Economia social no contexto da gestão do sistema cooperativista: uma revisão de conceitos
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O objetivo deste ensaio é analisar a natureza fundamental das organizações cooperativas, a fim de sustentar a idéia de que a classificação mais adequada para esse tipo específico de entidade econômica é enquadrá-la dentro da filosofia que sustenta a Economia Social. Vários são os termos e conceitos que tentam caracterizar e classificar as diversas formas de organizações não governamentais e sem fins lucrativos. Percebe-se, ao revisar a literatura, que as definições conceituais são, muitas vezes, generalizadas. Tal generalização gera uma discussão: qual é a melhor forma de classificação das organizações cooperativas? Para tentar responder a essa questão, foram consideradas e expandidas algumas das idéias desenvolvidas no ensaio “Cooperativismo é Economia Social” escrito por Sigismundo Bialorkoski Neto. Os temas que serão discutidos neste trabalho incluem discussões sobre a natureza do Cooperativismo, bem como os tipos de mercado, e sobre o Terceiro Setor, Economia Social e Solidária, para confrontação das definições e fundamentação dos argumentos.
This essay aims to analyze the fundamental basis of collective organization in order to support that the term Social Economy the best definition for this unique type of economical organization. There are many terms and definitions used to characterize and classify non-governmental and non-profit organizations. As one goes through published literature, it is possible to notice that those definitions can be too general. And that brings us to this discussion: what is best way to classify collective organizations? In order to answer this question, some ideas developed in the essay “Cooperativism is Social Economy”, by Sigismundo Bialorkoski Neto, were considered and expanded. The issues dealt in this present essay include Cooperativism nature, as well as market definitions, Third Sector, Social and Solidary Economy, so that those definitions could be confronted and supportive to the arguments.
This essay aims to analyze the fundamental basis of collective organization in order to support that the term Social Economy the best definition for this unique type of economical organization. There are many terms and definitions used to characterize and classify non-governmental and non-profit organizations. As one goes through published literature, it is possible to notice that those definitions can be too general. And that brings us to this discussion: what is best way to classify collective organizations? In order to answer this question, some ideas developed in the essay “Cooperativism is Social Economy”, by Sigismundo Bialorkoski Neto, were considered and expanded. The issues dealt in this present essay include Cooperativism nature, as well as market definitions, Third Sector, Social and Solidary Economy, so that those definitions could be confronted and supportive to the arguments.
Cooperativismo, Economia social, Gestão cooperativista