Modelos empíricos da irrigação localizada com esgoto sanitário tratado
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Engenharia na agricultura
Este trabalho teve por objetivo obter modelos empíricos que relacionam os fatores de entupimento, tempo de operação, manganês total, ferro total, sólidos suspensos, sólidos dissolvidos, pH e coliformes totais, com o desempenho hidráulico de sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento
aplicando esgoto sanitário tratado. Para tal, montou-se uma bancada experimental com três tipos de gotejadores (M1 - não autocompensante e comprimento de labirinto de 177 mm; M2 -
autocompensante e comprimento de labirinto de 260 mm; e M3 - não autocompensante e comprimento de labirinto de 396 mm). Realizou-se a medição da vazão dos gotejadores e análises
física, química e biológica do efluente, a cada 80 h de funcionamento do sistema. Os resultados indicaram que os gotejadores com maiores comprimentos de labirinto foram os mais suscetíveis ao entupimento. Existem relações lineares múltiplas entre a vazão dos gotejadores e os fatores de
entupimento tempo de operação, manganês total, ferro total, sólidos dissolvidos e pH.
The objective of this work was to develop empirical models that correlate the blockage factors, operational time, total manganese and iron, and suspended and dissolved solids, pH and total coliform, to the hydraulic performance of drip irrigation systems using treated sanitary sewage water. An experimental bench was mounted with three kinds of dripper (M1 – non-pressure compensated with labyrinth length of 177 mm; M2 - pressure compensated and with labyrinth length of 260 mm; and M3 – non-pressure compensated and with labyrinth length of 396 mm). The dripper ́s discharge was measured and collected after each 80 h of operation to analyze its physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results indicated that the drippers with larger labyrinth length were the most susceptible to the blockage. There were multiple linear relationships between the dripper ́s discharge and the blockage factors, operational period, total manganese and iron, dissolved solids and pH.
The objective of this work was to develop empirical models that correlate the blockage factors, operational time, total manganese and iron, and suspended and dissolved solids, pH and total coliform, to the hydraulic performance of drip irrigation systems using treated sanitary sewage water. An experimental bench was mounted with three kinds of dripper (M1 – non-pressure compensated with labyrinth length of 177 mm; M2 - pressure compensated and with labyrinth length of 260 mm; and M3 – non-pressure compensated and with labyrinth length of 396 mm). The dripper ́s discharge was measured and collected after each 80 h of operation to analyze its physical, chemical and biological parameters. The results indicated that the drippers with larger labyrinth length were the most susceptible to the blockage. There were multiple linear relationships between the dripper ́s discharge and the blockage factors, operational period, total manganese and iron, dissolved solids and pH.
Água residuária, Fertirrigação, Gotejadores, Obstrução