Efeito de salinidade, pH, concentração de células e hidrofobicidade celular sobre a recuperação de petróleo em sistema poroso por Acinetobacter sp
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Considerando-se o cenário de aumento da demanda de energia no mundo e a depleção dos reservatórios de petróleo, o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de exploração, que propiciem aumento da capacidade de recuperação de óleo, é estratégico para a garantia do suprimento de energia. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a capacidade das células de Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 em promover a recuperação de óleo residual em sistema poroso não- consolidado. A injeção da suspensão de células de Acinetobacter sp. reduziu a saturação de óleo residual, em todas as concentrações testadas. Após a injeção da suspensão de células (4 volumes porosos, D.O.600 = 10,0), apenas 26,0 % do óleo retido na coluna nela permaneceram. Esse valor foi reduzido para 22 % quando se utilizou suspensão com maior concentração de células (D.O.600 = 20,0). O total de óleo recuperado pela injeção de solução salina (recuperação secundária) e de suspensão de células (recuperação terciária) foi superior a 80% do volume de óleo originalmente contido nas colunas. A alta hidrofobicidade das células concorreu para a recuperação do petróleo residual, juntamente com fatores que influenciam a estabilidade da atividade celular, como a temperatura, o pH e a salinidade. O tratamento de esterilização da suspensão de células de Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 por autoclavagem, antes da injeção, demonstrou que a integridade das células é de importância para o processo de recuperação do petróleo residual. O efeito da variação do pH sobre a retenção de óleo em colunas mostrou-se pronunciado; no tratamento com pH 8,5, a recuperação foi 34 % maior do que a obtida no tratamento-controle (pH 7,4). Em pH 9,5, a recuperação foi 18 % superior à do controle. A salinidade do líquido de injeção das células (50 ou 100 g L-1) exerce expressiva influência sobre a saturação residual de petróleo, como demonstrado pela retenção do equivalente a cerca de 30 % a mais de petróleo do que no controle (sem adição de sal). Em resumo, conclui-se que a expressiva recuperação de óleo residual em sistema poroso não consolidado, resultante da injeção de células de Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 em suspensão, com acidez e salinidade definidas, demonstra o potencial da bactéria para inclusão em estudos a respeito de estratégias de recuperação avançada de petróleo.
Taking in account the scenario of increased energy demand worldwide and the depletion of oil reservoirs, the development of new exploration technologies, which provide increased capacity for oil recovery, is strategic for the supply of energy. This study evaluated the ability of cells of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 to promote the recovery of residual oil from unconsolidated porous system. The injection of cell suspensions of Acinetobacter sp. reduced residual oil saturation, at all concentrations tested. After injection of the cell suspension (4 pore volumes, OD600 = 10.0), 74% of residual oil were recovered. This value was increased to 78% when using suspension with a higher concentration of cells (OD600 = 20.0). The amount of oil recovered by saline injection (secondary recovery) and the cell suspension (tertiary recovery) was greater than 80% of the oil originally contained in the columns. The high hydrophobicity of cells contributed to the recovery of residual oil, together with factors that influence cellular activity and stability, such as temperature, pH and salinity. The sterilization treatment of the cell suspension of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 by autoclaving prior to injection showed that the integrity of cells is important for the recovery of residual oil. The effect of pH on the retention of oil in columns proved to be considerable: at pH 8.5, recovery was 34% higher than that obtained in the control treatment (pH 7.4). At pH 9.5, the recovery was 18% higher than in control. The salinity of the cell suspension (50 or 100 g L-1) exerts a significant influence on the residual oil saturation, as evidenced by retention of about 30% more oil than in the control (no salt addition). In summary, the significant recovery of residual oil from unconsolidated porous systems by injection of cells of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1, under defined acidity and salinity, demonstrates the potential of this bacteria in microbially enhanced oil recovery.
Taking in account the scenario of increased energy demand worldwide and the depletion of oil reservoirs, the development of new exploration technologies, which provide increased capacity for oil recovery, is strategic for the supply of energy. This study evaluated the ability of cells of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 to promote the recovery of residual oil from unconsolidated porous system. The injection of cell suspensions of Acinetobacter sp. reduced residual oil saturation, at all concentrations tested. After injection of the cell suspension (4 pore volumes, OD600 = 10.0), 74% of residual oil were recovered. This value was increased to 78% when using suspension with a higher concentration of cells (OD600 = 20.0). The amount of oil recovered by saline injection (secondary recovery) and the cell suspension (tertiary recovery) was greater than 80% of the oil originally contained in the columns. The high hydrophobicity of cells contributed to the recovery of residual oil, together with factors that influence cellular activity and stability, such as temperature, pH and salinity. The sterilization treatment of the cell suspension of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1 by autoclaving prior to injection showed that the integrity of cells is important for the recovery of residual oil. The effect of pH on the retention of oil in columns proved to be considerable: at pH 8.5, recovery was 34% higher than that obtained in the control treatment (pH 7.4). At pH 9.5, the recovery was 18% higher than in control. The salinity of the cell suspension (50 or 100 g L-1) exerts a significant influence on the residual oil saturation, as evidenced by retention of about 30% more oil than in the control (no salt addition). In summary, the significant recovery of residual oil from unconsolidated porous systems by injection of cells of Acinetobacter sp. LBBMA LU1, under defined acidity and salinity, demonstrates the potential of this bacteria in microbially enhanced oil recovery.
Hidrofobicicidade, Acinetobacter sp, Recuperação de petróleo, Biomassa microbiana
NOBRE, Patrícia Bernardes. Efeito de salinidade, pH, concentração de células e hidrofobicidade celular sobre a recuperação de petróleo em sistema poroso por Acinetobacter sp. 2012. 49 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2012.