Estratégia de seleção de progênies de feijão para derivação de linhagens

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Universidade Federal de Viçosa


O feijão-comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é uma leguminosa importante social e economicamente para o Brasil. Os programas de melhoramento têm dedicado esforços no desenvolvimento de linhagens com adequados níveis de resistência a doenças, boa arquitetura, alta produtividade de grãos e grãos de elevado valor comercial. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar progênies endogâmicas de feijão do tipo carioca com potencial para derivar linhagens com alto desempenho agronômico utilizando como estratégia o índice FAI-BLUP. Foram avaliadas 38 progênies, provenientes das populações VC 25 x CVIII 8511 (população 1) e VC 25 x Pérola (população 2), e mais sete testemunhas. Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos na Unidade de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão de Coimbra (UEPE Coimbra – UFV) em diferentes safras/gerações (F 2:6, F 2:7, F 2:8 e F 2:9 ) e delineados em blocos casualizados, com 3 repetições. Foram avaliados arquitetura de planta (ARQ), produtividade de grãos (PROD), aspecto comercial de grãos (ACG), severidade de crestamento-bacteriano-comum (CBC) e mancha-angular (MA). Os dados foram analisados por meio da metodologia de modelos mistos. Para seleção das progênies superiores foi utilizado o índice de seleção FAI-BLUP (factor analysis and genotype-ideotype distance). O teste de razão de verossimilhança (LRT) indicou significância para o efeito de progênies sobre a maioria dos caracteres, com exceção de PROD (F 2:7 ), ACG (F 2:8 ) e ARQ (F 2:8 e F 2:9 ), o que indica variabilidade genotípica entre as progênies avaliadas. Para PROD, observou-se efeito significativo para a interação progênies x safras. Considerando todos os caracteres significativos avaliados nas várias safras, procedeu-se a seleção das 20 progênies mais bem classificadas, com base no índice FAI- BLUP. Entre as 20 progênies selecionadas, 10 foram derivadas da população 1 (VC 25 × CVIII 8511) e 10 da população 2 (VC 25 × Pérola). Conclui-se que o índice FAI-BLUP, por considerar múltiplos caracteres, gerações, ambientes e populações, se mostrou adequado como estratégia de seleção no melhoramento do feijoeiro, e que existem progênies com potencial para extração de linhagens elites de feijão carioca com destaque para as progênies 1 e 31 da população 1 e 23, 24 e 25 da população 2. Palavras-chave: Índice FAI-BLUP. Melhoramento de feijão. Estrutura de covariância.
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a legume that is socially and economically important for Brazil. Breeding programs have dedicated efforts to the development of inbred lines that involve genotypes with resistance to diseases, upright plant architecture, high grain yield and high commercial acceptance grains. Thus, this study aims to identify inbred progenies of carioca common bean aiming the extraction of high agronomic performance inbred lines using the FAI- BLUP index as a selection strategy. Thirty-eight inbred progenies, derived from populations VC 25 x CVIII 8511 (population 1) and VC 25 x Pérola (population 2), along with 7 testers were evaluated. Four field experiments were conducted at the Coimbra Experimental Station (UEPE Coimbra - UFV) in different growth season / generations (F 2:6 , F 2:7 , F 2:8 and F 2:9 ). The experimental design used was randomized complete block with three replications. The traits assessed were: plant architecture (PAC), grain yield (GY), grain appearance (GA), bacterial blight (CBB), and angular leaf spot (ALS). The data obtained were analyzed using a mixed model methodology, and individual and combined analyses were carried out. Superior inbred progenies were selected using the factor analysis and genotype-ideotype distance (FAI-BLUP) selection index. The likelihood ratio test detected significance of progenies effect on most of the characters, except for GY (F 2:7 ), GA (F 2:8 ), and PAC (F 2:8 e F 2:9 ). This indicates genotypic variability among the evaluated progenies. For GY trait, a significant effect for the progenies × growth season interactions were detected. Twenty superior inbred progenies considering the main important traits in common bean were selected using the FAI-BLUP index, considering the traits with a significant effect on the individual analysis. Twenty inbred progenies selected, being 10 of them from population 1 (VC 25 × CVIII 8511), and 10 were from population 2 (Pérola × VC 25). Therefore, it is concluded that the FAI-BLUP index, considering multiple traits and growth seasons, is suitable as a selection strategy in common bean genetic breeding. There are inbred progenies with potential to extract superior carioca common bean inbred lines, especially inbred progenies 1 and 31 from population 1 and 23, 24 and 25 from population 2. Keywords: Common bean genetic breeding. FAI-BLUP index. Covariance structure.The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a legume that is socially and economically important for Brazil. Breeding programs have dedicated efforts to the development of inbred lines that involve genotypes with resistance to diseases, upright plant architecture, high grain yield and high commercial acceptance grains. Thus, this study aims to identify inbred progenies of carioca common bean aiming the extraction of high agronomic performance inbred lines using the FAI- BLUP index as a selection strategy. Thirty-eight inbred progenies, derived from populations VC 25 x CVIII 8511 (population 1) and VC 25 x Pérola (population 2), along with 7 testers were evaluated. Four field experiments were conducted at the Coimbra Experimental Station (UEPE Coimbra - UFV) in different growth season / generations (F 2:6 , F 2:7 , F 2:8 and F 2:9 ). The experimental design used was randomized complete block with three replications. The traits assessed were: plant architecture (PAC), grain yield (GY), grain appearance (GA), bacterial blight (CBB), and angular leaf spot (ALS). The data obtained were analyzed using a mixed model methodology, and individual and combined analyses were carried out. Superior inbred progenies were selected using the factor analysis and genotype-ideotype distance (FAI-BLUP) selection index. The likelihood ratio test detected significance of progenies effect on most of the characters, except for GY (F 2:7 ), GA (F 2:8 ), and PAC (F 2:8 e F 2:9 ). This indicates genotypic variability among the evaluated progenies. For GY trait, a significant effect for the progenies × growth season interactions were detected. Twenty superior inbred progenies considering the main important traits in common bean were selected using the FAI-BLUP index, considering the traits with a significant effect on the individual analysis. Twenty inbred progenies selected, being 10 of them from population 1 (VC 25 × CVIII 8511), and 10 were from population 2 (Pérola × VC 25). Therefore, it is concluded that the FAI-BLUP index, considering multiple traits and growth seasons, is suitable as a selection strategy in common bean genetic breeding. There are inbred progenies with potential to extract superior carioca common bean inbred lines, especially inbred progenies 1 and 31 from population 1 and 23, 24 and 25 from population 2. Keywords: Common bean genetic breeding. FAI-BLUP index. Covariance structure.



Feijão - Melhoramento genético, Feijão - Seleção, Análise decovariância, BLUP


SILVA, Láiza Maria Bendia da. Estratégia de seleção de progênies de feijão para derivação de linhagens. 2021. 46 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Fitotecnia) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2021.




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