Avaliação de insolvência das cooperativas de crédito rural do estado de Minas Gerais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta pesquisa trata da avaliação da situação de insolvência nas cooperativas de crédito rural do Estado de Minas Gerais. O cooperativismo de crédito rural é uma alternativa que possibilita ao produtor obter crédito com mais facilidades. Minas Gerais possui o maior número de cooperativas de crédito, razão por que, para atender a essas demandas de crédito, é necessário que as cooperativas não estejam em estado de insolvência. A importância de avaliar a situação de insolvência advém das mudanças decorrentes da redução do Crédito Rural oficial e da implementação do Plano Real, que provocaram mudanças no sistema financeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, a partir da estrutura financeira, se as cooperativas de crédito estavam em estado de solvência ou insolvência, mediante verificação de indicadores financeiros das cooperativas do Estado de Minas Gerais, de 1998 a 2000, além de verificar a probabilidade de insolvência e o risco relativo de insolvência em decorrência dos indicadores financeiros. Na literatura, não há consenso a respeito da metodologia para determinar solvência/insolvência. Dessa forma, utilizou-se o conceito de insolvência como o fechamento da cooperativa, patrimônio líquido negativo e 40% de resultados finais negativos. Foram utilizados os modelos empíricos logit e o modelo de risco proporcional de Cox. O primeiro permite estimar a probabilidade de ocorrência de um evento e identificar as variáveis independentes que contribuem para a sua predição, enquanto o de Cox define o risco relativo de insolvência com base nos indicadores econômico-financeiros. Constatou-se que os indicadores importantes para predição de insolvência foram capitalização, cobertura voluntária e crescimento da captação total, e, para avaliação do risco relativo de insolvência, liquidez geral, encaixe e despesa com pessoal. Verificou-se, em agosto de 2001, que 98,06% das cooperativas de crédito rural do Estado de Minas Gerais estavam solventes e 1,94%, insolventes, O que indica que a maior parte das cooperativas encontrava-se solvente e o sistema tinha cumprindo seu papel de atender às demandas de crédito por parte do produtor rural.
This research focuses on the evaluation of the insolvency situation of agricultural credit cooperatives in the state of Minas Gerais. Agricultural credit cooperatives can be viewed as an alternative of easy credit to the producers. In this sense, Minas Gerais is the state with the largest number of credit cooperatives. But, to attain the credit demand, these cooperatives must not be in state of insolvency. The importance of the evaluation of the insolvency state comes from changes determined by the reduction of the official agricultural loans program and from the implementation of the Real Plan, that was followed by changes in the Brazilian financial system. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate, from the financial structure, the state of solvency of the agricultural credit cooperatives, by the verification of financial indicators between 1998 and 2000, besides the estimation of the insolvency probability and the proportional risk of insolvency as a function of the financial indicators. Although there is no consensus about the solvency/insolvency concept, the definition adopted in this study refers to insolvency as the liquidation of the cooperative, negative net value and 40% of negative outcomes. The adopted models were the Logit and Cox's proportional Hazard. The first one estimates the probability of insolvency and the factors that are relevant for its prediction, while the Cox model calculates the proportional risk of insolvency as a function of the financial/economic indicators. The results indicate that the relevant indicators for insolvency prediction were capitalization, volunteer covering e total captation growth, and for the relative risk analysis the liquidity, short run disposable resources and cost with employees indicators. It was also verified that, in august 2001, 98,6% of the agricultural credit cooperatives were in solvency state, indicating the importance and effectiveness of that credit system as a supplier for the credit needs of the agricultural producers.
This research focuses on the evaluation of the insolvency situation of agricultural credit cooperatives in the state of Minas Gerais. Agricultural credit cooperatives can be viewed as an alternative of easy credit to the producers. In this sense, Minas Gerais is the state with the largest number of credit cooperatives. But, to attain the credit demand, these cooperatives must not be in state of insolvency. The importance of the evaluation of the insolvency state comes from changes determined by the reduction of the official agricultural loans program and from the implementation of the Real Plan, that was followed by changes in the Brazilian financial system. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate, from the financial structure, the state of solvency of the agricultural credit cooperatives, by the verification of financial indicators between 1998 and 2000, besides the estimation of the insolvency probability and the proportional risk of insolvency as a function of the financial indicators. Although there is no consensus about the solvency/insolvency concept, the definition adopted in this study refers to insolvency as the liquidation of the cooperative, negative net value and 40% of negative outcomes. The adopted models were the Logit and Cox's proportional Hazard. The first one estimates the probability of insolvency and the factors that are relevant for its prediction, while the Cox model calculates the proportional risk of insolvency as a function of the financial/economic indicators. The results indicate that the relevant indicators for insolvency prediction were capitalization, volunteer covering e total captation growth, and for the relative risk analysis the liquidity, short run disposable resources and cost with employees indicators. It was also verified that, in august 2001, 98,6% of the agricultural credit cooperatives were in solvency state, indicating the importance and effectiveness of that credit system as a supplier for the credit needs of the agricultural producers.
Cooperativas de crédito agrícola, Falência, Inadimplência
BRESSAN, Valéria Gama Fully. Avaliação de insolvência das cooperativas de crédito rural do estado de Minas Gerais. 2002. 122 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Economia Aplicada) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2002.