Recordatório alimentar habitual para avaliação do consumo alimentar em idosos: desenvolvimento do protocolo de aplicação e validação de conteúdo e de face
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
A transição demográfica e o envelhecimento populacional são fenômenos que impõem a necessidade de discussão de políticas públicas voltadas para o bem-estar do idoso, a fim de preservar sua saúde e autonomia ao longo da vida. O envelhecimento está associado à maior incidência e prevalência das Doenças Crônicas Não-Transmissíveis (DCNT), portanto, a identificação dos fatores de risco é fundamental na prevenção e controle dos agravos. Dentre tais fatores de risco, estão incluídos os distúrbios do estado nutricional, uma vez que se relacionam à maior morbidade por DCNT e incapacidade em idosos. Dessa forma, a avaliação do estado nutricional nessa população torna-se imprescindível. Sendo a avaliação do consumo alimentar um dos parâmetros utilizados para elaborar o diagnóstico nutricional, são necessários instrumentos apropriados para mensurar o consumo alimentar. O Recordatório Alimentar Habitual (RAH) vem sendo utilizado para avaliar o consumo alimentar de idosos, mas possui como principais limitações não ser validado e não possuir um protocolo de aplicação para sua reprodução padronizada. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi elaborar o protocolo de aplicação para o RAH em idosos e avaliar sua validade de conteúdo e de face. Além disso, foi realizada uma revisão de escopo sobre o RAH, a fim de reunir as características do instrumento, que subsidiou a elaboração do protocolo e corroborou a lacuna do RAH quanto à sua validade e inconsistências quanto à metodologia de aplicação entre os estudos que o utilizaram. O protocolo de aplicação foi elaborado por três nutricionistas que atuam no Programa Municipal da Terceira Idade (PMTI), Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, e utilizam o instrumento durante o atendimento. O protocolo proposto tem seis etapas de aplicação: anotação do horário e local da primeira refeição do dia; listagem rápida dos alimentos; detalhamento quanto ao tipo e modo de preparo dos alimentos; quantidades consumidas; revisão da refeição junto ao idoso; descrição da refeição seguinte. Essa primeira versão foi testada em um estudo piloto com um grupo de cinco idosos e obteve uma avaliação satisfatória, portanto, não foi modificado. Na sequência, foi submetida à validação de conteúdo através da avaliação por doze especialistas que atribuíram notas em uma escala de quatro pontos quanto à clareza e relevância do conteúdo das etapas e do protocolo como o todo. Posteriormente às alterações propostas pelos especialistas, procedeu-se a etapa de validação de face com um grupo de dezessete idosos. Foi calculado o Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo final (CVCf) e coeficiente Kappa (k), considerando satisfatórios valores de CVCf ≥ 0,8 e k ≥ 0,4. O conteúdo das etapas e aspectos gerais do protocolo foram avaliados satisfatoriamente pelos especialistas, exceto a etapa em que o idoso deve elencar os alimentos habitualmente consumidos na refeição e as justificativas para o período de referência e frequência de consumo considerada habitual, onde a concordância em relação à clareza foi fraca (k=0,35), o que culminou na reformulação das mesmas. A redação do protocolo também foi alterada a partir de sugestões e comentários realizados pelos especialistas visando torna-lo mais claro. Já na validação de face, todos os itens e aspectos obtiveram alta proporção de notas “3” e “4” e excelente concordância. A partir dos resultados da validação de conteúdo e de face, considerou-se que o protocolo de aplicação do RAH é claro e representativo para avaliar o consumo habitual dos idosos. Dessa forma, o RAH está adequado para ser utilizado de forma padronizada em pesquisas futuras, agregando evidências sobre o consumo alimentar da população com 60 anos ou mais. Palavras-chave: Consumo alimentar. Estudos de validação. Idosos.
