Efeito do amendoim na resposta glicêmica, no apetite e na ingestão alimentar em mulheres obesas
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O aumento da prevalência de diabetes mellitus tem sido atribuído á adoção de um
estilo de vida inadequado, representado por maus hábitos alimentares e sedentarismo. O consumo de oleaginosas tem sido apontado como possível estratégia para reduzir o risco de desenvolver o DM e controlar o apetite. Diante do exposto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do amendoim em pasta e em grão na resposta glicêmica, apetite e ingestão alimentar em mulheres obesas. Trata-se de um estudo randomizado e em crossover, envolvendo 8 mulheres obesas, as quais ingeriram em três etapas um desjejum composto de creme de trigo contendo amendoim em grão (CAG), pasta de amendoim (CPA) ou sem amendoim (CSA). Foram avaliados parâmetros bioquímicos (glicose, insulina e ácidos graxos livres) e foram feitas avaliações subjetivas do apetite 10 minutos antes da ingestão do desjejum e aos 15, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 265, 295,
310, 340, 370, 430 e 490 minutos após o consumo dessa refeição. Aos 240 min após o desjejum, as voluntárias ingeriram o almoço contendo pão de forma, geléia de morango e água. Aos 490 min após o desjejum, as voluntárias foram liberadas para fazerem suas atividades normais e preencheram registro alimentar durante o resto do dia e questionário de avaliação subjetiva do apetite de hora em hora até dormir. A palatabilidade das preparações servidas no estudo foram avaliadas. Verificou-se que o CAG apresentou aparência pior, quando comparado ao CPA. A ingestão de CAG ocasionou maior desejo de comer alimento salgado do que o CSA, 9 horas após a ingestão do desjejum, e em comparação ao CPA e CSA, 10 horas após a ingestão do desjejum. As médias dos níveis glicêmicos e da concentração de ácidos graxos livres não foram afetadas pelos tratamentos aplicados no estudo. Contudo, observou-se maior insulinemia (p= 0,07) aos 240 min, após consumo de CPA em relação ao CSA. Os valores para a área da curva (AC) dos níveis de ácidos graxos livres e dos níveis glicêmicos foram menores após a ingestão de CPA, em comparação ao CSA (p=0,07) e CAG (p=0,05). A área da curva dos níveis insulinêmicos foi maior após o desjejum (p=0,015) e almoço (p=0,003) em resposta ao consumo de CPA em comparação às duas outras preparações ingeridas no estudo. A ingestão calórica no dia que as voluntárias consumiram CPA foi de aproximadamente 200 kcal menor (p = 0,86) em relação à
ingestão habitual, CAG e CSA. A ingestão habitual de lipídios foi maior (p=0,07) em
comparação àquela observada nos dias em que as três preparações testadas forma
ingeridas. Os resultados sugerem que o consumo de amendoim em pasta ou em grão não afeta o apetite e ingestão alimentar. Contudo, esses resultados sugerem que a pasta de amendoim possa resultar em efeito benéfico no controle glicêmico de indivíduos intolerantes à glicose (pré-diabéticos) que apresentam comprometimento da secreção insulínica. Caso este efeito seja mantido após o consumo crônico da pasta de amendoim, sem que haja aumento da adiposidade, esta estratégia pode auxiliar na redução do risco de desenvolver diabetes mellitus.
The increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been attributed to the adoption of an inappropriate lifestyle, represented by poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. Nuts consumption has been suggested as a possible strategy for reducing the risk of developing diabetes and for control appetite. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of peanut butter and whole peanuts on glycemic response, appetite and food intake in obese women. This is a randomized crossover study, which involved the participation of eight obese women. The participants consumed in three study sessions a breakfast consisting of cream of wheat containing whole peanuts (CWP), peanut butter (CPB) or without peanuts (CWAP). Biochemical parameters (glucose, insulin and free fatty acids) and subjective appetitive sensations were assessed 10 minutes before eating breakfast and at 15, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 265, 295, 310, 340 , 370, 430 and 490 minutes after the consumption of that meal. Lunch consisting of bread, strawberry jam and water was served 240 min after breakfast. Participants were released to do their normal activities 490 minutes after breakfast consumption, and kept dietary records during the subsequent 24 hour and completed subjective appetitive sensations questionnaires hourly until they go to sleep. The palatability of preparations served in the study were evaluated. It was verified that the CWP looked worse compared to the CPB. Ingestion of CWP lead to a higher desire to eat salty foods than the CWAP, nine hours after eating breakfast, and in comparison to the CPB and CWAP, 10 hours after breakfast. The mean glucose levels and the concentrations of free fatty acids were not affected by study treatment. However, there was a higher insulin (p = 0.07) at 240 min after consumption of the CPB than the CWAP. The values for the area of the curve (AC) for the levels of free fatty acids and glucose were lower after CPB ingestion than after CWAP (p = 0.07) and CWP (p = 0.05). The area of the curve of insulin levels were higher after breakfast (p = 0.015) and lunch (p = 0.003) in response to the consumption of CPB compared to the other two test meals. The energy intake on the day that the volunteers consumed CPB was approximately 200 kcal lower (p = 0.86) compared to the habitual intake, CWP and CWAP. The habitual fat consumption was higher (p = 0.07) than the one observed on the days in which the three test meals were consumed. The results suggest that the consumption of peanut butter or whole peanuts does not affect appetite and food intake. However, these results suggest that peanut butter could result in beneficial effect on glycemic control in glucose intolerant individuals (pre-diabetics) that have impaired insulin secretion. If this effect is maintained after chronic consumption of peanut butter, without increasing adiposity, this strategy can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
The increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus has been attributed to the adoption of an inappropriate lifestyle, represented by poor eating habits and sedentary lifestyle. Nuts consumption has been suggested as a possible strategy for reducing the risk of developing diabetes and for control appetite. Given the above, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of peanut butter and whole peanuts on glycemic response, appetite and food intake in obese women. This is a randomized crossover study, which involved the participation of eight obese women. The participants consumed in three study sessions a breakfast consisting of cream of wheat containing whole peanuts (CWP), peanut butter (CPB) or without peanuts (CWAP). Biochemical parameters (glucose, insulin and free fatty acids) and subjective appetitive sensations were assessed 10 minutes before eating breakfast and at 15, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 265, 295, 310, 340 , 370, 430 and 490 minutes after the consumption of that meal. Lunch consisting of bread, strawberry jam and water was served 240 min after breakfast. Participants were released to do their normal activities 490 minutes after breakfast consumption, and kept dietary records during the subsequent 24 hour and completed subjective appetitive sensations questionnaires hourly until they go to sleep. The palatability of preparations served in the study were evaluated. It was verified that the CWP looked worse compared to the CPB. Ingestion of CWP lead to a higher desire to eat salty foods than the CWAP, nine hours after eating breakfast, and in comparison to the CPB and CWAP, 10 hours after breakfast. The mean glucose levels and the concentrations of free fatty acids were not affected by study treatment. However, there was a higher insulin (p = 0.07) at 240 min after consumption of the CPB than the CWAP. The values for the area of the curve (AC) for the levels of free fatty acids and glucose were lower after CPB ingestion than after CWAP (p = 0.07) and CWP (p = 0.05). The area of the curve of insulin levels were higher after breakfast (p = 0.015) and lunch (p = 0.003) in response to the consumption of CPB compared to the other two test meals. The energy intake on the day that the volunteers consumed CPB was approximately 200 kcal lower (p = 0.86) compared to the habitual intake, CWP and CWAP. The habitual fat consumption was higher (p = 0.07) than the one observed on the days in which the three test meals were consumed. The results suggest that the consumption of peanut butter or whole peanuts does not affect appetite and food intake. However, these results suggest that peanut butter could result in beneficial effect on glycemic control in glucose intolerant individuals (pre-diabetics) that have impaired insulin secretion. If this effect is maintained after chronic consumption of peanut butter, without increasing adiposity, this strategy can help reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.
Amendoim, Resposta glicêmica, Apetite, Obesidade, Diabetes Mellitus, Peanut, Glycemic response, Appetite, Obesity, Diabetes mellitus
RIBEIRO, Daniela Neves. Effect of peanut on glycemic response, appetite and food intake in obese women. 2010. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Valor nutricional de alimentos e de dietas; Nutrição nas enfermidades agudas e crônicas não transmis) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2010.