Consumo habitual de iodo de gestantes brasileiras: perspectivas do Estudo Multicêntrico de Deficiência de Iodo (EMDI-BRASIL)
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
Introdução: Dados sobre a ingestão de iodo de gestantes são limitados no Brasil e é esperado que essa ingestão seja insuficiente para atender as necessidades nutricionais. Objetivo: Avaliar a ingestão habitual de iodo de gestantes brasileiras. Metodologia: A revisão sistemática sobre a ingestão de iodo de gestantes foi baseada no método Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- analyses, registrada no International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews, e a sua metanálise conduzida no software R. Os artigos originais são transversais e foram realizados com dados de consumo alimentar de gestantes (n=2247) do Estudo Multicêntrico de Deficiência de Iodo, coletados com a aplicação do recordatório de 24 horas e tabulados no software GloboDiet. Os alimentos consumidos foram classificados de acordo com os grupos e subgrupos de alimentos da Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool e a ingestão habitual de iodo foi ajustada para a variabilidade intraindividual pela macro Simulating intake of micronutrients for Policy Learning and Engagement. Covariáveis sobre o uso de suplemento, efeito temporal, método de coleta de dados, características sociodemográficas e sobre o uso de sal e de temperos foram usadas no ajuste das estimativas de ingestão e prevalência de inadequação. A contribuição dos itens alimentares para a ingestão de iodo e para a variabilidade interindividual foi avaliada pelo método da proporção de médias e por regressão linear, respectivamente. Os valores de referência de ingestão harmonizados foram usados para avaliar a adequação da ingestão. O software Statistical Analysis System foi utilizado nas análises sobre a ingestão habitual de iodo. Resultados: A revisão sistemática com metanálise indicou ingestão habitual mediana de iodo aquém ( 156,7 mcg) do recomendado pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (250 mcg). Já a ingestão habitual média das gestantes brasileiras proveniente apenas do consumo de alimentos e ajustada para a variabilidade intraindividual foi de 163,1 mcg, sendo observadas variações segundo as características sociodemográficas. O “sal”, incluído no grupo “temperos e condimentos” e no subgrupo “ervas e especiarias”, foi o maior contribuinte da ingestão de iodo e o alimento que explicou maior percentual da variação da ingestão entre as gestantes brasileiras. Apesar disso, arroz, feijão, leite, ovos e pães mostraram sua importância para a ingestão de iodo. A incorporação de covariáveis inerentes ao uso de sal e de temperos alterou as estimativas de ingestão habitual de iodo, especialmente a variável sobre o “hábito de adicionar sal às refeições prontas para consumo”. Pelo melhor modelo de ajuste a ingestão habitual média de iodo foi de 136,6 mcg, a contribuição do uso de suplementos para a ingestão de iodo foi de 19,8 mcg e as prevalências de ingestão insuficiente e excessiva de 60,9% e 0,1%, respectivamente. Conclusão: Os resultados reforçam a vulnerabilidade das gestantes à ingestão inadequada de iodo e alertam para a necessidade de ações específicas as particularidades desse grupo populacional, sobretudo para garantir o consumo de sal adequadamente iodado; o monitoramento contínuo da ingestão de iodo e de hábitos alimentares relacionados; e para a expansão das orientações nutricionais relacionadas à ingestão desse nutriente. Palavras-chave: Gestante. Dieta. Alimento. Consumo alimentar. Iodo. Deficiência de iodo. Brasil
Introduction: Pregnant women’s iodine intake data are limited in Brazil and it is expected that the intake of these women is insufficient to meet their iodine nutritional requirements. Objective: To assess the usual iodine intake of Brazilian pregnant women. Methodology: The systematic review of pregnant women’s usual iodine intake was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- analyses method, registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews and its meta-analysis was conducted on R software. The original articles are cross-sectional studies carried out with food consumption data of pregnant women (n=2,247) from the Multicenter Study of Iodine Deficiency. These data were collected using 24-hour recalls and entered in the GloboDiet software. Foods were classified into the food groups and subgroups of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool. Usual iodine intake was adjusted for intraindividual variability using the Simulating intake of micronutrients for Policy Learning and Engagement macro. Supplement usage, temporal effects, data collection methods, sociodemographic characteristics, and salt and seasoning usage covariates were used to adjust estimates of iodine intake and its prevalence of inadequacy. Food items' contribution to iodine intake and interindividual variability were assessed by the proportion of means method and by linear regression, respectively. The harmonized intake reference values were