Demographic transition and population aging are phenomena that impose the need for discussion of public policies aiming at elderly's well-being, in order to preserve their health and autonomy throughout their lives. Aging is associated with a higher incidence and prevalence of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs); therefore, the identification of risk factors is fundamental in the prevention and control of diseases. These risk factors include nutritional status disorders, as they are related to higher NCD morbidity and disability in the elderly. Thus, the assessment of nutritional status in this population becomes essential. Since the assessment of food intake is one of the parameters used to make the nutritional diagnosis, appropriate instruments are needed to measure food intake. The Usual Food Recall has been used to assess the food intake of the elderly, but its main limitations are: not being validated and not having an application protocol for its standardized reproduction. Thus, the aim of the present study was to elaborate the application protocol for Usual Food Recall in the elderly and to evaluate its content and face validity. In addition, a scope review about the Usual Food Recall was performed in order to gather the characteristics of the instrument, which supported the elaboration of the protocol and corroborated the gap of the Usual Food Recall regarding its validity and inconsistencies regarding the application methodology among the studies that used. The application protocol was elaborated by three nutritionists who work in the Programa Municipal da Terceira Idade (PMTI), Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, and use the instrument during nutritional care. The proposed protocol has six application steps: to note the time and place of the first meal of the day; quick listing of foods; to detail on the type and mode of food preparation; amounts consumed; reviewing the meal with the elderly; description of next meal. This first version was tested in a pilot study with a group of five elderly and it has obtained a satisfactory evaluation, so it was not modified. Subsequently, it was submitted to content validation through assessment by twelve experts who scored on a four-point scale for the clarity and relevance of the steps' content and the protocol as a whole. Subsequent to the changes proposed by the experts, the face validation step was performed with a group of seventeen elderly. The final Content Validity Coefficient (CVCf) and Kappa coefficient (k) were calculated, considering satisfactory CVCf values ≥ 0.8 and k ≥ 0.4. The content of the steps and general aspects of the protocol were satisfactorily evaluated by the experts, except for the step in which the elderly should list the foods usually consumed at meal and the justifications for the reference period and frequency of consumption considered usual, where the agreement regarding clarity was poor (k=0.35), which culminated in their reformulation. The writting of the protocol has also been changed from suggestions and comments made by the experts to make it clearer. In face validation, all items and aspects obtained a high proportion of “3” and “4” grades and excellent agreement. From the results of content and face validation, it was considered that the protocol of application of the Usual Food Recall is clear and representative to evaluate the habitual consumption of the elderly. Thus, it is suitable to use in a standardized way in future research, adding evidence on food consumption of the population aged 60 and over. Keywords: Food consumption. Validation studies. Elderly.
Demographic transition and population aging are phenomena that impose the need for discussion of public policies aiming at elderly's well-being, in order to preserve their health and autonomy throughout their lives. Aging is associated with a higher incidence and prevalence of Noncommunicable Chronic Diseases (NCDs); therefore, the identification of risk factors is fundamental in the prevention and control of diseases. These risk factors include nutritional status disorders, as they are related to higher NCD morbidity and disability in the elderly. Thus, the assessment of nutritional status in this population becomes essential. Since the assessment of food intake is one of the parameters used to make the nutritional diagnosis, appropriate instruments are needed to measure food intake. The Usual Food Recall has been used to assess the food intake of the elderly, but its main limitations are: not being validated and not having an application protocol for its standardized reproduction. Thus, the aim of the present study was to elaborate the application protocol for Usual Food Recall in the elderly and to evaluate its content and face validity. In addition, a scope review about the Usual Food Recall was performed in order to gather the characteristics of the instrument, which supported the elaboration of the protocol and corroborated the gap of the Usual Food Recall regarding its validity and inconsistencies regarding the application methodology among the studies that used. The application protocol was elaborated by three nutritionists who work in the Programa Municipal da Terceira Idade (PMTI), Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, and use the instrument during nutritional care. The proposed protocol has six application steps: to note the time and place of the first meal of the day; quick listing of foods; to detail on the type and mode of food preparation; amounts consumed; reviewing the meal with the elderly; description of next meal. This first version was tested in a pilot study with a group of five elderly and it has obtained a satisfactory evaluation, so it was not modified. Subsequently, it was submitted to content validation through assessment by twelve experts who scored on a four-point scale for the clarity and relevance of the steps' content and the protocol as a whole. Subsequent to the changes proposed by the experts, the face validation step was performed with a group of seventeen elderly. The final Content Validity Coefficient (CVCf) and Kappa coefficient (k) were calculated, considering satisfactory CVCf values ≥ 0.8 and k ≥ 0.4. The content of the steps and general aspects of the protocol were satisfactorily evaluated by the experts, except for the step in which the elderly should list the foods usually consumed at meal and the justifications for the reference period and frequency of consumption considered usual, where the agreement regarding clarity was poor (k=0.35), which culminated in their reformulation. The writting of the protocol has also been changed from suggestions and comments made by the experts to make it clearer. In face validation, all items and aspects obtained a high proportion of “3” and “4” grades and excellent agreement. From the results of content and face validation, it was considered that the protocol of application of the Usual Food Recall is clear and representative to evaluate the habitual consumption of the elderly. Thus, it is suitable to use in a standardized way in future research, adding evidence on food consumption of the population aged 60 and over. Keywords: Food consumption. Validation studies. Elderly.
Alimentos - Consumo, Estudos de Validação, Idosos
VALENÇA, Silvia Eugênia Oliveira. Recordatório alimentar habitual para avaliação do consumo alimentar em idosos: desenvolvimento do protocolo de aplicação e validação de conteúdo e de face. 2019. 173 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Nutrição) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.