
The objective of this study was to evaluate factors associated with use of medicines by the elderly. A national postal survey was conducted with a random sample of 3,000 elderly individuals selected from the registry of the Brazilian National Social Security Institute. The study estimated the prevalence and average number of medicines used in the 15 days prior to the survey, according to age bracket. Prevalence of use of medication was 83.0%: 78.8% in the 60-69 year bracket and 87.3% in individuals 70 years or older (p < 0.05). Older elders had taken an average of 4.4 drugs, as compared to 3.3 among younger elders. Drugs for the cardiovascular system were the most widely used. Age 70 years and older, female gender, poor self-rated health, interruption of routine daily activities, six or more medical visits in the previous year, private health insurance, and reporting of four or more illnesses were independently associated with use of medications (p < 0.05). The results expand the knowledge on use of medications among elderly Brazilians, emphasizing the need to improve pharmaceutical care focused on this subgroup of the population.
Farmacoepidemiologia, Polimedicação, Uso de medicamentos, Idoso, Pharmacoepidemiology, Polypharmacy, Drug utilization, Aged