used to determine intake adequacy. Statistical Analysis System software was used in these analyses. Results: Systematic review with meta-analysis indicated a median of usual iodine intake (156.7 mcg) below that recommended by World Health Organization (250 mcg). The mean of iodine intake of Brazilian pregnant women only from diet and adjusted for intraindividual variability was 163.1 mcg, with variations according to sociodemographic characteristics. “Salt”, from the “spices and condiments” group and “herbs and spices” subgroup, was the greatest contributor to iodine intake and the food item that explains the highest percentage of interindividual variability among Brazilian pregnant women. Despite this, rice, beans, milk, eggs, and breads showed their importance for iodine intake. The adjustments for salt and seasoning usage altered the estimates of usual iodine intake, especially the variable on the “habit of adding salt to meals after preparing/cooking”. According to the best-fit model, the mean of usual iodine intake was 136.6 mcg, the contribution of the supplements usage to iodine intake was 19.8 mcg, and the prevalence of insufficient and excessive intake was 60.9% and 0.1%, respectively. Conclusion: This study reinforces the vulnerability of pregnant women to inadequate iodine intake and highlights the need for iodine-specific strategies, particularly regarding the guarantee of consumption of adequately iodized salt; continuous monitoring of iodine intake and related eating habits; and expansion of nutritional guidelines to optimize iodine intake. Keywords: Pregnant woman. Diet. Food. Food intake. Iodine. Iodine deficiency. Brazil
Introduction: Pregnant women’s iodine intake data are limited in Brazil and it is expected that the intake of these women is insufficient to meet their iodine nutritional requirements. Objective: To assess the usual iodine intake of Brazilian pregnant women. Methodology: The systematic review of pregnant women’s usual iodine intake was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- analyses method, registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews and its meta-analysis was conducted on R software. The original articles are cross-sectional studies carried out with food consumption data of pregnant women (n=2,247) from the Multicenter Study of Iodine Deficiency. These data were collected using 24-hour recalls and entered in the GloboDiet software. Foods were classified into the food groups and subgroups of the Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization Global Individual Food Consumption Data Tool. Usual iodine intake was adjusted for intraindividual variability using the Simulating intake of micronutrients for Policy Learning and Engagement macro. Supplement usage, temporal effects, data collection methods, sociodemographic characteristics, and salt and seasoning usage covariates were used to adjust estimates of iodine intake and its prevalence of inadequacy. Food items' contribution to iodine intake and interindividual variability were assessed by the proportion of means method and by linear regression, respectively. The harmonized intake reference values were used to determine intake adequacy. Statistical Analysis System software was used in these analyses. Results: Systematic review with meta-analysis indicated a median of usual iodine intake (156.7 mcg) below that recommended by World Health Organization (250 mcg). The mean of iodine intake of Brazilian pregnant women only from diet and adjusted for intraindividual variability was 163.1 mcg, with variations according to sociodemographic characteristics. “Salt”, from the “spices and condiments” group and “herbs and spices” subgroup, was the greatest contributor to iodine intake and the food item that explains the highest percentage of interindividual variability among Brazilian pregnant women. Despite this, rice, beans, milk, eggs, and breads showed their importance for iodine intake. The adjustments for salt and seasoning usage altered the estimates of usual iodine intake, especially the variable on the “habit of adding salt to meals after preparing/cooking”. According to the best-fit model, the mean of usual iodine intake was 136.6 mcg, the contribution of the supplements usage to iodine intake was 19.8 mcg, and the prevalence of insufficient and excessive intake was 60.9% and 0.1%, respectively. Conclusion: This study reinforces the vulnerability of pregnant women to inadequate iodine intake and highlights the need for iodine-specific strategies, particularly regarding the guarantee of consumption of adequately iodized salt; continuous monitoring of iodine intake and related eating habits; and expansion of nutritional guidelines to optimize iodine intake. Keywords: Pregnant woman. Diet. Food. Food intake. Iodine. Iodine deficiency. Brazil
Grávidas - Brasil - Nutrição, Iodo
SILVA, Débora Letícia Frizzi. Consumo habitual de iodo de gestantes brasileiras: perspectivas do Estudo Multicêntrico de Deficiência de Iodo (EMDI-BRASIL). 2023. 169 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2023.