Characterization and mapping of waste from Coffee and Eucalyptus production in Brazil for thermochemical conversion of energy via gasification

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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviewspt-BR


The generation of waste is an intrinsic characteristic of forestry and agricultural production and has become a major concern. Brazil is a great agricultural producer, and in recent years both the planted area and crop production have grown significantly, with a corresponding increase in agricultural waste. In the context of climate change, efficiency and energy security, it is fundamental to develop alternative energies that meet the needs of both the energy supply and sustainable development. Wood chips and coffee husks are low cost residues and potentially capable of generating heat, steam and electric power, thus they can serve as an alternative fuel for generating energy. This work aims to relate the agricultural market to the energy market, using waste from coffee and eucalyptus production to generate energy, as well as mapping waste production in Brazil by region. It was observed that Brazil has a great capacity to generate alternative energy, since approximately 11.4×10^6 t of wastes are generated per year from coffee and eucalyptus production alone. These wastes can be used for the thermochemical conversion of energy via gasification, with potential to generate a total of 201.3 PJ.



Energy, Waste, Thermochemical conversion




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