Influência do fago vB_EcoM-UFV13 no biofilme formado pelo consórcio P48SEP
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Universidade Federal de Viçosa
O controle da corrosão microbiologicamente induzida (MIC) é um desafio crescente no setor de exploração de petróleo e gás. A MIC é o resultado de uma série de reações eletroquímicas, influenciadas ou dirigidas por microrganismos, como as bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), que se acumulam na superfície das tubulações formando os biofilmes, ocasionando grandes prejuízos econômicos. As BRS são microrganismos anaeróbios que utilizam sulfato como aceptor final de elétrons, levando a produção de sulfeto de hidrogênio, um produto altamente reativo, corrosivo e tóxico. A principal forma de controle das BRS atualmente, é a injeção de biocidas, no entanto, esses produtos químicos não conseguem penetrar na matriz do biofilme e alcançar os microrganismos presentes, além do mais, são caros, requerem a aplicação contínua, e podem levar à geração de bactérias resistentes, representam um risco para os seres humanos e o meio ambiente devido à sua toxicidade e a persistência nos resíduos industriais. Dessa forma, há a necessidade de desenvolver abordagens mais eficientes e específicas no controle do processo de biocorrosão no setor petrolífero. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado o potencial do fago vB_EcoM-UFV13 em três diferentes concentrações (baixa: 10 4 UFP/mL, média: 10 8 UFP/mL e alta: 10 12 UFP/mL) na prevenção da formação de biofilme em cupons de aço carbono pelo consórcio bacteriano P48SEP constituído por BRS isolado de água de produção obtida da exploração de petróleo. Através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura, análise da composição química do biofilme e contagem celular por meio de citometria de fluxo demostraram a capacidade do fago em média (10 8 UFP/mL) e alta (10 12 UFP/mL) concentração de prevenir a formação de biofilme desenvolvido pelo consórcio, diminuir as principais biomoléculas responsáveis pelo processo de adesão e estabilização do biofilme, e também reduzir o número de células vivas aderidas ao cupom. Além disso, a presença do vírus foi capaz de alterar o padrão de expressão gênica de genes relacionados à formação do biofilme e genes envolvidos na captura, transporte e armazenamento do ferro nas células, assim como, os níveis de abundância relativa de proteínas relacionadas à formação do biofilme e resposta celular ao estresse. Este estudo mostra pela primeira vez a capacidade de um bacteriófago de prevenir a formação de biofilme proveniente de BRS, sendo uma alternativa promissora para o controle da biocorrosão em oleodutos e tanques de armazenamentos de petróleo. Palavras-chaves: Fago. Bactérias redutoras de sulfato. Biocorrosão.
Control of microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) is a growing challenge in the oil and gas exploration sector. MIC is the result of a series of electrochemical reactions, influenced or directed by microorganisms, such as sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which accumulate on the surface of the pipes forming biofilms, causing major economic losses. SRB are anaerobic microorganisms that use sulfate as the final electron acceptor, leading to the production of hydrogen sulfide, a highly reactive, corrosive and toxic product. The main form of control of SRB today is the injection of biocides, however, these chemicals cannot penetrate the biofilm matrix and reach the present microorganisms, besides being expensive, requiring continuous application, may lead to the generation resistant bacteria pose a risk to humans and the environment due to their toxicity and persistence in industrial waste. Thus, there is a need to develop more efficient and specific approaches to control the biocorrosion process in the oil sector. In this work, the potential of phage vB_EcoM-UFV13 at three different concentrations (low: 10 4 PFU/mL, medium: 10 8 PFU/mL and high: 10 12 PFU/mL) in the prevention of biofilm formation in carbon steel coupons by bacterial consortium was evaluated. P48SEP consists of BRS isolated from production water obtained from oil exploration. Through scanning electron microscopy, analysis of biofilm chemical composition and cell count by flow cytometry demonstrated the phage capacity in medium (10 8 PFU/mL) and high (10 12 PFU/mL) concentration to prevent biofilm formation. developed by the consortium, reduce the main biomolecules responsible for the process of adhesion and stabilization of the biofilm, and also reduce the number of living cells adhered to the coupon. In addition, the presence of the virus was able to alter the pattern of gene expression of genes related to biofilm formation and genes involved in the capture, transport and storage of iron in cells, as well as levels of relative abundance of proteins related to formation. of biofilm and cellular stress response. This study shows for the first time the ability of a bacteriophage to prevent the formation of biofilm from SRB and is a promising alternative for the control of biocorrosion in oil pipelines and storage tanks. Keywords: Phage. Sulphate-reducing bacteria. Biocorrosion.
Control of microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) is a growing challenge in the oil and gas exploration sector. MIC is the result of a series of electrochemical reactions, influenced or directed by microorganisms, such as sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which accumulate on the surface of the pipes forming biofilms, causing major economic losses. SRB are anaerobic microorganisms that use sulfate as the final electron acceptor, leading to the production of hydrogen sulfide, a highly reactive, corrosive and toxic product. The main form of control of SRB today is the injection of biocides, however, these chemicals cannot penetrate the biofilm matrix and reach the present microorganisms, besides being expensive, requiring continuous application, may lead to the generation resistant bacteria pose a risk to humans and the environment due to their toxicity and persistence in industrial waste. Thus, there is a need to develop more efficient and specific approaches to control the biocorrosion process in the oil sector. In this work, the potential of phage vB_EcoM-UFV13 at three different concentrations (low: 10 4 PFU/mL, medium: 10 8 PFU/mL and high: 10 12 PFU/mL) in the prevention of biofilm formation in carbon steel coupons by bacterial consortium was evaluated. P48SEP consists of BRS isolated from production water obtained from oil exploration. Through scanning electron microscopy, analysis of biofilm chemical composition and cell count by flow cytometry demonstrated the phage capacity in medium (10 8 PFU/mL) and high (10 12 PFU/mL) concentration to prevent biofilm formation. developed by the consortium, reduce the main biomolecules responsible for the process of adhesion and stabilization of the biofilm, and also reduce the number of living cells adhered to the coupon. In addition, the presence of the virus was able to alter the pattern of gene expression of genes related to biofilm formation and genes involved in the capture, transport and storage of iron in cells, as well as levels of relative abundance of proteins related to formation. of biofilm and cellular stress response. This study shows for the first time the ability of a bacteriophage to prevent the formation of biofilm from SRB and is a promising alternative for the control of biocorrosion in oil pipelines and storage tanks. Keywords: Phage. Sulphate-reducing bacteria. Biocorrosion.
Bacteriófagos, Bactéria redutora de sulfato, Biodegradação
CARMO, Adriele Jéssica do. Influência do fago vB_EcoM-UFV13 no biofilme formado pelo consórcio P48SEP. 2019. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Microbiologia Agrícola) - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Viçosa. 2019.