A influência da rede social da nutriz no aleitamento materno: o papel estratégico dos familiares e dos profissionais de saúde
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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva
Objetivou-se levantar e categorizar trabalhos científicos sobre a influência da rede social da lactante no contexto da amamentação. Para isto, realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica nas principais bases de dados em saúde (MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO), utilizando como palavras chaves os descritores: aleitamento materno, desmame e família (e suas versões em inglês e espanhol). Foram consultados também livros, teses, dissertações, publicações em órgãos internacionais e nacionais (OMS, UNICEF, Ministério da Saúde). Pode-se observar que os atores que compõem a rede social da nutriz são capazes de exercer interferência na decisão de amamentar, através de diferentes âmbitos, tais como o incentivo/apoio à iniciativa; o repasse de conhecimentos e valores culturais; a tradição familiar e o cultivo do desinteresse/desestímulo e da pressão exercida sobre a lactante em relação à forma de alimentar a criança. Destarte, pode-se inferir sobre a necessidade de implementação de novas práticas de saúde no que tange à forma de cuidado a este grupo populacional. Vale ressaltar a importância de que os profissionais se capacitem para uma escuta sensível sobre o significado da lactação desde o olhar da nutriz. Por fim, destaca-se o papel importante da rede social da lactante, principalmente a família, para o sucesso da amamentação.
The objective was to raise and classify scientific works on the influence of the social net of lactating mothers in the context of the breastfeeding. A bibliographical review was done in the main databases (MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO), using as keywords: breastfeeding, weaning and family (and their versions in English and Spanish). Books, thesis, dissertations, and publications in international and national institutions were consulted (WHO, UNICEF, Ministry of Health). It could be observed that the actors that compose the social net of the lactating mothers can interfere in the decision of breastfeeding, through different extents, such as the encouragement/support to the initiative; reviewing the knowledge and cultural values; family tradition; and the cultivation of the indifference/discourage and the pressure exercised on the lactating mothers in relation to the form of feeding the child. In this way, it can infer on the need of the implementation of new health practices regarding to the care of this group. It is worth to highlight, the importance of the professionals to be qualified for the sensitive listening on the meaning of the nursing under the glance of the lactating mothers . Finally, it stands out the importance role of the social net of the lactating mothers, especially the family, for a successful breastfeeding.
The objective was to raise and classify scientific works on the influence of the social net of lactating mothers in the context of the breastfeeding. A bibliographical review was done in the main databases (MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO), using as keywords: breastfeeding, weaning and family (and their versions in English and Spanish). Books, thesis, dissertations, and publications in international and national institutions were consulted (WHO, UNICEF, Ministry of Health). It could be observed that the actors that compose the social net of the lactating mothers can interfere in the decision of breastfeeding, through different extents, such as the encouragement/support to the initiative; reviewing the knowledge and cultural values; family tradition; and the cultivation of the indifference/discourage and the pressure exercised on the lactating mothers in relation to the form of feeding the child. In this way, it can infer on the need of the implementation of new health practices regarding to the care of this group. It is worth to highlight, the importance of the professionals to be qualified for the sensitive listening on the meaning of the nursing under the glance of the lactating mothers . Finally, it stands out the importance role of the social net of the lactating mothers, especially the family, for a successful breastfeeding.
Aleitamento materno, Desmame, Família, Nutriz