Efeitos do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola na gestão escolar
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar se, a partir do recebimento de recursos
oriundos do PDDE, duas escolas de Viçosa, com IDEB abaixo e acima da média
nacional, apresentaram novos modos de gestão com vistas ao atendimento dos
propósitos de qualidade estabelecidos pelas medidas de desempenho representadas pelo IDEB. Especificamente, buscou-se compreender: a forma como os membros das Unidades Executoras UExs se organizam para tomada de decisões no que se refere ao gerenciamento e ao investimento dos recursos do PDDE; descrever em quais áreas do ensino e/ou atividades educacionais os recursos do PDDE foram empregados com vistas à melhoria do processo de ensino; apontar os possíveis obstáculos e/ou dificuldades políticos e estruturais que as UEx enfrentam durante o processo de gerenciamento e aplicação deste recurso; e compreender a relação estabelecida pelas escolas pesquisadas entre a gestão dos recursos do PDDE e o IDEB, bem como as estratégias de adequação
ou elevação desse índice. Esta pesquisa se caracteriza como qualitativa, pois o método utilizado para materializar o presente trabalho foi o estudo de caso. Os instrumentos e as técnicas utilizadas na obtenção de dados foram, respectivamente, a entrevista semiestruturada e a análise documental. Para interpretação dos dados, a técnica utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo. A análise dos dados coletados aponta que, na escola A, as formas de participação desses sujeitos junto à UEx aparece de forma restrita à execução de tarefas e presença em reuniões. Isso se refere à consulta e à informação sobre formas de operacionalização, aplicação e prestação de contas dos recursos do PDDE. Na escola B, é possível afirmar, a partir da fala dos entrevistados, que prevalece a participação colegiada na qual os sujeitos exercem influência efetiva e direta na tomada de decisão. Com relação ao investimento dos recursos do PDDE, na escola A, os membros da UEx priorizam a aquisição de materiais e equipamentos ligados à área didático-pedagógica. Também investem em materiais de expediente e manutenção da rede física do prédio escolar. Na escola B, os membros da UEx afirmaram que investem os recursos na área pedagógica, em equipamentos de áudio, processamento de dados e mobília em geral. Ainda de acordo com os membros das UExs, estes não encontram dificuldades em gerenciar e aplicar os recursos oriundos do PDDE. O estudo apontou ainda que no caso das escolas participantes da pesquisa, as UExs não possuem um planejamento e/ou
estratégias criadas em função do PDDE para investir os recurso, a fim de elevar o
IDEB. A partir dos dados desta pesquisa, conclui-se que o PDDE parece não conseguir promover, de forma direta e eficaz uma mudança das estratégias de gestão a nível local. Além disso, não consegue mudar a gestão e o trabalho desenvolvido nestas instituições a fim de atender os propósitos de qualidade estabelecidos pelo IDEB.
The objective of this work was to analyze from the receipt of financial support from the Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola PDDE, if two government schools of Viçosa, M.G. razil introduced new management methods in order purposes of quality performance stablished by the Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica IDEB, notes above and below the national average. It was researched specifically to understand: how members of the Executive Units UEx organize themselves to make decisions regarding the management and investment of financial support of the PDDE; to describe which areas of teaching and/or educational activities of the financial support was employed with a view to improving the teaching process; pointing out potential obstacles and/or political and structural difficulties that UEx face during the process of managing and implementing this financial support, and finally; to understand the relationship established that were investigated between the management of PDDE and IDEB, as well as strategies to adapt or increase of this index. This work is characterized as qualitative because the method used to materialize it was the case study. The tools and techniques used in obtaining data were, respectively, the semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. To interpret the data, the techniques used were content analysis. The analysis of data collected indicates that in A school, the forms of participation of these subjects with UEx appears narrowly to the execution of tasks and attendance and meeting. This refers to information and consultation on ways of implementation, enforcement and accountability of the financial support of PDDE. In B school, it is possible from the speech of the respondents, the prevailing collegiate participation in which subjects direct and effective influence in decision making. With respect to the investment of financial support from the PDDE the members of UEx prioritize the acquisition materials and equipment related to the didactic pedagogical area. Also invest in materials and maintenance hours of physical network of the school building. In B school the members of said UEx that for sure the financial support in the teaching area in audio equipment, data processing and furniture in general. Also according to members of UEx, they do not find difficult to manage and to apply the proceeds from the PDDE. The study pointed out that in the case of the participating schools search, the UExs do not have a plan and/or strategies created in function of the PDDE for investing in resource, in order to elevate the IDEB. The data from this research, it is concluded that the PDDE can not seem to promote direct and effective changes strategies at local level. In addition, the PDDE has not yet managed to change the management and the work of these institutions to meet the purposes of quality set by IDEB.
The objective of this work was to analyze from the receipt of financial support from the Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola PDDE, if two government schools of Viçosa, M.G. razil introduced new management methods in order purposes of quality performance stablished by the Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica IDEB, notes above and below the national average. It was researched specifically to understand: how members of the Executive Units UEx organize themselves to make decisions regarding the management and investment of financial support of the PDDE; to describe which areas of teaching and/or educational activities of the financial support was employed with a view to improving the teaching process; pointing out potential obstacles and/or political and structural difficulties that UEx face during the process of managing and implementing this financial support, and finally; to understand the relationship established that were investigated between the management of PDDE and IDEB, as well as strategies to adapt or increase of this index. This work is characterized as qualitative because the method used to materialize it was the case study. The tools and techniques used in obtaining data were, respectively, the semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis. To interpret the data, the techniques used were content analysis. The analysis of data collected indicates that in A school, the forms of participation of these subjects with UEx appears narrowly to the execution of tasks and attendance and meeting. This refers to information and consultation on ways of implementation, enforcement and accountability of the financial support of PDDE. In B school, it is possible from the speech of the respondents, the prevailing collegiate participation in which subjects direct and effective influence in decision making. With respect to the investment of financial support from the PDDE the members of UEx prioritize the acquisition materials and equipment related to the didactic pedagogical area. Also invest in materials and maintenance hours of physical network of the school building. In B school the members of said UEx that for sure the financial support in the teaching area in audio equipment, data processing and furniture in general. Also according to members of UEx, they do not find difficult to manage and to apply the proceeds from the PDDE. The study pointed out that in the case of the participating schools search, the UExs do not have a plan and/or strategies created in function of the PDDE for investing in resource, in order to elevate the IDEB. The data from this research, it is concluded that the PDDE can not seem to promote direct and effective changes strategies at local level. In addition, the PDDE has not yet managed to change the management and the work of these institutions to meet the purposes of quality set by IDEB.
Financiamento da educação básica, Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola, Gestão escolar, Financing of basic education, Dinheiro Direto na Escola Program, School management
SANTANA, Kátia de Cássia. Effects of the Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola in school management. 2011. 193 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação, estado e sociedade; formação de professores e práticas educativas) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa, 2011.