Efeito de diferentes lâminas de água sobre a produtividade do feijoeiro-comum (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.)
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Realizou-se, na Area Experimental do Departamento de Engenharia Agricola da Universidade Federal de Vicosa, urn ensaio, corn o objetivo de avaliar o consumo de aqua e o efeito de diferentes laminas de irrigacao sobre a produtividade e sobre os componentes de produgao do feijoeiroacomum. Foram testados oito tratamentos, corn quatro repeticOes, no delineamento em blo- cos ao acaso. Os tratamentos consistiam em laminas de irrigagao, obtidas corn base na evapotranspiracao de referencia (ET), e em doffs coeficientes de cultura, apresentados por Mantovani, Doorenbos e Kassam. semeadura, manual, foi realizada entre 10 e 12/4187. A variedade foi o feijdo `Negrito', corn espagamento entre fileiras de 0,50m, tendo lido distribuidas 15 semen- As laminas de irrigacao foram aplicadas em turnos de rega semanais, usando-se urn tube de polietileno perfurado, simulando irrigagao por aspersao. 0 volume de agua aplicado foi medido por mein de urn hidrometro calibrado. A colheita foi realizada no dia 20/7187. A analise dos resultados perrnitiu as seguintes conclusaies: a) o tratamento que propiciou os melhores resultados foi o 174, cuja lamina de irri- gaga° consistia na evapotranspiracao de referencia multiplicada pea coeficiente de cul- tura de Mantovani. 0 consume total de Apia foi de 1.84mm, corn major demands do estadio da fieracao ate o inicio do amadurecimento das vagens, corn media de 2,31mm/ dia: b) a lamina de agua de irrigacao apresentou efeito significative sobre a producao de grabs e sobre a altura da Manta do felt*, a 1% de probabilidade, bem come sobre o ntimere de vagens per plants, a 5% de probabilidade: c) Tido houve influencia, a 5% de probabilidade, da lamina de agua de irrigacae sobre v "stand" final, ntimero de sementes par vagem e peso de 100 sementes: d) as baixas temperatures nas lases de fleracao e desenvolvimento e as doencas (ferrugem e mancha-angular) foram, pre'vavelmente, as principals causes das baixas produtividades alcangadas neste experiment°.
This work was developed at the Experimental Area of Agricultural Engineering at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa with the objective of analyzing water consumption and the effect of different plates of irrigation on the productivity of the common bean. Eight treatments were used, with four repetitions in randomized block design. The treatments were plates of irrigation obtained from the evapotranspiration of reference (ET) and two coefficients of culture presented by Mantovani, and Doorenbos and Kassam. The “Negrito' beans were sown by hand between 04/10 and 04/12/87, using 15 seeds per meter of line Manure was used in the form of NPK 4-14-8, based on 450 kg/ha. EaCh parcel had 15m2. and the total experirnental area had 576m2. The water was applied by sprinkler irrigation using a perforated polyethylene tube, and measured by means of & hydrometer. The date of the harvest was July 20, 1987. The following conclusions “can be arrived at: a) T4 was the best treatment; total water consumption was 184mm, with the biggest demand from blooming until the initial maturation, with an average of 2.31mm/day. b) the irrigation water plate affected grain production as well as plant height at the 1% probability level, and thepod number per plant at the 5% probability level. c) the irrigation water plate had no effect on the final stand, seed number per pod, and weight of 100 seeds. d) low temperatures and disease occurence probably contributed to productivity decrease.
This work was developed at the Experimental Area of Agricultural Engineering at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa with the objective of analyzing water consumption and the effect of different plates of irrigation on the productivity of the common bean. Eight treatments were used, with four repetitions in randomized block design. The treatments were plates of irrigation obtained from the evapotranspiration of reference (ET) and two coefficients of culture presented by Mantovani, and Doorenbos and Kassam. The “Negrito' beans were sown by hand between 04/10 and 04/12/87, using 15 seeds per meter of line Manure was used in the form of NPK 4-14-8, based on 450 kg/ha. EaCh parcel had 15m2. and the total experirnental area had 576m2. The water was applied by sprinkler irrigation using a perforated polyethylene tube, and measured by means of & hydrometer. The date of the harvest was July 20, 1987. The following conclusions “can be arrived at: a) T4 was the best treatment; total water consumption was 184mm, with the biggest demand from blooming until the initial maturation, with an average of 2.31mm/day. b) the irrigation water plate affected grain production as well as plant height at the 1% probability level, and thepod number per plant at the 5% probability level. c) the irrigation water plate had no effect on the final stand, seed number per pod, and weight of 100 seeds. d) low temperatures and disease occurence probably contributed to productivity decrease.
Lâminas de água, Produtividade do feijoeiro-comum, Phaseolus Vulgaris L