Predição in silico de Proteínas Extracelulares de Kluyveromyces lactis e suas relações com fatores transcricionais
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O banco de dados da Kluyveromyces lactis constituído de 5327 seqüências de proteínas ( foi submetido a quatro algoritmos de predição para identificar o potencial secretome extracelular. O primeiro,SignalP v3 (, que identifica a presença de peptideo sinal na porção N-terminal e o sítio de clivagem da peptidase sinalagrupou 698 proteínas.Deste grupo, o Phobius(, que prevê a topologia de domínios transmembranas a partir das sequencias primárias, indicou 260 sem domínios transmembranas.Outros dois algoritmos, big-PI predictor(,capaz reconhecer marcas de de ancoras GPI (Glicosilfosfatidilinositol) e WoLF PSORT( de identificar assinaturas para a localização em compartimentos subcelulares apontaram 236 proteínas sem ancoras GPI e 101 endereçadas ao meio extracelular. Como controle positivo, os mesmos algoritmos foram testados e predisseram corretamente 95 proteínas de leveduras Saccharomycetes encontradas nos bancos de dados públicos (NCBI e UNIProt) e anotadas como extracelulares. Como controle negativo foram preditas como intracelular 95 seqüências aleatórias do banco de dados da K. lactis. O grupo controle positivo e o grupo predito foram comparados pelo teste estatístico T2 de Hotelling. Não foram evidenciadas diferenças significativas entre os valores das médias dos grupos.A condição fisiológicana qual estas proteínas extracelulares são expressas foi analisada relacionando suas seqüências promotoras com os fatores transcricionais ortólogos da Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A metodologia aplicada foi o "Yeastract" ( que localiza sítios de ligação ao DNA dos fatores transcricionais de S. cerevisiaenas seqüências promotoras dos ORFs das proteínas preditas como extracelulares. A condição fisiológica que favorece a expressão para o meio extracelular foi obtida pela pesquisa dos termos descritos pelo "Gene Ontology"( Os fatores transcricionais que mais se relacionam com as seqüências preditas foram aqueles associados com resposta a estresse. Também foi indicado que o estresse ácido e limitação de nitrogênio (aminoácidos) exercem influência na expressão das proteínas extracelulares.
In this work we have created an in silico system to address secretion of a desired protein among the genome data of Kluyveromyces lactis. The completed K. lactis genome sequencing has provided a tool to construct such a system. In order to explore a potential K. lactis extracellular secretome, four computational prediction algorithms have been applied: SignalP (presence or absence of an N-terminal signal peptide and clivage site), Phobius (transmembrane topology), big-PI Predictor (GPI modification site) and WolfPsort (subcellular addressing, including extracellular prediction). These algorithms have correctly predicted 95 yeast secreted proteins sought in public databases (NCBI, UNIProt and MIPS). They have also predicted as intracellular the same number (i.e. 95) of random sequences found in K. lactis database. The K. lactis database consists of 5327 sequences ( When analyzed by SignalP 3.0, it has pointed out 698 putative proteins with N-terminal signal peptides. In this group, 260 were predicted by Phobius to have no transmembrane domains and 236 were found by the big-PI Predictor to have no GPI modifications site. Finally, the predicted K. lactis secretome was estimated to consist of up to 101 sequences by WolfPSORT which eliminates proteins with subcellular targeting. In order to validate theses analysis, both groups of predicted and annotated extracellular proteins were compared by Hotelling s T2 test. The analysis has shown no differences between the mean values of these two groups. The physiological significance of those potential extracellular proteins was similarly investigated by analyzing the relationship between the S. cerevisiae transcriptional regulators ortologues in K. lactis and the putative promoters (i.e. 1 KB upstream) of those extracellular proteins. It was applied the methodology proposed by Yeastract which search for elements such as binding sites that indicates associations between transcriptional factor and target genes. The physiological condition favoring protein expression in extracellular medium was obtained by searching Gene Ontology ( It has been shown that most of the transcriptional regulators of K. lactis extracellular proteins are related to stress response, especially presence of drugs into the medium. Also pH stress and limiting nitrogen can induce the extracellular proteins.
In this work we have created an in silico system to address secretion of a desired protein among the genome data of Kluyveromyces lactis. The completed K. lactis genome sequencing has provided a tool to construct such a system. In order to explore a potential K. lactis extracellular secretome, four computational prediction algorithms have been applied: SignalP (presence or absence of an N-terminal signal peptide and clivage site), Phobius (transmembrane topology), big-PI Predictor (GPI modification site) and WolfPsort (subcellular addressing, including extracellular prediction). These algorithms have correctly predicted 95 yeast secreted proteins sought in public databases (NCBI, UNIProt and MIPS). They have also predicted as intracellular the same number (i.e. 95) of random sequences found in K. lactis database. The K. lactis database consists of 5327 sequences ( When analyzed by SignalP 3.0, it has pointed out 698 putative proteins with N-terminal signal peptides. In this group, 260 were predicted by Phobius to have no transmembrane domains and 236 were found by the big-PI Predictor to have no GPI modifications site. Finally, the predicted K. lactis secretome was estimated to consist of up to 101 sequences by WolfPSORT which eliminates proteins with subcellular targeting. In order to validate theses analysis, both groups of predicted and annotated extracellular proteins were compared by Hotelling s T2 test. The analysis has shown no differences between the mean values of these two groups. The physiological significance of those potential extracellular proteins was similarly investigated by analyzing the relationship between the S. cerevisiae transcriptional regulators ortologues in K. lactis and the putative promoters (i.e. 1 KB upstream) of those extracellular proteins. It was applied the methodology proposed by Yeastract which search for elements such as binding sites that indicates associations between transcriptional factor and target genes. The physiological condition favoring protein expression in extracellular medium was obtained by searching Gene Ontology ( It has been shown that most of the transcriptional regulators of K. lactis extracellular proteins are related to stress response, especially presence of drugs into the medium. Also pH stress and limiting nitrogen can induce the extracellular proteins.
Kluyveromyces lactis, Leveduras (Fungos), Proteínas microbianas, Enzimas microbianas, Kluyveromyces lactis, Leveduras (fungos), Microbianas Proteínas, Enzimas microbianas
BRUSTOLINI, Otávio José Bernardes. Computational analysis of the interaction between the transcriptional factors and the predicted secreted proteome of the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. 2008. 48 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Associações micorrízicas; Bactérias láticas e probióticos; Biologia molecular de fungos de interesse) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2008.