O que realmente importa em programas de transferência condicionada de renda? Abordagens em diferentes países
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Saúde e Sociedade
Diferentes estratégias de proteção social têm sido utilizadas no mundo visando combater a fome e promover a mobilidade social. Dentre elas, os programas de transferência condicionada de renda têm se destacado pelo desenho contratual e pela estrutura de governança que tem a promoção do comportamento positivo do indivíduo, e não a assistência, como elemento central. Portanto, famílias que participam desses programas recebem, em geral, determinada quantia financeira destinada a satisfazer as necessidades básicas e contribuir para o atendimento das condições positivas impostas à sua manutenção no programa. Conhecer as condicionalidades e perceber sob qual contexto de investigação essas práticas têm sido abordadas no meio acadêmico torna-se fator de relevância científica e social. Nessa direção, este trabalho teve como propósito discutir os diferentes desenhos dessa política em diversos países. Para tanto, 50 trabalhos científicos, distribuídos por 28 países, foram analisados, visando contextualizar metodologias e resultados alcançados. Para realizar tal análise, foi procedido um estudo exploratório, a partir da técnica de metaestudo, utilizando como referência a base de dados do Banco Mundial, sítios eletrônicos e artigos sobre o assunto, publicados entre 2003 e 2011, com a finalidade perceber sob qual ótica têm sido estudados os principais programas de transferência de renda do mundo. Dentre os principais resultados alcançados, merece destaque o fato de, indiferentemente do país ou programa de transferência considerado, a manutenção das crianças na escola e o cuidado com a saúde infantil são condições centrais de inclusão e manutenção da família no sistema de transferência.
Different social protection strategies have been used worldwide to combat hunger and promote social mobility. Among them, the Conditional In- come Transfer Programs stands out because of its contractual design and governance structure, both of which have the promotion of positive behaviour of the individual, and not assistance, at their core. Therefore, families that participate in these pro- grams receive, in general, certain financial amount intended to meet basic needs and contribute to the fulfilment of positive conditions imposed for their maintenance in the program. Knowledge of these conditions and noticing in which context investi- gation of these practices have been discussed in academic scenario makes it a factor of scientific and social relevance. With this drive, this study aimed to discuss the different designs of the policy in many countries. To achieve this, 50 scientific papers, from 28 countries were analysed, aiming to contextualize their methodologies and achievements. To perform this analysis, an exploratory study was carried out, using meta-study, using as reference the database of the World Bank, the electronic sites and articles published on the subject between the years of 2003 and 2011, with the goal to find under which point of view major income transfer programs worldwide have been studied. Among the main results, we should note the fact that, regardless of the country or conditional income transfer program considered keeping the children in school and attention health are key conditions for inclusion and maintenance of the family in the transfer system.
Different social protection strategies have been used worldwide to combat hunger and promote social mobility. Among them, the Conditional In- come Transfer Programs stands out because of its contractual design and governance structure, both of which have the promotion of positive behaviour of the individual, and not assistance, at their core. Therefore, families that participate in these pro- grams receive, in general, certain financial amount intended to meet basic needs and contribute to the fulfilment of positive conditions imposed for their maintenance in the program. Knowledge of these conditions and noticing in which context investi- gation of these practices have been discussed in academic scenario makes it a factor of scientific and social relevance. With this drive, this study aimed to discuss the different designs of the policy in many countries. To achieve this, 50 scientific papers, from 28 countries were analysed, aiming to contextualize their methodologies and achievements. To perform this analysis, an exploratory study was carried out, using meta-study, using as reference the database of the World Bank, the electronic sites and articles published on the subject between the years of 2003 and 2011, with the goal to find under which point of view major income transfer programs worldwide have been studied. Among the main results, we should note the fact that, regardless of the country or conditional income transfer program considered keeping the children in school and attention health are key conditions for inclusion and maintenance of the family in the transfer system.
Administração pública, Programas de transferência condicionada de renda, Proteção social, Public administration, Conditional in- come transfer, Social protection