Estado nutricional e fatores associados em idosos do Município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil
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Cadernos de Saúde Pública
Investigaram-se as prevalências de baixo peso e excesso de peso, bem como os fatores associados em idosos. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com 621 idosos residentes no Município de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, realizado em 2009. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevistas domiciliares e se referiam à avaliação do estado nutricional, condições sociodemográficas e de saúde. Do total de pessoas estudadas, 53,3% eram do gênero feminino. A mediana do IMC foi de 26,40kg/m2 (mínima 15,20 e máxima 46,82) e foi menor para os homens do que para as mulheres. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi elevada (45%; IC95%: 40%-49%), diminuiu com a idade, associou-se positivamente ao gênero feminino e história de artrite/artrose, e negativamente à faixa etária de 80 anos ou mais e ao tabagismo. A prevalência de baixo peso foi maior no gênero masculino (18,2%), aumentou com o avanço da idade e associou-se positivamente à pior percepção de saúde. O conjunto dos resultados salientam a importância de estratégias em saúde que favoreçam mudanças no estilo de vida e hábitos alimentares saudáveis.
This cross-sectional study in 2009 focused on the prevalence of underweight and overweight and associated factors in a sample of 621 elderly individuals in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Data were obtained through home interviews on nutritional status and socio-demographic and health conditions. Of the total sample, 53.3% were females. Median BMI was 26.40kg/m2 (range = 15.20-46.82) and was lower for men than for women. Prevalence of overweight was high (45%; 95%CI: 40%-49%), decreased with age, was positively associated with female gender and history of arthritis/arthrosis, and was negatively associated with age 80 years or older and smoking. Prevalence of underweight was high in men (18.2%), increased with age, and was positively associated with worse self-rated health. The findings highlight the importance of health strategies that favor lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits.
This cross-sectional study in 2009 focused on the prevalence of underweight and overweight and associated factors in a sample of 621 elderly individuals in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Data were obtained through home interviews on nutritional status and socio-demographic and health conditions. Of the total sample, 53.3% were females. Median BMI was 26.40kg/m2 (range = 15.20-46.82) and was lower for men than for women. Prevalence of overweight was high (45%; 95%CI: 40%-49%), decreased with age, was positively associated with female gender and history of arthritis/arthrosis, and was negatively associated with age 80 years or older and smoking. Prevalence of underweight was high in men (18.2%), increased with age, and was positively associated with worse self-rated health. The findings highlight the importance of health strategies that favor lifestyle changes and healthy eating habits.
Obesidade, Idoso, Estado nutricional, Índice de massa corporal