Metodologias alternativas aos gráficos de controle na caracterização de processos univariados
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
As empresas têm investido cada vez mais na qualidade, no sentido de buscar maior sobrevivência no mercado, ganhar mais clientes satisfeitos e aumentar a produtividade e a lucratividade. Para buscá-la com mais êxito com auxilio do controle estatístico, faz-se uso dos gráficos de controle que monitoram o processo e sinalizam se há necessidade de corrigi-lo, de maneira que o produto final possa estar dentro dos padrões exigidos pelos consumidores. Na entanto, metodologias alternativas aos gráficos de controle, também podem ser utilizadas para classificar ou discriminar se o processo está ou não sob controle. Neste trabalho foram aplicadas as seguinte: análise discriminante, regressão logística e redes neurais artificiais. Para aplicar cada um dos métodos propostos utilizaram-se dados simulados, onde as medidas de comparação entre eles foram baseadas nas incidências dos alarmes falsos e verdadeiros sobre a classificação desses valores em dentro ou fora de controle estatístico. Foram simulados valores normais e independentemente distribuído sob controle estatístico. Posteriormente, foram impostas variações para que ao final do conjunto de dados saíssem de controle ou que apresentassem autocorrelações. As redes neurais artificiais e regressão logística se mostraram capazes de substituírem os melhores tipos de gráficos de controle, em sinalizarem pontos fora de controle situados ao meio ou ao final do conjunto de dados, sob diferentes distâncias da média de controle e distribuído de forma independente ou não.
The companies have invested more in quality, to find more survivor in the market, to win more satisfied customers and to increase productivity and profitability. To get it with more success with the aid of statistical control, can be used control charts that monitor the process and indicate whether is need to fix it, so that the final product can be within the standards required by consumers. However, alternative methods to the control charts, also can be used to classify or discriminate if the process is on control or not. In this research, the following were applied: analysis discriminant, logistic regression and artificial neural networks. To apply each one of the proposed methods were used simulated data, where the measures of comparison between them were based on incidences of false and true alarms on the classification these values into or outside the control statistic. Were simulated normal values and independently distributed under control statistics. Subsequently, were imposed some changes to the values set in the middle or the end of data, left the control or to submit autocorrelations. The artificial neural networks and logistic regression were able to replace the best types of control charts in signaled out of control points located in the middle or the end of data set under different distances from the average of control and distributed independently or not.
The companies have invested more in quality, to find more survivor in the market, to win more satisfied customers and to increase productivity and profitability. To get it with more success with the aid of statistical control, can be used control charts that monitor the process and indicate whether is need to fix it, so that the final product can be within the standards required by consumers. However, alternative methods to the control charts, also can be used to classify or discriminate if the process is on control or not. In this research, the following were applied: analysis discriminant, logistic regression and artificial neural networks. To apply each one of the proposed methods were used simulated data, where the measures of comparison between them were based on incidences of false and true alarms on the classification these values into or outside the control statistic. Were simulated normal values and independently distributed under control statistics. Subsequently, were imposed some changes to the values set in the middle or the end of data, left the control or to submit autocorrelations. The artificial neural networks and logistic regression were able to replace the best types of control charts in signaled out of control points located in the middle or the end of data set under different distances from the average of control and distributed independently or not.
Gráficos de controle, Redes neurais artificiais, Análise multivariada, Control charts, Artificial neural networks, Multivariate analysis
GONÇALVES, Thiago da Costa. Alternativa approaches to the characterization of control charts for cases univariate. 2008. 81 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estatística Aplicada e Biometria) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2008.