Gestão por Competências na Administração Pública Brasileira: uma análise da experiência na Justiça Eleitoral
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O movimento de reforma gerencial iniciado no Brasil em 1995, chegou ao Poder Judiciário em 2004, com a publicação da Emenda Constitucional n° 45, a qual desencadeou uma série de eventos que buscaram modernizar a gestão desse núcleo estratégico. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo de introdução do modelo de gestão por competências na estrutura administrativa da Justiça Eleitoral brasileira e seus desdobramentos para as políticas de gestão de pessoas no órgão. Nesse contexto, buscou-se identificar as competências organizacionais, a estrutura orgânica comum e as competências dos cargos de natureza gerencial da organização estudada, através de um estudo de caso único, do tipo integrado, tendo como fontes de evidência a observação não participante, entrevistas e documentos (YIN, 2010). A identificação das competências organizacionais ocorreu a partir dos planejamentos estratégicos das unidades de análise, os quais decorrem da Resolução n° 70/2009 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Os resultados apontaram cinco competências organizacionais vinculadas à estratégia, as quais buscam efetivar a missão da instituição. Através da análise documental buscou-se identificar a estrutura orgânica comum do órgão, sendo verificada a existência de múltiplas formas de organização interna. Os resultados concluíram pela existência de seis cargos de natureza gerencial comum, os quais formam a estrutura padrão da Justiça Eleitoral brasileira. A partir da análise anterior, o próximo objetivo foi identificar as competências dos cargos de natureza gerencial, através da análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2002). Os resultados mostraram um inventário de competências extensos, com predomínio das dimensões do conhecimento e da habilidade, em detrimento da atitude. Por fim, analisou-se os desdobramentos do modelo de gestão por competências nas políticas de gestão de pessoas do órgão, em especial no que tange aos processos de seleção, capacitação, remuneração, nomeação para cargos em comissão e funções comissionadas e carreira. Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo possam contribuir para a modernização das políticas de gestão de pessoas no Poder Judiciário brasileiro, tendo em vista que a introdução do modelo de gestão por competências ainda constitui-se numa novidade nessa esfera de poder.
The managerial reform movement started in Brazil in 1995 came to the judiciary in 2004, with the publication of Constitutional Amendment n° 45, which triggered a series of events that sought to modernize the management of the strategic core. The aim of this study was to analyze the process of introducing the model of management skills in the administrative structure of the Brazilian Electoral Justice and its impact on the management policies of people on the organ. In this context, we sought to identify organizational skills, a common organizational structure and responsibilities of the positions of a managerial nature of the organization studied, through a single case study, integrated type (YIN, 2010), and as sources of evidence non-participant observation, interviews and documents. The identification of organizational skills occurred from the strategic plans of the units of analysis, which flow from the Resolution n° 70/2009 of the National Council of Justice. The results pointed to five organizational skills linked to the strategy, which seek to carry out the mission of the institution. Through document analysis sought to identify the common organizational structure of the agency, being checked for the existence of multiple forms of internal organization. The results found there six common positions of a managerial nature, which form the default structure of Brazilian Electoral Justice. From the above analysis, the next objective was to identify the skills of managerial positions in nature, through content analysis (BARDIN, 2002). The results showed an extensive inventory of skills, with a predominance of the dimensions of knowledge and skill, rather than attitude. Finally, analyzed the unfolding model of management skills in people management policies of the agency, particularly in relation to the processes of selection, training, and remuneration, appointment to positions in committee and commissioned jobs and career. It is hoped that the results of this study may contribute to the modernization of policies for managing people in the Brazilian judiciary, with a view to the introduction of the management model for skills still constitutes a novelty in this sphere of power.
The managerial reform movement started in Brazil in 1995 came to the judiciary in 2004, with the publication of Constitutional Amendment n° 45, which triggered a series of events that sought to modernize the management of the strategic core. The aim of this study was to analyze the process of introducing the model of management skills in the administrative structure of the Brazilian Electoral Justice and its impact on the management policies of people on the organ. In this context, we sought to identify organizational skills, a common organizational structure and responsibilities of the positions of a managerial nature of the organization studied, through a single case study, integrated type (YIN, 2010), and as sources of evidence non-participant observation, interviews and documents. The identification of organizational skills occurred from the strategic plans of the units of analysis, which flow from the Resolution n° 70/2009 of the National Council of Justice. The results pointed to five organizational skills linked to the strategy, which seek to carry out the mission of the institution. Through document analysis sought to identify the common organizational structure of the agency, being checked for the existence of multiple forms of internal organization. The results found there six common positions of a managerial nature, which form the default structure of Brazilian Electoral Justice. From the above analysis, the next objective was to identify the skills of managerial positions in nature, through content analysis (BARDIN, 2002). The results showed an extensive inventory of skills, with a predominance of the dimensions of knowledge and skill, rather than attitude. Finally, analyzed the unfolding model of management skills in people management policies of the agency, particularly in relation to the processes of selection, training, and remuneration, appointment to positions in committee and commissioned jobs and career. It is hoped that the results of this study may contribute to the modernization of policies for managing people in the Brazilian judiciary, with a view to the introduction of the management model for skills still constitutes a novelty in this sphere of power.
Reforma do estado, Gestão por competências, Justiça eleitoral, Reform of the state, Management skills, Electoral justice
SENA, Gabriel Astoni. Management Skills in Brazilian Public Administration: an analysis of the experience in Electoral Justice. 2013. 232 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Pública) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2013.